Sentences with phrase «than a sports drink»

It has fewer calories, less sodium, and more potassium than a sports drink.
Even some «healthy» beverages like coconut water have more sugar than a sports drink.
Coconut water has more potassium and nutrients than sports drinks so if you can add a little something to make it taste better, it's perfect to have on - hand for athletes.
Coconut water may be better at replacing lost fluids than a sports drink or water — as long as you enjoy the taste.
If you want to optimize health and athletic performance, there are far better options than sports drinks.
Coconut water contains more potassium than sports drinks and more natural sources of sodium.
«It helps relieve muscle cramps and fatigue» — Natural News; March 2017; Why Pickle Juice is better than every sports drink on the market
Energy drinks are not sports drinks: they contain higher concentrations of carbohydrate (usually 9 - 10 %) and calories than a sports drink, and high amounts of caffeine, both «natural» (from herbs and untested nutritional supplements) and synthetic, which aren't in sports drinks.
According to a study led by an Indiana researcher, chocolate milk post-exercise speeds recovery and is more effective than sports drinks at increasing endurance in a (subsequent) exercise session.
These cold - pressed juices made from watermelon flesh and rind, contain potassium, amino acid, lycopene, and more electrolytes than sports drinks.
In fact, teeth exposed to energy drinks were stripped of more enamel than sports drinks, according to a General Dentistry study.
The participants also comment that coconut water causes less nausea and stomach discomfort than sports drinks.
Energy drinks may include simple carbohydrates, but in a much higher concentration than sports drinks and are thus more likely to cause stomach upset during competition.
I have no idea how protein affects muscle synthesis or recovery, but I found that when I switched to a drink with protein, after 4 hours of hard racing on the bike, I didn't feel like I had a hole in the stomach wanting to eat something other than sports drink.
Coconut water is loaded with potassium - it actually contains 15 times more potassium than a sports drink or twice as much as a banana, so it makes for a great hangover fixer.
It uses coconut water which contains enzymes and minerals that replenish you far better than a sports drink.
Coconut water also has less sugar than sports drinks, and also has much less sugar than fruit juices or regular sodas, making it the healthiest choice of the three.
For example, better than sports drinks, coconut water provides athletes a natural potassium and magnesium - rich drink that rehydrates the body while reducing inflammation and balancing blood sugar.
There are studies that show that it will give you endurance during your workout even more than a sports drink would but without all of the crappy additives — try adding some to your water bottle when you work out.
It has fewer calories, less sodium, and more potassium than a sports drink.
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