Sentences with phrase «than a thriller»

The show is way more than a thriller — although it could stand tall if it were just that.
More drama than thriller, the movie does a slightly better job with period detail than with character building.
It was well written as a piece of literature, more than a thriller, yet had the components of a thriller.
I've recently started a new series, cosy mystery rather than thriller and I wonder whether there is much crossover between readerships.
The romance works rather better than the thriller element, as the plot becomes so convoluted and melodramatic it gets rather silly and never seems to be sure whether to takes itself seriously or not.
With a barrage of title - card identifications, «6 Days» can feel closer to a re-enactment than a thriller.
Based on the trailer, Hotel Artemis has a wry sense of humor similar to Iron Man 3's and is more of a satirical sci - fi action / comedy than thriller.
More character study than thriller (the title means «revenge»), this slow - burning Austrian film effectively holds our interest with its unpredictable plot, even though it's not easy to care where it's going.Tamara (Potapenko) is a Ukrainian...
The comedy elements here work far better than the thriller ones
The real - time narrative unfolds almost lazily in its opening scenes, more charming hang - out movie than thriller.
Knowing John more as a comedian than a thriller / horror guy, I was very intrigued to see how he handled the genre.
Meticulously researched, and adhering to absolute realism with hand - held camerawork, use of non-pro actors like Porter, and canny cross-cutting — more similar to Greengrass» «United 93» than anything else — means the film lands closer to a docudrama than a thriller (although we like to think that making the protagonist a ship's cook is a nod to another nautical hijack thriller, «Under Siege.»)
by Walter Chaw As executed by our pre-eminent insect anthropologist, David Cronenberg's Eastern Promises is more fairytale than thriller, one that finds new muse Viggo Mortensen as Nikolai, the rising star of an émigré Russian mob family taken root in the heart of London within the red velvet - lined walls of a restaurant innocuously - / romantically - named «Trans - Siberian.»
Based on a novel by Ruth Rendell (whose books also inspired Claude Chabrol «s «La Ceremonie» and «The Bridesmaid,» and Pedro Almodovar «s «Live Flesh «-RRB-, it seems to be closer to a melodrama than a thriller, with comparisons already drawn to Douglas Sirk and George Cukor, which marks an interesting departure for the genre - hopping Ozon.
I had to make a choice between my eleven books, which range from more thriller than sci - fi to more sci - fi than thriller, when I placed some targeted ads recently in promotional material for the Montclair Film Festival.
Suspense fiction is less detailed / gory than thrillers.
Rose Gold is more a mystery of connections than a thriller, with a constant, steady pace that picks up toward the climax of the novel.
While Room is more drama than thriller, its ability to provoke emotion and adrenaline make it a persuasive and poignant Oscar contender.
The source material is a pretty lacklustre book; the content is good, but it has been said to read like a UN report on a zombie invasion, rather than a thriller.
And then, at some point I'll have to re-design my author website, still under my name, but with a branding that allows for more than thrillers.
More than a thriller, this adaptation of Jose Saramago's novel The Double is an absurdist - existential mood piece — and a very dark mood it is.
While there are the occasional flashes of violence, including a quite graphic rape scene, most of Rage is more a drama than a thriller and even the presence of Ken Watanabe was not enough to bring me fully into this long, slow, and sometimes confusing film.
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