Sentences with phrase «text articles available»

2) Bibliography: This section is a selected collection of bibliographic references on transnational law organized in alphabetical order, with some full - text articles available.

Not exact matches

Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at
To assess the robustness of the results of our regression analysis, we performed covariate adjustment with derived propensity scores to calculate the absolute risk difference (details are provided in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at, 15 To calculate the adjusted absolute risk difference, we used predictive margins and G - computation (i.e., regression - model — based outcome prediction in both exposure settings: planned in - hospital and planned out - of - hospital birth).16, 17 Finally, we conducted post hoc analyses to assess associations between planned out - of - hospital birth and outcomes (cesarean delivery and a composite of perinatal morbidity and mortality), which were stratified according to parity, maternal age, maternal education, and risk level.
This article relates to an amendment to Motion F23 at Liberal Democrat Conference September 2012, the text of which is available on page 18 here.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at
The Wide - Open system is available under an open source license on GitHub; it uses text mining to identify dataset references in published scientific articles that should be publicly accessible, and then parses query results from repositories to determine if those datasets remain private.
The full - text articles in the Science Classic archives are available in high resolution PDF format.
For articles made publicly accessible through CHORUS (and not otherwise available under a CC license), the Final Published Version will be made available for Text Data Mining, for non-commercial purposes only, to all users one year after the date of publication.
Ongoing Access Rights to Science Classic for Licensees who make a One - Time Purchase of the Science Classic back issue file: AAAS intends to retain full - text versions of all articles for all issues within Science Classic and to continue to make this database available to all current Licensees provided they continue to pay the annual maintenance fee.
For a limited time, the full text of this article is being made available for fans of Scientific American's page on Facebook.
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology points out that many journals already make full - text research articles freely available within 6 months or a year (the policy of Science).
In some cases the retraction was not freely available, or it was not linked to the full - text article in question.
Characteristics of the patients are shown in Table 1, and the inclusion criteria are described in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at
The complete text of this (paywalled) article from Geophysical Research Letters is available at
The article is available in full text for free.
In a reasonably - good - case scenario, if something goes wrong, we can always move to a free wiki host like Gamepedia, but to hedge against a worst case scenario, we plan to make regular full database dumps of our content available to be downloaded publicly (as one can do on both Wikia and Wikipedia); the dumps would contain the full text and history of all articles on Wikitroid, and would be enough for someone to bring the site back from the dead should the worst happen.
Introduce grade level text, concepts, raise essential questions, and facilitate discussion and debate by projecting an article or poll question to the whole class Students can use one of our many graphic organizers available to teachers, to begin the lesson, and then either use their tablet, go to their Center, or to the Computer Lab to re-read the article and complete the Five - Step Literacy Routine.
When full - text articles became available through CD - ROM and online databases, this teacher initiated his own learning of these technologies in order to fulfill the subject matter and pedagogical changes in the classroom.
The first Spanish - language encyclopedia available online has the complete text of the print edition - more than 15,000 articles - plus 6,500 photographs, 300 fact boxes, 300 maps, 270 flags, 150 sounds, and more than 15,000 Web links.
The full text of the reviews and articles are generally only available to members so for those who aren't here is what we wrote... (if you are a member you might wish to read the article in situ - if only for the gorgeous aerial photo of the submerged land bridge between the mainland and Sri Lanka:
We are aiming to devote a whole article comparing the most popular e-readers currently available, but popular features include text - to - speech, note - taking opportunities, easy collecting and sharing of quotes and backlight.
* Our Audio Training Library with insider advice and interviews about literary agents (text transcripts also available) * The Ask a Question area of our website where you can ask questions about literary agents * Live broadcasts (and audio replays) of our Radio Show with special guests, publishing industry executives, and bestselling authors such as Mary Higgins Clark, Nelson DeMille, and Diana Gabaldon * The Directory of Literary Agents with detailed information about all literary agents seeking authors * The Book Genre Dictionary with a list of all book genres and book genre definitions * The opportunity to register for 1 - on - 1 Author Coaching via phone or Skype from anywhere in the world during an introductory coaching session (there is a fee if you want to do that) * Email newsletter with insider Articles and Updates about literary agents
