Sentences with phrase «text difficulty»

With daily teaching, the teacher helps the child climb the ladder of text difficulty with success.
Teaching reading to poor readers in the intermediate grades: A comparison of text difficulty.
This model evaluates text difficulty based on linguistic content (the percentage of phonetically regular and high - frequency words) and cognitive load (the number of times new words are introduced and repeated throughout the passage).
Linguists have for a long time used the technology to study what happens in our minds when we read in order to develop general models of e.g. text difficulty.
There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of text decodability vs text difficulty.
Measures of text difficulty: Testing their predictive value for grade levels and student performance.
These Appendices are arguably the most important sections of the ELA Standards because there the authors describe the degree of text difficulty that students must be able to handle, the features that need to be evident in student writing, and the kinds of performance tasks that will provide the needed evidence.
Determine how much frontloading and scaffolding is necessary based on the text difficulty and student readiness.
The Lexile Framework for Reading is a scientific approach to measuring both text difficulty and reading ability on a scale that was developed by MetaMetrics ®.
Cooperative grouping, project based learning, and other similar approaches may be beneficial in part because they don't lock kids into reading levels — but encourage work with grade level texts or with a range of text difficulties.
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