Sentences with phrase «than a failure of»

It permits him to see the breakdown of authority in structural rather than moral terms: as the incoherence of a shared method rather than a failure of charity.
I think people relate more to the ideals of V rather than the failure of Guy Fawkes.
When in his disguise as an intransigent truth - teller he identifies this yearning as nothing more than a failure of nerve, he is not only being quite honest but is saying what he must if he is to keep up his own nerve in the touchiest of situations.
... Delight in smooth - sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts, desire for popularity and electoral success irrespective of the vital interests of the State, genuine love of peace and pathetic belief that love can be its sole foundation, obvious lack of intellectual vigour in both leaders of the British Coalition Government, marked ignorance of Europe and aversion from its problems in Mr. Baldwin, the strong and violent pacifism which at this time dominated the Labour - Socialist Party, the utter devotion of the Liberals to sentiment apart from reality, the failure and worse than failure of Mr. Lloyd George, the erstwhile great war - time leader, to address himself to the continuity of his work, the whole supported by overwhelming majorities in both Houses of Parliament: all these constituted a picture of British fatuity and fecklessness which, though devoid of guile, was not devoid of guilt, and, though free from wickedness or evil design, played a definite part in the unleashing upon the world of horrors and miseries which, even so far as they have unfolded, are already beyond comparison in human experience.
Its difficulty probably shows the continued prevalence of tactical voting than the failure of Miliband's «one nation» agenda.
Well, there isn't much news today other than the failure of the House Republicans to get enough votes on their signature issue of the last seven years: Repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.
Nothing more starkly demonstrates the parlous state of the Labour Party than the failure of its leaders (and almost all of its would - be leaders) to resist cuts in benefits that will drive many thousands of the most vulnerable into deeper poverty and despair.
This lack indicates something far deeper than the failure of report writers to dream up effective «carrots» or «sticks» to drive action, however.
However, since PCSA is expected to increase to a greater extent than anatomical cross-sectional area because of the compensatory effects of pennation angle, this is likely a function of methodological weaknesses rather than any failure of resistance - training to produce meaningful changes in PCSA.
There's probably no better case for the genius of Boetticher than the failure of Kennedy in each of his post-collaborative endeavours.
However, I believe it to be less a market failure than a failure of people to understand or perceive the market costs.
Folks are free to comment on what they like and, let's be fair, the hysterical irrationality of the trolls makes more people question the «official line» than the failure of the climate to behave as prophesied.
This seems to be an even greater blow than the failure of the global temperature to follow the models trend lines projected from the warming from 1970 to 1998.
The problems reported by David and Adam might just as plausibly be explained as classic cases of mistaken document identity, rather than failures of «track changes».
«The FASB should acknowledge the unpredictable nature of litigation, rather than a failure of disclosure, as the reason for surprises that users have complained about.»
Despite its name, the Moto 360 Sport isn't all that sporty at all, but that's perhaps more a limitation of Android Wear itself, than a failure of Motorola's good intentions.

