Sentences with phrase «than a prophet»

He may have been a teacher of wisdom rather than a prophet.
I agree, it has more to do with non-profit status than prophet status, I think, but has nothing to do with international law / treaties.
«He lived one year less than Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
The «Birmingham Koran» fragment that could shake Islam after carbon - dating suggests it is OLDER than the Prophet Muhammad.
That men even greater than the prophets of old would be trained and equipped to expose these imposters is a promise found in God's word.
Introduction In the latest of my series of articles on global warming, I offered evidence that global warming appears to be occurring, but evidence seems The «Birmingham Koran» fragment that could shake Islam after carbon - dating suggests it is OLDER than the Prophet Muhammad.
Yet Luke portrays Jesus as something more than a prophet like Elijah.
Hence this prophecy refers to none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Jesus Christ is greater than the prophets, greater than the angels.
Art critic Murray Whyte wrote that Doeringer is «less heretic than prophet, putting the towering genius of a previous generation to its own test».
The prophet Muhammad and the Quran are essentially fiction written by misguided souls not much different than prophet Joseph Smith and Book of Mormon.
Jesus tells them that John was more than a prophet because he stood on the threshold of the kingdom of God.
I worry the modern understanding of God owes more to Colton Burpo than the prophet Isaiah.
We should certainly be prepared to find Jesus not less original than prophet or apocalyptist in his treatment of inherited material.
Structures are more designed for priests than prophets who are much more common than the rare breed of prophets in the world.
Knowing that I'll never be forced to visit the drabness of Coldharbour again felt like a relief, and Naryu Virian is much nicer to look at than The Prophet.
Words of Jesus which sound as though they had been uttered in such a mood can be found in the Gospels; but much of his ethical teaching is marked by the poise and serenity which suggest the sage and the long view rather than the prophet of an approaching crisis.
God's response to Peter is clear: «Jesus is more than a prophet like Moses.
Mehmed — when the name Muhammad refers to a person other than the Prophet, it is ordinarily pronounced Mehmed in Turkey and some other non-Arabic-speaking countries.
«El Greco's Library» examines his literary and theoretical sources, presenting him as a product of his own time rather than a prophet of another, in an unusual inversion of the familiar narrative.
But Doeringer is less heretic than prophet, putting the towering genius of a previous generation to its own test.
John, though more than a prophet, was only a forerunner and not a member of the kingdom.
All things considered together, Christ's miracles were intended to reveal that He was a prophet of God, and more than a prophet, He was the Messiah, and not the Messiah the Jews were looking for — one coming in judgment — but a tender and loving Messiah wanting to draw all men unto Himself.
If they went to see a prophet, they saw one, «and more than a prophet
It may even be possible to place him, from an authentically Christian viewpoint, on the same level as Jesus, insofar as prophet - hood is concerned (remembering that, for Christians, Jesus is «more than a prophet»).
The Spirit - informed faith of the Christian community, by that Spirit's deepening the insight of all men and women, brought about the understanding of Jesus as more than a prophet, more even than the best of all people.
«But One mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose,...» He, who is more than a prophet!
Who is more than a prophet?
He who says, Jesus is more than a prophet, Jesus is the Word of God — says, Jesus is not simply a man like us, but he is God Himself.
Man can never be more than a prophet.
If this traveler from Jerusalem is greater than Jacob, is a prophet and yet more than a prophet, the woman has but one category left: Messiah.
This is why Spinoza valued the philosopher rather than the prophet.
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