Sentences with phrase «than a party political»

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This notion is supported more by contributions to political parties than it is to economic growth.
Italy is currently stuck in political gridlock as its parties have been unable to form a government more than one month after national elections.
While NationBuilder and Rally remain bipartisan, Bloomberg reports that federal candidates and other political advocates have spent more than $ 46 million this election cycle on party - specific tech sites, including the Republican - leaning Targeted Victory and the Democratic - leaning Blue State Digital and Bully Pulpit Interactive.
Overall, I think my age brings more to the table than not, and the idea that someone who isn't affiliated with a political party, didn't have the blessing of the establishment, and who doesn't have deep pockets was able to get elected into a substantial government office is pretty exciting.
You can blame re-districting and party primary races for encouraging centrifugal forces rather than creating incentives to converge toward the political centre.
«Drawing on its economic strength and a Chinese Communist Party apparatus that is geared towards strategically building stocks of influence across the globe, Beijing's political influencing efforts in Europe are bound to be much more consequential... than those of the Kremlin.»
This is because America has one political party interested in raising taxes on people who make more than $ 300,000 and no political parties interested in raising taxes on people who make less than $ 300,000.
«For more than four years, the government of Ecuador has offered to cooperate in facilitating the questioning of Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, as well as proposing other political and legal measures, in order to reach a satisfactory solution for all parties involved in the legal case against Julian Assange, to end the unnecessary delays in the process and to ensure full and effective legal protection, Ecuador said in a statement, Press Association reported.
And we did it all legally together with the industry when we had a political party in Sweden called the Pirate Party — which was a real party, with more than 7 % of all vparty in Sweden called the Pirate Party — which was a real party, with more than 7 % of all vParty — which was a real party, with more than 7 % of all vparty, with more than 7 % of all votes.
party despite having served as minister of the economy in the socialist government between 2014 and 2016, made headlines for reasons other than his political acumen.
Under the current system of lax or non-existent restrictions on political spending, billionaire givers are at least as influential as any individual member of the House or Senate, probably a bigger deal than the chairmen of the two major political parties.
What began as a small, focused Enbridge campaign with northern First Nations grew into a political juggernaut that arguably contributed to the Harper government's 2015 defeat, after the pro-tanker Conservative party lost more votes in B.C. than in the rest of the country combined.
This would show that the Conservative government could be trusted to manage the fiscal affairs of the government better than any other political party.
Given recent economic developments (which suggest there will be no surplus this year) and global uncertainties, together with a commitment by all three major political parties to balanced budgets and no tax increases (other than the NDP), it would be fiscally imprudent for any political party to make new major election «promises» in the coming months without indicating how they would be financed.
This would lead to an arms race, in which political parties work to create partisans faster than their opponents.
During elections, all political parties try to «produce» numbers that show their proposed policies are better than the proposed policies of their opponents.
In fact, Grillo's party, founded only in 2009, focused less on euroskepticism than on a blanket rejection of the established Italian political elite and its way of doing politics.
«I think the real depressing result here is the increased perception that both the law enforcement and intelligence agencies and their overseers are nothing more than partisan political playthings for the party in power,» Steve Vladeck, an expert on national security law at the University of Texas Austin, tells me.
After retreating into political exile for a few months, the veteran political operator returned with a vengeance to lead the Wildrose election campaign that brought the party from the depths of the abyss to 21 MLAs, more than they won in 2012.
The smearing campaign should be directed at this political party rather than the NDP.
«Since the 2015 Alberta election there has been significant discussion about the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta and the Wildrose Party coming together to form a new political party,» he said, adding that the voting record «shows the two parties may have more in common than some critics have suggested.&rParty of Alberta and the Wildrose Party coming together to form a new political party,» he said, adding that the voting record «shows the two parties may have more in common than some critics have suggested.&rParty coming together to form a new political party,» he said, adding that the voting record «shows the two parties may have more in common than some critics have suggested.&rparty,» he said, adding that the voting record «shows the two parties may have more in common than some critics have suggested.»
The idea that individuals rather than permanently ensconced political parties should animate society is a foreign idea in Iraq and in much of the Middle East.
Yes, she's so right; government protects the wealthy more than it does the poor, despite standard political rhetoric from both major political parties.
