Sentences with phrase «testing the hypothesis of»

There's much higher levels of interest in testing the hypothesis of a deal's value in terms of technological transformation - skills, products, services, business models.
Fact: We do not yet know and can not control the variables necessary to test the hypothesis of «There is no god (s)».
What I would look for first, to test the hypothesis of intersensory prehension, is straightforward, reliable evidence of a vague awareness of presences (a feeling of feelings in the environment) in the absence of normal sensory input.
To accurately test the hypothesis of a lower risk of recurrence with HRT, a new study led by investigators at Brigham and Women's Hospital published in European Urology Focus, performed a systematic review and meta - analysis, pooling available data, to assess whether an improved risk of recurrence could be demonstrated using HRT compared with CRT, in addition to assessing the relative impact of these two treatments on bladder and rectal function.
How do you test the hypothesis of a Big Bang that did not start with a singularity?
In this new study, the researchers therefore used data from 46 experiments on grassland plant diversity in order to test the hypothesis of a positive effect of biodiversity on the resistance and resilience of ecosystems to various climate events, from drought to extreme rainfall.
Phylogenetic studies can test hypotheses of taxonomic definitions and evolutionary relationships.
Learners need lots of practice at formulating, as well as testing hypotheses and this problem is an ideal starting point for developing the skills of making and testing hypotheses of their own.
encourages kids to test a hypothesis of ice melt.
First, he says it's so obvious that C02 warms the earth that it's pointless to test an hypothesis of no warming.
We tested the hypothesis of bias in climate change publications stemming from the under - reporting of non-significant results (Rosenthal 1979) using fail - safe sample sizes, funnel plots, and diagnostic patterns of variability in effect sizes (Begg and Mazumdar 1994; Palmer 1999, 2000; Rosenberg 2005).
I can't think of anything better than this to test the hypothesis of climate scientists, the notorious ones and others as well, that CAWG can't be due to anything other than CO2 because we can't think of anything else that could cause it.
«That's important for understanding causes of megadroughts, and it's important for climate modelers to test hypotheses of climate forcing and change.»
But most importantly of all, and over the time scale that counts for testing the hypothesis of dangerous global warming, since 1998 the Earth has failed to warm at all despite an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide of more than 5 per cent.
Based on the fact that water expands as it gets warmer, NASA scientists at the Jet Propulsion Lab were able to test this hypothesis of «missing» warming hiding in the deep ocean.
We can also estimate the p - value of these components and test the hypothesis of a uniform distribution.
This ice sheet melted long time ago, but left behind geological evidence of sub glacial processes that now can be put in numerical models, to test hypotheses of how they may work in modern environment.
We can also estimate the p value of these components and test the hypothesis of a uniform distribution.
Application of the PNS - J is therefore desirable in future experimental studies that test hypotheses of the predicting or moderating roles of PNS.
To test the hypothesis of bidirectional specificity, there is a need to study also if indirect victimization is specifically (and reciprocally) associated with internalizing problems, whereas direct victimization is specifically (and reciprocally) associated with externalizing problems.

Not exact matches

What if you tested various hypotheses in a computational simulation to narrow the number of therapeutic formulas down to just a few?
A couple of B - school professors decided to test the hypothesis by reviewing employee promotions and sales records at over 200 companies.
It was Beane and his colleagues who suggested that a more concrete test of the simulation hypothesis should be carried out.
Instead of building the maximum number of features, founders treat their vision as a series of untested hypotheses, then get out of the building and test a minimum feature set in the shortest period of time.
«We make assumptions or hypotheses and run small tests before we build fully featured versions of a new service.
I have UX training, decades of experience, personal preferences, and career UX / UXD professionals on my team, and even with all these seemingly valuable data points, it only yields a UX hypothesis that must be validated with user testing.
While he retains his reputation as a boy - genius coder, in reality Zuckerberg is something of a grinder — a 99 % perspiration guy who has surrounded himself with a group of people he respects and with whom he is constantly stress - testing his hypotheses.
You try a bunch of different hypotheses, and if you set up the experiments well, then you kind of learn what to do... We invest in this huge testing framework.
Solanezumab, a drug developed by Eli Lilly that also acts on the amyloid hypothesis, failed some key clinical trials, though the company is still testing it in the pre-clinical stages of the disease.
Because design (whether of machines or institutions) is a process of hypothesis formulation and testing.
To be able to test that hypothesis, all of my participants worked for both types of companies, and therefore were in a position to compare the two.
Pure cold calling won't cut it, though — you have to use an experimental mindset that tests hypotheses with data, which in turn ensures that what you prove out is intentional, repeatable and (most importantly of all) scaleable.
We then test our hypothesis that African Americans» reliance on automobiles is a cause of their substantially higher use of Chapter 13.
However, companies fail with such opportunities when they blindly pursue the hype of these technologies, never truly vetting the hypothesis they are trying to test.
As a founder you are testing a series of hypotheses about all the pieces of the business model: Who are the customers / users?
Learning how to formulate hypotheses, develop effective metrics, and test our hypotheses are some of the most valuable things I've learned.
At a web startup, our board meetings were discussions of the real world results of testing our hypotheses from Customer Discovery.
We are building our business plans through testing hypotheses, and some of them are really starting to look like viable businesses: at least some of us plan to take them «live.»
«Although extensive choice seems appealing, research shows that it may hinder motivation to buy and decrease subsequent satisfaction with purchased goods... Using data from nearly 800,000 employees, we tested the hypothesis that employee 401 (k) participation rates fall as the number of fund options increase.
After reading Ronald's paper I immediately wanted to test the hypothesis that the model is good at predicting the 1 - day ahead direction of returns.
Science is a system of hypothesis testing and is created by man with is free will and free ability to think.
Science (by hypothesis, testing, theory, and experimentation) describes the natural processes of the universe.
Yes, part of the scientific method require assumptions (called hypotheses) but those hypothesis must be tested and validated with clear evidence to be accepted.
If it is not supported by the experiment, it must be modified to conform to the results of the test, or be replaced with a different hypothesis.
Science is about evidence and testing hypotheses, not blind belief without a shred of evidence.
The evidence is simply overwhelming and of various different types: the fossil record, the genetic code, experimental confirmations, structures in living organisms which are of no current use but once were, faulty «designs» that are explained by «blind evolution» but that no sentient being would create, predictions that are tested based one the hypothesis it has occurred etc..
To test the thesis of the power of prayer and the notion that learning is product «God's gifts» rather than humanity's strivings, pray for a proof, disproof or proof of the undecidability of the Riemann hypothesis.
Theory is a tested, proven conclusion (i.e. a hypothesis becomes a theory once it is proven or accepted as truth, such as the theory of relativity, computational theory, etc..
Don't allow religious philosophy to intrude into biology classrooms and texts, they say, for that is to soil the sacred precincts of science, which must be reserved for hypotheses that can be rigorously tested and confronted with data.
Coppedge had no business bringing his religious views into the workplace when the purpose of that workplace is to analyze data and test hypotheses using the scientific method.
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