Sentences with phrase «testing provisions»

Some studies also tested the provision of written information about antibiotics to patients, and encouraging discussion with doctors about whether they are necessary.
Last October, Ottawa increased stress - testing provisions for insured mortgages, but the change may not have had the intended effect.
The Court's 21 September 2016 judgment goes some way toward resolving the lack of clarity of the animal testing provisions of the Cosmetics Regulation (which Advocate General Bobek's Opinion referred to as «not well drafted» and «not a paragon of clarity» (AG's Opinion paras 74 & 24)-RRB-.
Well, thanks, but no thanks to the No Child Left Behind legislation with its mandatory testing provisions and its destruction of bilingual education.
The federal agency could allow the state to simply implement the law and use comparable test results for accountability purposes, or the state agency could work with federal officials to use ESSA's pilot testing provision.
The regulations flesh out these and other testing provisions of the law.»
Work with the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods to assess new battery technologies, improve and modernize battery testing provisions, and strengthen packaging provisions for damaged batteries and recycling and disposal of batteries.
Last October, Ottawa increased stress - testing provisions for insured mortgages, but the change may not have had the intended effect.
It wasn't clear for instance, whether the animal testing provisions — which were in the Senate bill, but not the House's — would ultimately survive.
The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Los Angeles, is seen as part of a strategy by Universal to test provisions of a federal law that provides a «safe harbor» to Internet companies that follow certain procedures to filter out copyrighted works.
Nonetheless, it had numerous creaky provisions, not least of which were the testing provisions that held schools accountable for student achievement.
As the Senate and House of Representatives seek to resolve differences in the testing provisions of a new federal education law, some groups have complained of over-testing and proposed allowing parents to have their children «opt out» of the tests.
Implementing ESEA's testing provisions: A guide from an independent commission's requirements.
Nine of the ten corporate - donor STC programs, including Arizona's, contain means - testing provisions.
Moreover, this practice should not be seen as problematic in states with means - testing provisions.
Even if drug and alcohol testing policies and programs discriminate based on addictions or perceived addictions, the Policy states that policies and programs may be justifiable if an employer can show that the testing provisions are bona fide (legitimate) requirements of the job.
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