* Our Audio Training Library with information and inspiration to help authors of all book genres get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals (text transcripts are also available) * The Ask a Question area of our main website where you can ask questions about literary agents and the best way to write, market, or publish your books * Live audio broadcasts and replays of our Radio Show with special guests, publishing industry executives, and bestselling authors such as Diana Gabaldon, Nelson DeMille, and Mary Higgins Clark * The Literary Agent Directory with detailed profiles and contact information for all literary agents looking for writers * The opportunity to register for an introductory Author Coaching Call via phone or Skype from anywhere in the world (authors must pay a fee for that service) * More insider information, articles, and updates in our Email Newsletter
This year's online brokerage rankings were made available only to subscribers of the Globe and Mail, so on a number of levels, Qtrade Investor publishing the article in its entirety (with permission from the Globe and Mail) means that curious readers can find the full text of the rankings without having to pay for a Globe and Mail subscription.
The academy has a website (click further information) which features many thousands of pages of articles, original Dieter Roth texts, and translations that are not available anywhere else.
Tomkins did point out that some of the women who were Andre loyalists were former girlfriends, but at the same time if you read the article it sounds like «some feminists» thought he was guilty and would harass him if they saw him in public places — that is, the implications is that only feminists thought he was guilty, you know, those harpies, whereas in fact the judge's wording of the verdict (and implications in Katz's text based on interviews) suggested a relation to the judgement available in British jurisprudence but not in the US, that is, what would have been a verdict of «not proven,» meaning he probably did it, but in the end the verdict was «I have concluded that the evidence has not satisfied me beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty.»
There were three times as many natural disasters from 2000 through 2009 as there were from 1980 through 1989 (Figure 1 and interactive graphic, available with the full text of this article at
The first two are often readily available on the internet, the rest may require access to text books or journal articles.
Abstracts of articles (and sometimes full texts as well) are nowadays available free of charge, but finding the original source of each reference while reading the report is time intensive.
«The full text of this article is currently available for free, as it was published in the last 30 days.
Current usage metrics show cumulative count of Article Views (full - text article views including HTML views, PDF and ePub downloads, according to the available data) and Abstracts Views on Vision4Press plArticle Views (full - text article views including HTML views, PDF and ePub downloads, according to the available data) and Abstracts Views on Vision4Press plarticle views including HTML views, PDF and ePub downloads, according to the available data) and Abstracts Views on Vision4Press platform.
UK Guardian reporter George Monbiot featured that phrase prominently in the first paragraph of his December 12, 2009 «The denial industry case notes» article, claiming the text of the memos «has been made available online by the scientist Naomi Oreskes.»
Commenting on the recent National Law Journal article entitled When Hanging a Shingle, Solos are Reluctantly Solo (full text available in Cartier Liebel's post), Cartier Liebel writes:
A weekly index of articles from over 500 legal periodicals with links to the full - text available through Lexis or Westlaw, CILP is available 4 - 6 weeks before commercial legal periodical indexes such as the Index to Legal Periodicals, Legal Trac or the Current Law Index.
The initiative itself is an attempt to respond positively to requests from indexers and data - miners for full - text versions of articles, but without at the same time making human - readable versions of the articles readily available free to non-subscribers.
These are abstracts with full publication details but where the article is available full text on Westlaw there will be a link through.
Some of these will be full text but if the article is not available online it may be contained on one of the many other ejournals in Oxford (see Oxford Ejournals for more information).
Now because I'm an academic, I have to give you the opportunity to do some follow - up reading: The scientists on the expedition have published a surprisingly accessible article about their findings, «Lakeside Cemeteries in the Sahara: 5000 Years of Holocene Population and Environmental Change» which is available in full text, along with good illustrations, on PLoS ONE.
That's not to mention the Pocket text - to - speech article playback feature that will too be available on the Galaxy Gear.
Acknowledgement needs to be given to the final publication and a link must be inserted to the published article on Springer's website, accompanied by the text «The final publication is available at».
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