Sentences with phrase «textbook business»

I have also been featured in the Spotlight on Communicators section of the college textbook Business Communication: Product & Process, an edition that includes Oprah Winfrey, Colin Powell, Diane Sawyer and Michael Dell.
Amazon has ironed out an agreement with the University of Massachusetts to take over the schools textbook business from Follett.
Pearson intends to focus on their own digital textbook business and use over a billion dollars in modernizing.
Happily, Nook has a thriving college textbook business, one that has nothing to do with Nook tablets.
The continuing fight over Texas» lucrative school - textbook business, as well as over the information and images the books offer the state's schoolchildren, moved into a new arena this month as some old and some new combatants spent a Saturday testifying before the State Board of Education's ad hoc committee on the textbook - selection process.
The first was for state education departments that aligned their math standards with NCTM's and school districts that adopted constructivist math programs aligned with NCTM's standards; the second, for the development of commercial mathematics texts that also followed the NCTM party line, a spending program that now took NSF into the textbook business.
The economics of the textbook business are scale intensive: the fixed costs of writing, editing, and setting up to print and bind a book are the same, whether 1,000 or 1 million copies are sold.
It's symptomatic of the whole muddled mess that is the $ 4.3 billion textbook business.
On Monday, News Corporation announced that it had signed an agreement to buy 90 percent of Wireless Generation for $ 360 million in cash, its first foray into the for - profit world of education since its book publishing arm, Harper Collins, got out of the textbook business in the mid-1990s.
In its most recent quarter, which ended Aug. 2, Barnes & Noble reported that retail sales fell 5.3 %, while Nook sales declined 54.3 % and the company's textbook business was flat.
Any relevance it had was severely hampered by the introduction of the iPad, and was obliterated when Apple decided to get into the textbook business.
On the other hand, the VP of a major publisher told me that he would not want to be in the textbook business right now.
With the new and improved iBooks platform, Apple makes its way into the textbook business, not only offering an innovative way to design content for the classroom but also an interesting business model to make it affordable for schools and students.
She served on law review, was a member of the Brainerd Currie Honor Society and was research assistant for Professor Larry Ribstein, who wrote the textbook Business Associations (Matthew Bender).
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