Sentences with phrase «than a nursing strike»

Not exact matches

• If the strike persists for more than a few days, the baby may be more willing to nurse at the breast if the flow of milk is instant and constant.
If a nursing strike is related to baby becoming flow preference such as when breastfeeding is more difficult than bottle - feeding, what are your recommendations?
Other times that this can occur are if your baby sleeps longer than normal, if you are away from your baby and unable to pump as often as you need, or if baby is going through a nursing strike.
Probably the most important thing to keep in mind is that all babies, when calmed and coaxed and wooed, will come back to your breast, whether it's in an hour or an afternoon (if a baby is refusing for more than a few hours, see this link about nursing strikes).
The culprit was an underwire bra worn too long while using my baby carrier (like you, Leslie), my baby went on nursing strike at 4 months, and a couple of nights I got to sleep longer than usual and passed out in one position squishing one of my breasts for too long.
It would take place in coastal waters where whales calve and nurse their young — waters that already present greater - than - normal environmental threats to whales — including bycatch, ship strikes, and entanglement in fishing gear.
I'm sure I make less than they do because I'm «an MA and not a nurse», but what has struck me as quite odd is that while talking with these nurses and getting to know them, especially when we hire a new nurse that has just graduated themselves, is that my clinical training in school seems more in depth than theirs.
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