Sentences with phrase «tests as prerequisites»

And insofar as their states impose graduation tests as prerequisites for receiving diplomas, the passing score is generally a cinch for these students.
Some Therapy dog groups require passing the CGC Test as a prerequisite, some insurance companies recommend CGC training, and an increasing number of apartments and condos are requiring CGC training for resident dogs.

Not exact matches

The form of argument in this presentation has emphasized several specific points: first, that the Asian values argument, as a challenge to the implementation of constitutional democracy, is exaggerated and fails to account for the richness of values discourse in the East Asian region - local values do not provide a justification for harsh authoritarian practices; second, that the cultural prerequisites arguments fail because they ignore the discursive processes for value development and they are tautological, excessively deterministic and ignore the importance of human agency it, therefore, makes little sense to take an entry test for constitutional democracy; third, the difficulties of importing Western communitarian ideas into an East Asian authoritarian environment without adequate liberal constitutional safeguards; fourth, the positive role of constitutionalism in constructing empowering conversations in modern democratic development and as a venue for values discourse; fifth, the importance, especially in a cross-cultural context, of indigenization of constitutionalism through local institutional embodiment; and sixth, the value of extending research focused on the positive engendering or enabling function of constitutionalism to the developmental context in general and East Asia in particular.
Five states — Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Oregon, and Pennsylvania — put on transcripts and honors diplomas students» scores on state tests taken in the 10th and 11th grades, but they do not use them as a prerequisite for graduation.
Dogs can be tested as early as puppies, but a prerequisite is required.
As regards the question concerning the relevance to be attached to the AECT, the Court held unequivocally that this economic test is not a legal prerequisite in order to find a rebate scheme abusive under Article 102 TFEU (para 56).
Certain vac schemes will require more prerequisites than others, such as the Watson Glaser test for Clifford Chance.
Right below, you'll find Google's mobile friendly test - passing it is the prerequisite for ranking in Google's mobile search results, so do make sure that all factors in this section have a Correct status as well.
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