Sentences with phrase «than a high school degree»

To work at the position of a retail stock clerk, it is not really important to possess more than a high school degree.
While some employers require no further education than a high school degree, most prefer additional education and / or certifications that indicate additional motivation and competency.
Meanwhile, 42 percent of the nation's 27 - year - olds have no more than a high school degree.
The OECD has estimated that 44 percent of American workers holding less than a high school degree work in jobs made up of «highly - automatable» tasks, while just 1 percent of Americans holding a bachelor's degree or higher hold such jobs.
Finally, the open letter with public policy recommendations says, «At least two years of community college rather than a high school degree should be the minimum educational goal.»
Holding exemption eligibility constant, scoring right below the promotion cutoff results increases the retention probability 14 percent more for children whose mothers have less than a high school degree as compared to children whose mothers have a bachelor's degree or more.
«Back in 1940 there were plenty of jobs for men with less than a high school degree.
According to the College Board, the investment in K — 12 education for undocumented students «pays relatively few economic dividends as long as they are limited in their ability to continue on to college and obtain higher - skilled (and higher - paying) jobs that require more than a high school degree
Being raised by a single mother raises the risk of teen pregnancy, marrying with less than a high school degree, and forming a marriage where both partners have less than a high school degree.
According to the latest U.S. Survey of Earned Doctorates, the proportion of new Ph.D. graduates who come from families where neither parent has earned more than a high school degree has fallen from about 31 % in 1992 to just under 20 % in 2012, while the proportion of graduates from families with at least one parent with an advanced degree has climbed; it was about 33 % in 1992, and it is now above 40 %.
President Obama in his State of the Union address warned that over the next decade nearly half of all new jobs would require more than a high school degree.
«In the late 1970s, the median wage was 40 % higher for college graduates than for people with more than a high school degree; now the wage premium is about 80 %,» it says.
Some positions may even be entry - level positions requiring no more than a high school degree and some customer service experience.
Educationally, the greatest number of participants stated they obtained a Bachelor's degree (35.3 %), followed by Master's degree (22.4 %), completed some college (9.6 %), Ph.D., law or medical degree (9.6 %), completed some postgraduate (9 %), associate degree (8 %), high school degree (4.2 %), other advanced degree beyond a Master's degree (1.3 %), and less than a high school degree (0.6 %).
Among women with less than a high school degree, only 19 % of never - married young women were using birth control «all the time» with their current or last sexual partner.
Consumers» expectation of missing a minimum debt payment in the next three months grew again, according to the survey, this time to 14.9 percent from 14.4 percent in October, and especially in households where the head holds no more than a high school degree.
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