As I imagine is similar in other faiths, it is hard for an active member of the LDS Church to publically maintain political views that fall more in line with the Democratic Party than the GOP.
No matter who wins, it's another sure sign of shifting political lines, in which political parties are shaped less by policy than identity.
Less than 20 % of Americans said they would be unhappy if a close family member married someone from the opposite political party and only 11 % said they would be upset if that person was of a different race.
The rich and powerful have a tighter control over our society, government and its foreign policy, both political parties, business and finance, the health industry, the educational system, the media, and the courts than ever before.
My Princeton political science colleagues Nolan McCarty and Howard Rosenthal, together with Keith Poole at the University of Houston, have done a statistical analysis showing that the voting behavior of a congressman is much better predicted by his party affiliation today than it was 25 years ago.
Inspired by Obama and undeterred by parliamentary scandals, as yet uncommitted to any particular party, but increasingly aware that few arenas have the opportunity to create greater positive change for large numbers of people than the righteous use of political power, he wants to study politics, philosophy and economics.
On Sunday, may we acknowledge the fact that the teachings of Christ could never fit into a political party or platform, that our faith is bigger than our decisions in the ballot box, and that aligning ourselves with power threatens the true message of the Gospel.
I think those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ and His teaching need to pledge our allegiance first to Christ and His kingdom and not to a political party — maybe more clarity will come if we all prayerfully seek the will of the Lord and allow that to influence our political leanings — rather than the other way around.
«A better, wiser person than me may have been able to deal with this more successfully, to have remained faithful to Christ while leading a political party in the current environment.
Organized around the political careers of Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and Newt Gingrich, the story opts to explain how conservatives took over the Republican party rather than explain why.
Think if a political party won a majority of congress (both house and senate) and the presidency and would not accept any other religious sect or beliefs other than its own.
It is said to be more political than theological, attached to right - wing American and Israeli political parties that wrongly identify the current Israeli state with the eschaton.Scholars at a recent conference at Georgetown made the case for a «new» Christian Zionism that takes a fresh approach to all three of these problems.
In a series of editorials beginning in the spring of «32, the Century envisioned and promoted a different kind of third party — a party without candidates, a party representing disinterested political principles rather than special interests.
«In 1949 there were only less than one million Christians, today after 60 years of non-stop persecution [from the political party that took over], there's over 100 million.
The use of and appeal to religious communalism is effective (at least in the short run) precisely because increasingly more people are finding a greater sense of common purpose in traditional religions than in political parties or secular ideologies.
Other perspectives have been available: a veritable host of historians — Paul Kleppner, Robert Swierenga, Richard Jensen, and Ronald Formisano, to name only a few — have demonstrated that American political parties have always been coalitions of «ethnocultural» or «ethnoreligious» groups rather than economic or class - based alliances.
If the church has no other plan of salvation to offer to men than one of deliverance by force, education, idealism or planned economy, it really has no existence as a church and needs to resolve itself into a political party or a school.
«They love it because it unifies people and it seems less political than when they have to make tough policy choices as head of government or brazenly political choices as head of party
A Christian Labour MP has received support from more than 100 MPs from across the political parties backing... More
Greg, to your response, Franklin Graham is not really speaking the truth but he is displaying political favoritism and his comments make him no different than those Tea party loonies who refused to accept the facts that Obama's citizenship is legitimate.
I believe that a pluralistic political process with more than one political party is more likely to produce liberty.
Overreacting, there are those who doubt that one person, one political party, and one set of values can be better than any other.
Did the Socialist Party have no higher political ideal than the victory of one class over another it would not be worthy of a moment's support from any right - thinking individual.
Not only do such actions represent a radical departure from past times in America, when government refused to legitimate ethnic - group rights and claims, but they also encourage a polarization rather than unification of our diverse population — a trend that can result only in the eventual creation of de jure ethnic and racial geographic enclaves and political parties, with the appointment and election of individuals mandated along racial, religious and ethnic lines.
But Christians are called to so much more than a list of issues or political party affiliation.
Grassroots Republicans know the party elites are giving them spin rather than solid political information.
It is time that our community, stops believing that a political party, who lives off of African Americans being poor and disenfranchised, really wants us to be any other than such.
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