Sentences with phrase «than a simple calorie»

Instead, the findings, published this week in Nature1, suggest that genetics and dietary composition matter more for longevity than a simple calorie count.
Leptin resistance and its related problems are a complex problem involving the endocrine system and reversing them requires more than simple calorie restriction or will power.
of processes simultaneously, we have to be aware that there are more variables at play than the simple calorie.
It is more important to focus on the quality and health of food rather than a simple calorie number.
When used to its potential, it is designed to be much more than a simple calorie or step counting app.

Not exact matches

Realizing that a tea - based drink would be less sweet than soda, and that less sweetener meant not only fewer calories for the consumer but cheaper production for the manufacturer, he co-founded Honest Tea in 1998 to take advantage of that simple fact.
Almond milk also has no saturated fat or simple sugars, and it's been shown to lower cholesterol and has significantly fewer calories than both skimmed milk and soy milk.
You can also do some simple yoga poses in the house for a few minutes or even dance because burning a few calories is better than not burning any.
Your weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight.
In refrence to the first post juice is also just another simple sugar, and really not much more than empty calories.
«I don't think the option is as simple as just «elephants or fire»,» he says, pointing out that some hominins in places like Europe clearly managed to get enough calories from raw game other than elephants or mammoths.
The number one reason for muscle loss while doing cardio training is probably low consumption of calories.This is simple math, if you burn way more calories than you consume you will lose weight.The body breaks muscle protein to conserve energy.
For decades, doctors have been assuring patients struggling with their weight that the formula for losing pounds is simple: Just burn more calories than you take in.
«At the very heart of weight loss is a simple equation: calories in versus calories out; burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight,» says Robinson.
Eating for size is really a simple math — you need to eat MORE calories than you burn every single day.
The simplest way to achieve fat loss is to create a caloric deficit by continuously expending more calories than you consume.
The human body is a complex equation, but for a lot the equation of weight loss is a very simple: Burn more calories than you consume.
The one simple rule that everybody tends to overlook is that to lose weight you have to consume less calories than you burn.
Simple: When your body needs energy because you're consuming fewer calories than you are burning (an energy deficit), then your body releases hormones and enzymes that signal your fat cells to release your fat reserves instead of keeping them in storage.
One of the simplest truths behind losing fat is that the number of calories you're burning should be higher than the calories you consume.
The basics of weight gain are simple, you have to eat more calories than what your body burns in a day.
Weight loss is a very easy goal to achieve because it only requires that you follow a simple equation i.e. use more calories than you put in.
And the simple reality is this: it absolutely does not matter how «healthy» your diet is or whether you're eating nothing but plain chicken breast, oatmeal and broccoli all day long... if the total number of calories you consume is equal to or greater than the total number of calories that you burn, you are NOT going to lose an ounce of fat, period.
The physiology of fat loss is pretty simple — if you burn more calories than you take in, you tap into stored fat to make up the difference.
Rather than the simple balancing scale of calories in calories out, it appears that our body acts much more like a thermostat.
To put it in the simplest of weight loss terms: if you eat more calories than your body can burn, you'll gain weight.
Sort of... I mean, you already know that weight loss is a simple equation of burning more calories than you are eating.
Perfect Snack Foods Losing weight — in simple terms — is burning more calories than you are taking in.
The simple truth is that the animal - oriented agricultural system as it has evolved over two centuries in America makes a more efficient use of available land to provide essential, high - quality protein, with fewer surplus calories, and at a lower cost, than any other system that has presently been devised.
Newborn babies up until 6 - 8 months will most likely not do a simple fast as they are rapidly growing and their bodies need more calories than their small stomachs can handle during a 12 hour feeding period.
When you break it down, it's pretty simple; getting lean and ripped comes down to burning more calories than you consume in a day.
Gaining weight seems like a simple equation — just eat more calories than you burn — but doing it healthfully is a bit more complex.
I have not seen a breakdown of the calories eaten, but since they eat more fish and fibrous vegetables than their mainland counterparts and lower calories, simple logic could conclude that they eat fewer non-fiber carbohydrates, which, along with reduced stress, may account for their increased average lifespan.
The weight loss equation is simple: calories in versus calories out meaning consume fewer calories than you expend, i.e. you need a calorie deficit done in a healthy way.
There are a wide variety of exercises you can do but the key to losing weight through exercise is simple — you must burn more calories than you consume.
This article explores the notion that the simple equation of eating fewer calories than the amount you spend each day is the only determinant when it comes to weight loss or gain.
We've been told time and time again that the key to weight loss is very simple... Consume Less Calories Than You Burn It's simple math we are told.
None of the other studies looked at populations consuming less than 10 % of calories from protein, for the simple reason that only about 1 % of the population eats this way.
Its a simple input to output ratio, and if you're eating less calories than you're burning off, either through natural metabolism or exercise, you won't put on pounds.
Despite its complexity, the risk of suffering heart disease can be lowered with a simple dietary change: by lowering carbs to less than 45 % of total calories and with a ketogenic diet (15, 16).
It's simple — high GI foods DO N'T necessarily make you fat — choosing natural foods and burning more calories than you consume are far more important factors.
These numbers are simple to compare with your workout program, so you can ensure you're taking in fewer calories than you're burning.
This may seem like a simple thing from the surface but with our waist lines expanding more than ever and our health risks increasing each year, we ought to start worrying about these hidden calories.
The simple act of chewing and digesting solid food burns more calories than drinking them does as well.
The principles are simple: consume less calories than you burn, get a good balance of macronutrients.
Digesting complex, high - fiber carbohydrates like high - fiber vegetables and cereals burn more calories than simple carbohydrates.
Calorie counting is simple in theory but when put in practice, it's a little harder than it looks.
From a purely physiological point of view, weight loss is simple — take in less calories than you burn off each day and your body will sacrifice some of its stored fat to make up the difference.
In theory, weight loss is simple: burn more calories than you consume.
The key to a successful healthy diet plan involves a simple equation: You eat fewer calories than what your body burn, you lose unwanted fats; you eat calories more than what your body can burn, you gain more weight.
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