Sentences with phrase «than a certain mass»

In some cases stars are found to be orbiting an invisible partner, and if calculations show that partner has more than a certain mass, it is probably a black hole.

Not exact matches

It is difficult for those of us who have become even superficially familiar with recent cosmology to suppress certain fundamental questions: why is the world an evolutionary movement rather than a stationary, immobile mass?
The interconnected world of the «net gives EVERYONE the potential to find someone to see or hear what we do — a very different situation than what we're used to, since for the last century or two (since the rise of mass - distribution publications such as newspapers and magazines and ultimately television), we've lived in a top - driven media world that annoints certain people as «stars,» to be held up above all of the rest of us.
Professor Thangaratinam added: «Often with interventions like these, certain groups benefit more than others, but we've shown that diet and physical activity has a beneficial effect across all groups, irrespective of your body mass index (BMI), age or ethnicity; so these interventions have the potential to benefit a huge number of people.»
They found that the number of pairings with a certain energy — a little under five times the mass of the proton — was far higher than would be expected by chance.
Such an explosion, which would have more fuel to burn than a single detonated white dwarf, might explain certain bright supernovae that appear to be powered by an object above the Chandrasekhar mass.
We don't have a conclusive study regarding caffeine influence on muscle mass and strength, but an interesting recent study has shown that drinking coffee before a workout can help you do a couple more repetitions while doing certain exercises than not drinking it.
Reasons for failure to respond to the initial treatment may include prior treatment with methimazole (Tapazole / Felimazole), a very large thyroid mass, poor uptake of by some cats, certain drugs or chemicals, or a malignant thyroid tumor rather than a benign tumor.
Here, more than previously, Rhoades can be said to have attained a certain focus — on the similarities of two separate mass - market tourist exoticisms: fake maracas, sombreros; bogus designer handbags; Moroccan hanging lights and so on.
Genzken is focused less on the flower's symbolism than the possibility of conveying a certain shine and shape, even resembling the mass - produced fake flowers found in dollar - stores.
«All this was inspired by the principle — which is quite true in itself — that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily...» ~ Adolf Hitler
The IPCC has already concluded that it is «virtually certain that human influence has warmed the global climate system» and that it is «extremely likely that more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010» is anthropogenic.1 Its new report outlines the future threats of further global warming: increased scarcity of food and fresh water; extreme weather events; rise in sea level; loss of biodiversity; areas becoming uninhabitable; and mass human migration, conflict and violence.
Certain mass - volume (data farm) discount screening services are off - shored and performed by less - than - qualified staff using cheap, highly marked - up methodology.
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