Sentences with phrase «than a replacement cost basis»

Most policies provide compensation on an actual cash value basis rather than a replacement cost basis.

Not exact matches

A representative of Revival, manufacturer of soy - based meal replacements, complained that «negative perceptions» about soy had cost the company at least one million dollars in sales last year, perhaps an early glimpse of a less - than - rosy future for soy.
The premium will be priced based on the same factors as any other home - the replacement cost value, the deductible you choose and other applicable risks - but it will be higher than if the same home were your primary residence.
A cash value policy, which pays for your personal property on a depreciated basis, costs less than a replacement value policy that will provide enough money for you to replace your items.
Because replacement cost value policies tend to pay out more (since they aren't based on depreciated value), they also tend to cost more than actual cash value policies.
When you can provide something authoritative that shows this idea can produce a replacement for fossil at competitive cost, provide the quantities of fuel required and the area that would be required, and show the basis of these estimates, then I may take you a bit more seriously than i do now (but probably not seeing as you don't even realise when you write mWh instead of MWh — repeatedly!).
The insured claimed in each case that the insurer's letter and attached «STANDARD REPORT,» when read together, gave rise to a legal obligation to determine the «actual cash value» of the property on the basis of a replacement cost less ten percent depreciation, an amount more than that determined due by the insurer and later by a referee.
Older Home Policy, also known as HO - 8 or the Modified Coverage form, is designed for older homes and historic homes where historic aspects and some structural peculiarities of the building make its replacement cost considerably higher than the appraised value of the house estimated on the basis of the present day market value of the materials.
An insurance policy clause that sets the value of covered property at the market rate rather than basing the value on actual cost or replacement cost.
The premium will be priced based on the same factors as any other home - the replacement cost value, the deductible you choose and other applicable risks - but it will be higher than if the same home were your primary residence.
Though, experts usually recommend insuring your property on a replacement cost basis because if you bought an item several years ago, its current value may be considerably less than the total cost of replacement.
Because replacement cost value policies tend to pay out more (since they aren't based on depreciated value), they also tend to cost more than actual cash value policies.
Property, Liability, Rent And Flood Insurance: As a condition to funding, Borrower must furnish an all - risk or special risk property insurance policy with a replacement cost endorsement or replacement cost valuation basis section with no more than a $ 10,000.00 deductible and no terrorism exclusions, and a comprehensive general liability policy in amounts and with terms acceptable to Lender.
A cash value policy, which pays for your personal property on a depreciated basis, costs less than a replacement value policy that will provide enough money for you to replace your items.
Collision and comprehensive coverages pay you for vehicle repairs and replacement based on the cost of your vehicle, and if your vehicle is not worth more than you can afford to cover the coverage may need to be lowered.
Replacement Cost settlements and the basis of claims payment are far more reasonable than the actual cash value settlement.
Rather than being on the hook for things like repair, replacement costs and even medical bills, you pay a car insurance premium to your insurance provider and they will help cover the costs based upon the coverage and limits you choose.
A specific kind of renters insurance that insures for actual replacement cost rather than based on the calculation of the depreciated cash value or market value.
A specific form of renters insurance personal property protection that insures for actual replacement cost rather than based on any calculation of depreciated actual cash value or market value.
HOA It means our policy is based on actual value rather than replacement cost.
Even if the insurance you chose to purchase was only based on actual cash value and not on replacement cost coverage, you still would be much better off than you would with no coverage at all if you lost everything in a catastrophic claim.
If the report asserts that the loss would likely be less than 20 % of the building's replacement cost, then the underwriting decision will normally be based on basic business principles.
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