Sentences with phrase «than a rational one»

«You make emotional decisions rather than rational ones.»
Sadly a lot of investors base that on hope, or a yarn spun, rather than rational expectation.
Humans, more rationalizing than rational, have devolved modernity into rationalized lust.
Consider this: supposedly, something like 35 % of us have had transcendental experiences and these experiences resonate «Truth» in a way that is far more intimate than our rational / sensory - based experiences.
Democratic politics is the art of persuasion, which, however passionate, requires civility and diplomacy no less than rational debate.
Sounds to me like her «conversion» probably had a romantic motive rather than a rational one.
Many have attributed Rasputin's power to the crazed religious atmosphere of the epoch, but, as one scholar has pointed out, Russian religiosity had long been less than rational.
For example, there are more irrational numbers than rational numbers.
To obey Paul's command for your children means giving them more than a rational faith — it means also giving them a well - formed Christian imagination that can look at a starry night sky and see more than the infinite reach of empty space and the eternal stretch of endless time, that can «keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God» (3:1).
There is the anxious self which is something more than a rational soul dealing with a recalcitrant body.
Glover contends that moral reflection must move in an empirical and psychological, rather than a rational and religious, direction.
Charisma — elusive, fragile, affective rather than rational — is particularly difficult to maintain in a modern and secular society.
Authority and power tends to prefer the people be spellbound than rational.
«Rather than rational self interest being the basis upon which your micro-economical decisions were made, start to say, «What if the golden rule was the basis for our microeconomic decisions?
In other words, better be deluded than rational...
Yet more evidence that religions (not faith mind you) is populated by ignorant people who would rather use their fears and insecurities to rule their decisions than rational thought.
Greider, a senior journalist at the Nation, and Wight, an economist at the University of Richmond, understand that capitalism is more than a technical economic system and that it is supported by more than rational argument.
If it turns out that we are more than rational beings with interests, and that we make claims (sometimes angrily) based on honor and the need for recognition, then consent and deliberation that ignores more poignant spurs to action than mere interest will often fall short.
Unlike some sort of weird belief system, or «atheists» that many christians want to make it out to be, «science» is nothing more than the rational, logical observation and study of the world around us.
The American aversion to socialism goes deeper than rational argument.
The first is that it is fear based, which makes it more of a superstition than a rational approach.
It is not easy to untangle 20.000 laws and regulations of the European acquis; there are numerous veto players on both sides of the negotiating table; and under the glare of the media emotions will play a greater role than rational calculations in the process of bargaining.
13:27 - Cooper is doing well, but he argument is entirely emotive, rather than rational.
«The salaries are often determined more by politics than rational judgment.»
into problem - solving, plays a crucial role in learning and memory, and it's even better at making tough decisions than rational analysis is (New Scientist, 1 December 2007, p 42).
Mathematically, a black hole is a so - called singularity — a place where space and time become so distorted that the equations of general relativity yield infinities, rather than rational numbers, as solutions.
Yes, it is bewildering that there will be no «next shuttle launch date» as there has been for most of the past 30 years, but let's admit it, the loss now felt is more a visceral reaction than a rational assessment of where the space programme of the US and the rest of the world actually stands — and where it's headed.
We all use them when meeting someone for the first time, and research shows that interviewers rely on these more than rational analysis when assessing a candidate.
Dracos Vassalos, head of Strathclyde University's ship stability research centre, says this is «a panic - driven solution rather than a rational approach».
«I think it would be marvelous if this trial worked, but it really seems more like a «Hail Mary pass» than a rational therapy,» he says.
Therefore, it influences many of our choices in ways different than those the rational brain might.
But that sense is overwhelmingly emotional rather than rational, a sensibility and a sensation rather than a solution.
All three of these boast reasons to own that are more than rational justifications.
The decision to buy a Range Rover Evoque is certainly emotional rather than rational.
In short, Toyota wants the Camry to be something other than a rational decision.
Doesn't matter... stock prices can remain pumped on pure emotion longer than rational people can comprehend.
The problem is that many people make decisions that are more emotional than rational.
As a result, you may end up making emotional rather than rational decisions, something you don't want to do when signing a legally binding, life - changing contract.
Getting out of debt can be more psychological than rational.
They say people make decisions on how they feel rather than rational thought.
This dedication to mark making for its own sake and his ability to play with large monochrome colour fields atop denser and more intricate bold hues give birth to a mysterious image that creates space for us to wallow in, reminds us that there is more to the world than rational materialism, that there is room for the unknown, the inexplicable, the abstract and dynamic glory of colour and form.
First, denialists, who are principally conservative are tribal rather than rational thinkers.
Both James and Michael are insisting upon more rational presentation of issues and facts, but (especially today in our information - saturated world), appeals to values and emotion grab attention and impel action far more effectively than rational, Platonic discussion.
The last paragraph, however, struck me as obligatory Green cant rather than rational analysis.
What is more, since we are rationalizing animals rather than rational ones, we will merely confirm our prejudices by finding patterns in noise.
Dan H.'s promoting a notion unrelated to Kahan's study; Kahan did not compare rational to emotional approaches (nor anything to that effect — Dan H. appears to suggest concern (about climate change) is emotional rather than rational.
Because the student comments were so unexpected, my immediate reactions are more emotional than rational (if that is a permissible distinction).
Frankly — I think the inability to process these anomalies is suggestive of group think rather than rational cognitive processes.
In the end that is just pointless and childish «yes it is, no it isn't, yes it is...» argument rather than rational discussion.
There can be disagreements about whether HadSST3 is an improvement on HadSST2, but attributing a dishonorable motive to them would I think discredit the person who suggests it, and would be more typical of fierce blogosphere partisanship than rational discourse..
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