Sentences with phrase «than god intended»

Our actions sometimes cause that to happen more quickly than God intended.
This confusion is reflected in the sentence at the end of this argument, in which he says: «I conclude that, on process assumptions, it is unlikely that the world of nature is radically different than God intended it to be.»
Someone willing to be healed will recognize Jesus came to give us life (John 10:10), so we must settle for no less than God intended.
I had claimed that, on his process assumptions, «it is quite unlikely that the world of nature is radically different than God intended it to be.»

Not exact matches

These days, for some people, the book has been turned into an icon for worship as the literal representation of God and rather than use it as intended it is now used as both a bludgeon upon intelligence itself and a blindfold upon those who hold it up as their worldly deity.
Indeed they do tend to be other worldy but at the same time — wise to the ways of the world and are no less human than what God intended.
And let us not underestimate the importance of friendship, for, as Hauerwas notes in his essay, «God intends nothing less than to make us His friends and, therefore, friends with one another.»
The parable indicates clearly that God intends to be gracious to all, far more than any of us deserve or can imagine.
these were not intended to lead anyone else other than enabling me to testify that God is alive.
All things considered together, Christ's miracles were intended to reveal that He was a prophet of God, and more than a prophet, He was the Messiah, and not the Messiah the Jews were looking for — one coming in judgment — but a tender and loving Messiah wanting to draw all men unto Himself.
Ogden stated in Christ Without Myth (1961) that he intended to express the «objective» reality of the event Jesus Christ more adequately than Bultmann had succeeded in doing, but that this would have to come in a later work.17 His fullest treatment of the problem thus far appeared in 1963 in his essay, «What Sense Does it Make to Say, «God Acts in History»»?
Maybe not «true» in the full sense of the word as God intended, but I am beginning to find «truer» community outside the institution than I ever found within.
It's the moments at home like this that remind me: maybe our homes are often more transient than we thought, and maybe God never intended growing up and growing old to be as hard as it can be.
Yes the 12 steps of AA are intended to encourage a relationship with a power greater than yourself and Bill W. did mean God.
It's no different than anything else that happens when man tries to improve on what God created and intended for man.
In such a world of sinful, broken unity, any participation in war is a compromise of what God intended and risks serving chaos rather than shalom.
The Christian can intend nothing less than these, for they have their place in the Kingdom of God.
Once again, it must be made clear that talk of enrichment is not meant to suggest that God becomes any more «God» than he always has been; what is intended by such language is simply that, because God is supremely related to all occasions, these various occurrences provide material for his fuller expression in relationship with creation and at the same time bring about an enhancement of the divine joy as well as a participation through «suffering» (or sharing as participation) in all that takes place in the world.
Jews and Christians accepted that God can inspire a deeper meaning than what is intended by the human author.
On a more sophisticated level, liberal Protestantism refreshed weary spirits with the announcement that all those ancient obscurities in the Bible were really intended to say no more than that we should love, forgive, be charitable, promote justice, and usher in the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God.
I personally, & I concede that my viewpoint is to an extent learned from my conservative Christian upbringing & influenced by my own sexuality, can not think other than gay sex between men is unnatural, that is, not as nature & therefore as God intended.
«I personally... can not think other than gay sex between men is unnatural, that is, not as nature & therefore as God intended
Previously, we learned that Moses did not intend to write a scientific explanation of how the sun, moon, and stars came into existence, but instead wanted the Hebrew people to understand how Yahweh was different and better than the gods of Canaan, Egypt, and Babylon, with which the Hebrew people were familiar.
Sadly the consequences of our sin remain we are forgiven but everything does nt snap back how it was.What God does do for us in rom 8:28 all things work together for good to those who love the Lord.So instead of remaining in our guilt and condemnation Jesus sets us free to walk in righteousness and holiness so that the consequences of our sin actually work for our good rather than our destruction.So what was intended to destroy us is used to give us life hope and a future.brentnz
The process of clarification will lead to the attribution to God of a more decisive role in creation than Whitehead himself intended.
Since Whitehead attributes this function to God, it seems that, to a greater degree than Whitehead intended, God must be conceived as being the reason that entities occur at all as well as determining the limits within which they can achieve their own forms.
I am no Scholar but, I believe God has the power to change prophecy the way that he did with Hezekiah, his intentions for a perfect people in the beginning changed due to disobedience so who's to say our men or intended leadership has overall been disobedient, and many women have been forced to lead and in that leading women have been more obedient.We all need each other if my husband was a pastor and I'm his help mate if he for some reason can't teach or preach who else other than myself would be the closest to him.I don't believe GOD changes he's always the same but, he does have the power to make changes and he does not need our permission to do so, instead of debating back and forth over our version of the Bible we should be sure we have the Holy Spirit and real relationship with GOD because he will reveal to us his truths but, please know he's not the author of confusion
Unless God is much more of an exception than Whitehead intends, God is concrete by virtue of being an actual entity, and being an actual entity involves both the primordial and the consequent natures.
Still, in light of God's willingness to have faith in his creature by intending these moral powers for man and limiting his own powers for the sake of giving man «space» in which to be more than a «robot» or a «puppet» in a «stage play,» and most especially in light of God's willingness to enter into the worst of man's human - historical condition via the incarnation for the sake of redeeming the «lifeworld» that man, by his powers, has corrupted through sin, the moral agent can ultimately affirm his or her moral nature in confidence that this «image of God» will not only not be lost but will continue to be affirmed and redeemed to the glory of God.
«10 Bonhoeffer goes so far as to say that what happened to Israel is more important than what God intends for me today.11 The Scripture has prime importance for the church as well as for pastoral work.
A man with less education than I have quotes a parable from a so - called holy book written, who know when, by who knows who, and tries to say that is what God intended.
And the overwhelming ratio to «lust» books vs. «gift of sex» books is because dealing with lust is much more prevalent in society than enjoying the gift of sex as God intended.
If we as Christians, as well as non-Christians look at how Jesus conducted Himself and loved so abundantly and fully, there is no other answer / conclusion, than to love and love all as God intended.
But it is also clear that Jesus intends to do more than merely announce the Kingdom of God.
(Back in the days before Yelp, diners had to complain to your face, the way god intended, rather than scuttle back to their homes to write a detailed and overly explanatory online rant about your dessert plating technique or lettuce temperature.)
Other than the shock event and its far ranging impact, God knows what ultimate mischief is intended here.
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