Sentences with phrase «text in your word processor»

Create your text in a word processor, then copy and paste it into your profile.
Or, you can go back to your original text in your word processor and make changes there.
Walter, you normally can cut and past data to a spreadsheet, just like moving text in a word processor.

Not exact matches

Some also come with exciting features such as one touch processing, optical character recognition, so that text can be edited in a word processor, and image - editing software that can eradicate blemishes or marks.
That is obvious in a broad and vague way when we consider some of the various ways in which we speak of trying (and often failing) to understand: We speak of hoping to understand the instruction manual that accompanies a new word processor and of trying to understand a novel like James Joyce's Ulysses; though both are printed texts, what it is to understand one is quite different from what it is to understand the other.
Even if we are trying to communicate the most rigid foundationalist doctrines we can conceive, by virtue of communicating them with such conventions as hypertext and electronic text through web browsers and word processors, we are transforming the ways in which such foundationalist doctrines can be conceived.
As anyone who has used them knows, text prediction systems in phones, search engines and word processors often get things wrong, sometimes hilariously.
Students can edit a project in a word processor, manipulate an omnigraph using its multi-touch feature or utilise the iPad's speech to text function.
Adults with dyslexia can succeed in the workplace with training and other written materials in an accessible format, restructured job tasks, and assistive technology, for example, text reading systems, reading pens, speech recognition systems, and portable word processors with spell and grammar checking.
Written language research in special education technology has studied the use of word processors, text - to - speech synthesis, word prediction, and spelling and grammar checkers.
You see, the default options in word processors assume you want to print the text.
I can edit, add, erase anything in the text just like a normal word processor.
When you've discover the fanfiction that you want to read, one option is to copy and then paste (normally on a chapter by chapter basis, the text into a text file or a document in your favorite word processor.
While it would be possible to define the text size in points, the way you would do in a word processor, in the publishing world it is oftentimes easier to use the alternate measurement of Em.
While turning on the display of hidden characters — a feature most word processors feature — might help in some cases, it obfuscates the actual text to the point that it becomes unreadable and you lose all sense of flow and white space.
In Scrivener — or any other word processor for that matter — you would select the text, turn on right - alignment and use the ruler to scale down the width of the printable area.
It can be read, written, copied and printed by any simple text editor or word processor on every computer in the world.
Word processors are almost by definition inept in handling text output that needs to be formatted for variable text flow — a feature crucial to a good eBook.
While you can do all your drafting and editing here, you can also simply paste text in from some other word processor and use this purely for its automated formatting.
Many people keep their browsers and word processors expanded to fill the screen — and as monitors get larger this can result in text being spread out over significant acreage.
I think it is safe to say that the central role of word processors in our lives has led to more text being produced and more paper flowing across our desks.
Use a fresh design: Most resume will look the same to employers, so you may want to try form your own using text blocks and header formatting in a word processor, making sure to steer clear of color for traditional jobs.
You'll have to tackle each of these problems in its own way as you find it — usually by deleting or adding spaces or line breaks until the text looks similar to the way it did in your word - processor's format.
Once you get a sense of which information to provide in the major sections, you may either format and write this document using a text editor or word - processor, or create a document in minutes by using this sample as a template for our resume builder.
Remember to justify all text to both the left and right margins using the alignment tool in your word processor to enhance readability and overall appeal.
Create a plain text version of your resume in a program such as Note Pad or by saving your file in your word processor with the ``.
If you cut and paste your resume into an email, make sure you go back and fix any line breaks or garbled text that result in you cutting and pasting from your word processor to your email program.
The optical character recognition (OCR) software that came with your scanner can scan and translate words into text that's readable in your word processor.
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