Not exact matches

The owner has more to do with the success or failure of the company than any employee ever could.
Maybe they want to protect you from failure or afraid of you outgrowing them,» explains Helen Anderson, founder of Milkies and the inventor of patented products for nursing mothers with worldwide distribution reach to more than 35 countries.
The key to the Body by Science approach is to perform reps reaaallly slowly, keeping muscles under load for an extended period of time, and to keeping working until failure — which is even tougher in practice than it sounds in theory.
Just like how going on a juice cleanse will deprive you of valuable calories and macronutrients, going on a super low - calorie crash diet will set you up for failure rather than helping you drop pounds.
Rather than making an example of a failure, make it an opportunity for the team to learn.
Even more interesting than the 4.5 percent rule of thumb, or even its history, is when the failures for larger withdrawal rates occurred and why.
To become a destination for innovative professionals, take a cue from some of the tech industry greats: Google, Apple and Facebook know the key to attracting the best people is creating a space where creativity is rewarded, collaboration is encouraged and mistakes are seen as learning opportunities rather than failures.
But it's actually worse than just a lack of accountability, because rather than ding management for these failures, boards reward management for these missteps.
CR's analysis of the available government and industry sunroof failure data suggests that the problem is spread across the industry but is more prevalent in some brands — notably Kia and Hyundai — than their overall market share would indicate.
And to me it's likely more a someone than a some company since no one went to jail for the banking failure of 2008 and there continues to be public outcry.
Clearly this is easier said than done, but even if the business has gone broke because of our own mistakes, nothing can be gained by holding on to a sense of failure.
A stream of small mishaps — or systematic failures — will cause more damage than a single epic failure.
Joseph Bush, executive director of Worcester CleanTech Incubator, thinks «inability to recruit, build and manage a team of people smarter than oneself» is a big factor in startup failure.
Before you take the leap from employee to employer, plan for the consequences of a slower than expected take off, or even failure.
While it might seem natural that a huge failure would damage a brand more than a series of little ones, the exact opposite is true.
You need to keep in mind that at work they are generally more afraid of boredom than failure.
In the United States, more than 2.4 million small businesses are set up as a limited liability company (LLC) for the purpose of limiting personal liability and protecting the owner's personal assets in the event of business failure.
In one interview, he explained the power of failure: «I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.
Similarly, Hartz said she prefers to view the missteps she made along the way as «evolving forward» rather than a kind of failure.
More than 75 % of company retreats are absolute failures dominated by «circular conversations and way too much partying» because they «are arbitrary decisions based on a task and not a result,» says Alan Weiss, an organizational development consultant with a client list that ranges from JPMorgan Chase and the U.S. Federal Reserve to Hewlett - Packard and Mercedes - Benz.
Rather than a political failure, the decline of manufacturing employment is a natural economic process that many industries, like agriculture, have gone through in past eras.
More than a decade ago, Joey Wat at Yum China, was given the chance to take on a massive career challenge that had a high risk of failure — and her decision led Wat into the role she has now.
The biggest congressional setback for the drug industry this year — other than the advent of Martin Shkreli — has been the Senate's failure to pass a medical innovation bill.
That's not just because of Opdivo's failure — last month, Keytruda was shown to be better than standard chemotherapy in untreated advanced lung cancer patients with high levels of the PD - L1 protein, both stopping cancer progression and extending patients» lives.
«It may be that film or technology products are aiming for more breakthrough products or are offering more complicated rewards (a completed movie or gadget, rather than a band t - shirt), and are thus at a higher risk of failure,» says Mollick.
Choose to make moving forward with courage greater than your fear of failure.
Whether large or small failures, those people who have made it to the top tiers of all endeavors have experienced outcomes that were less than what they wanted.
«The amount of time people waste dwelling on failures, rather than putting that energy into another project, always amazes me,» the Virgin Group founder and chairman told The Good Entrepreneur.
Failure of prices to recover raises the prospect of even deeper cuts to investment by oil and gas companies next year and would likely result in Canada's economy remaining on a slower growth path than the 2.2 per cent pace we are expecting.»
Indeed, though an 2014 academic study of bridge failures found roughly 120 bridges collapse or partially collapse every year, most do so because of floods, fires and collisions rather than structural decline.
But as with the failure narrative, certain types of depression stories are more palatable than others.
The nature of the CEO role makes it much easier to learn from failures than successes.
But getting too far ahead of your skis, spending more than you can afford shooting for levels of unnecessary precision, setting standards that make no sense and add no value to your offerings, or trying to address too broad a set of needs and customers are formulas for expensive failures.
A report by the New York - based NGO China Labor Watch says the factories making devices and components for Samsung are guilty of a range of abuses: employees working more than 100 hours of overtime in a month; children under 16 working in factories; failure to provide safety clothing where appropriate.
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