Sentences with phrase «than a participant»

Very simply those who drank green tea lost more weight than the participants who didn't.
The people became passive observers rather than participants in worship, and movement and gesture became the sole property of the priests.
I mean just walk us through that experience trying to look at this through the eyes of just trying to learn rather than a participant in the court system.
On the task with full body images, they took considerably longer — up to 50 % more response time — than participants with partial and no spinal cord injury.
If you have a link that tells the story in some detail (by other than the participants of course), I would be interested.
Those receiving the placebo pill reported less pain and rated other's pain as lower than participants who received no pill at all.
An origin story that makes players feel more like observers than participants.
The group that was taking caffeine reported significantly less pain than the participants in the other group who took a placebo.
The researchers found that nurses who consumed the most blueberries and strawberries showed less memory decline over 2.5 years than participants who did not eat berries.
The consensus was also significantly stronger than the participants expected.
Participants who had been previously offered a # 3 incentive to not eat any jelly beans ate significantly less sweets than the participants who had not receive a monetary incentive.
After five years, the participants who had more sensory disabilities at the beginning of the study walked more slowly than participants who had fewer sensory problems.
The researchers found that participants who ate fast food twice a week or more were about 10 pounds heavier than participants who ate fast food once a week or less.
Here, he's more of a catalyst than a participant, but he does a solid job in a supporting role.
The study found that participants who slept between each learning session in the study were able to retain the information at a quicker pace than participants who did not sleep between sessions.
There appear to be more protesters outside the room than participants in the room.
For potential partners with low mate value the opposite was true, such that participants with low mate value were more interested in making contact than those participants who had high mate value.
The researchers found that participants who shared grateful experiences with their partners reported more life satisfaction and happiness than participants in the other two conditions.
We did most of our cruising the day before the event, as we wanted to enjoy the event as observers rather than participants.
Overall, patients with synucleinopathies died about two years earlier than participants without in the comparison group.
Participants from the Netherlands and the UK appeared to understand nutrition claims better than participants from France, followed by those from Poland and Italy.
One study which lasted for 12 weeks, reported that men who were overweight who consumed forskolin lost significantly more fat than the participants who took placebo.
After a much - appreciated beer and a short and slightly awkward «cultural performance» (theater is always a little uncomfortable when there are more spectators than participants and you're not sure what the ticket fee should be), we retired early to gaze at the stars and snuggle on to the six - inch thick mattresses in our solitary tent.
In previous studies, the researchers showed that CPC program participants have attained higher incomes, and experienced lower rates of serious crime, incarceration, and depression than participants of other programs.
In PBGC - trusteed single - employer plans, PBGC can not recognize an early retirement age that is earlier than the participant's age as of his or her earliest PBGC retirement date (EPRD).
Participants who consumed five or more servings of nuts a week had a 14 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 20 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease than participants who never or almost never consumed nuts.
In the lifestyle modification group, however, even individuals with two copies of the variant were no more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than participants without the variant, the team reports 20 July in the New England Journal of Medicine.
For example, a participant from a low - tolerance state such as South Carolina (where 28 % of those surveyed feel that interracial marriage should be banned) has same - race preferences that are 16 % points higher than participant from a state such as New York (where 22 % feel that interracial marriage should be banned).
Participants who were single or dating did not differ significantly on age (Ms = 23.97 and 24.77, respectively), but both groups were significantly younger than participants who were married (M = 29.88, ps <.001).
During the day, participants who had the stevia and aspartame preloads didn't eat any more or less than the participants who consumed a table sugar - based preload, although they did consume slightly fewer calories since stevia and aspartame contain fewer calories than sugar.
Dropouts were equally distributed among the three diet groups, and had slightly worse cognitive function at the start of the study than the participants who stuck with the experiment.
Informing the participants that the presence or absence of persons other than the participants at a mediation session, including attorneys, counselors, or advocates, requires the agreement of all the participants and the mediator, unless otherwise required by a statute or regulation.
Mallen et al [1] compared Internet - based and face - to - face conversations in a randomized study and found that participants who communicated online felt less satisfied with their contact and experienced a lower degree of self - disclosure and closeness with their partner than participants in the face - to - face group.
Kilduff's research has found that participants who are asked to think about a personal rival before performing a task are far more likely to inflate their actual performance than participants who are simply asked to think about a competitor.
As it turns out, participants who'd read about the man with the simpler name said that candidate was a better fit for the government position than participants who'd read about the man with the more complicated name.
Overindulged participants were less happy than those participants who were not overindulged.
For example, in the first study, people who were told that other participants included coffee experts — a more knowledgeable group — reported lower subjective knowledge than participants who believed that they were being compared to teenagers — a less knowledgeable group.
Similarly, research on online dating performed by Alison Lenton and Barbara Fasolo indicated that participants presented with more potential partners did not experience any greater emotional satisfaction than participants presented with fewer options.
They found that subjects given the opportunity to select a course of action based on their own opinions (for example, giving a speech for or against teaching psychology in high school) persisted longer in a subsequent puzzle - solving activity than participants who were either given no choice or pressured to select one side over another.
The results showed that participants who watched the sadness video clip were less accurate in identifying colors than participants who watched the amusing clip, but only for color patches that were on the blue - yellow axis.
«The ones who had more activation in these regions and more connectivity between the regions showed fewer symptoms of depression in response to the election than participants who had less activation in these regions, even if they were deeply disturbed by the election.»
The participant's partner — actually a computer programmed to complete the exercise — always solved one fewer anagram than the participant.
Participants employed in care work were more often exposed to sexual harassment by clients or customers — 152 out of 2191 (6.9 %)-- than participants employed in other occupational groups such as education, service or industrial work.
Both teammates and outside observers rated proud participants as more dominant and as more likable than participants who had not been tricked into feeling proud.
But they report that seniors in Kaiser Permanente health plans in the West were more likely to have these three key risk factors under control than participants in other plans.
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