Sentences with phrase «than any labor pains»

Eve, of course, had a lot more to think about than labor pains.
The pain from my fever was worse than any labor pains I ever had.

Not exact matches

A man going to a hospital complaining of labor pains should absolutely be treated differently than a woman, for obvious reasons.
I had a c - section after 25 hrs of labor when her heartbeat plummeted from and I wouldn't even take medicine stronger than advil or tylenol for the pain because i was so set on breastfeeding her and didn't want her exposed to the strong pain meds.
Cheryl says the pain she experienced during labor with Pitocin was intense but no different than her previous natural birth.
Please show me where induced labor pains are worse than spontaneous labor pains of the same frequency!
No scrambling for sitters, no racing in the middle of the night, no pain, easy recovery — oh SO much easier than combo labor and cs.
There absolutely were other options than merely regional anesthesia when it came to addressing the pain of labor.
I think there are a lot more nutso's in the cohort who want a planned home birth than in the cohort who requests a planned (elective) C - section — no birth is «elective», but the cohort who wants to preserve perineal strength and function while avoiding the pain of labor and the risk of labor on the baby should have their autonomy acknowledged.
I walked (haha «walked») a lot with my husband and also was on an elliptical at the gym 5 days a week (which caused considerably less pain and discomfort than walking because I had severe pubis symphysis dysfunction), but I wouldn't say it was done to start labor.
Pushing was a lot better than labor because I felt like I was actually doing something and had a goal to concentrate on besides just trying not to die of the pain.
Doctors do great disservice by telling women they will likely not be able to handle the pain, and quickly offer a «way out» (that carries the risk of a needle hitting a nerve and causing more long term pain than fully feeling a one or two day labor).
Plus, when your body is undergoing forced labor through induction, it could go on longer than natural labor would - prolonging the pain!
ABBY LACEY: So, and preferably sooner than later we want labor to be shorter than longer ideally; so relaxation can make a difference, not only in how long your labor takes but your overall experience of the labor because the more you kind of fight the discomfort and the pain, the more discomfort and pain you're going to have.
If a woman didn't have back labor (more pain in her back than in her abdomen), the provider may not have been «clued into» baby's position.
Greater information and research on what can make for an easier labor and pain management experience also means women are more in control than ever of their personal comforts during childbirth.
The experience of labor pain varies widely, just like menstrual cramps, which can be more severe for one woman than the next, or from one period to the next.
More than 50 percent of all women will receive an epidural to control their pain during labor and delivery, according to the American Pregnancy Association.
When the baby remains in a posterior position (5.5 % of labors), the mother is more likely to experience a longer than average labor (both first and second stages); the use of synthetic oxytocin to augment (speed up) labor; epidural for pain relief and a cesarean surgery.
This may sound counter-intuitive, but women who used epidural pain relief have less positive feelings about their birth experience than women who use no medical pain relief.7, 8 No matter what methods of pain relief a woman used, low levels of pain have not been found to be associated with high levels of enjoyment during labor.9 So what matters for a good birth experience?
In a 2005 study of nearly 700 women in labor, moms whose babies were in this «sunny - side up» position when they were admitted to the hospital were no more likely to complain of back labor or more intense pain at that time than those whose babies were facing down or sideways.
Some of the astonishing statistics include, a 50 % reduction in use of pain medication, about a 30 % faster than average first stage of labor, and a significant reduction in the use of an epidural, forceps, vacuum extraction, an episiotomy, and likelihood of a surgical birth.
Jones, Carl MIND OVER LABOR Penguin, 1988 How women can use mental imagery during pregnancy and labor to reduce fear and pain, relying on inner resources rather than a rigid technLABOR Penguin, 1988 How women can use mental imagery during pregnancy and labor to reduce fear and pain, relying on inner resources rather than a rigid technlabor to reduce fear and pain, relying on inner resources rather than a rigid technique.
I did a lot of preparation ahead of time, and from previous dramatic injuries I am known as someone with really high pain tolerance... However, I went past - term and needed to be induced, contractions were then constant and more painful than I could have imagined, dilation was fast, my perineum did not have much chance to stretch on its own, labor stalled when pushing should have begun, and I ended up with an epidural, pitocin to re-start contractions, and an emergency episiotomy.
After having pains for more than 19 hours, her man told her that that wasn't a real labor... Because the contractions weren't at regular intervals as it was written in the books.
The whole concept of pain in childbirth is so mishandled that many women today falsely believe based on their own (or others») bad experience that there is no way to manage labor so that pain is really nothing more than stretching, discomfort, or hard work.
Epidural anesthesia may do more than relieve pain during labor; in some women it may decrease the likelihood of postpartum depression, suggests a preliminary study presented at the Anesthesiology ® 2016 annual meeting.
Marjie: The conception was easier than the lengthy pregnancy (about a year and a half), and choosing the book's name set off grueling labor pains.
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