Sentences with phrase «than any other group»

We've received more one hour payday loan applications from single parents more than any other group of people.
Children are bitten by dogs more often than any other group of people.
According to data from The Two - Income Trap, single mothers are more likely than any other group to file for bankruptcy.
The intervention group scored significantly higher than the other groups on all difficulties.
Why black workers lost public sector jobs at higher rates than other groups during the Great Recession is unclear.
In terms of life status, single people in the younger age groups are more likely to spend less than other groups on donations.
But those who did two visual tasks thought they did even better than the other group did, though the opposite was true.
At the end of the study, pigs that ate purple potatoes had levels of IL - 6 six times lower than the other groups.
Well atheist let me say this, just as I tell the christians, you don't have absolute knowledge no more so than any other group.
Auto accidents are the leading cause of death for people between 16 and 20 years of age, and teens are more likely to get into serious accidents than any other group of people.
Home owners dismiss neighbors who are renters more than any other group living in their neighborhood, a new survey finds.
Teenage boys who reported many depressive symptoms, and had high levels of cortisol, were more likely to have become depressed over the next three years than any other group.
It is much larger than any other group within 100 million light years.
Average job growth in the healthcare industry in the same timeframe is 19 % — adding more jobs than any other group of occupations.
The teacher unions have more influence on the public schools than any other group in American society.
Our sample retired driver was 67 and drove 50 % fewer annual miles than other groups, as did our low - mileage driver.
This group poses a lot of risk to insurers so pay more than the other groups for their car insurance premiums.
Interestingly, the curious & social group found more enjoyment from the game than the other groups.
Both of these solutions seem to imply that the majority of the harassment comes from venture capitalists, rather than any other group of industry power brokers.
The group of mice who ate fatty foods and fish oil gained 5 - 10 % less fat than the other group, who ate fatty foods alone.
Moreover, people with less than a high school education and those with household incomes below $ 35,000 had a higher risk than other groups of developing heart disease over the next 10 years.
Rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are higher among affluent teens than any other group of young people, and achievement pressure is a big contributor.
Finally, the stereotype plus suggestion group held more mistaken answers by the children than any other group.
Although the number of deaths from prostate cancer continues to decline among all men, the death rate remains more than twice as high in black men than any other group.
Not surprisingly, the participants in the dancing group performed better and had less deterioration in their brains than the other groups.
Our research shows that for years, minority entrepreneurs have had a tougher time securing capital than other groups.
There was no word on why millennials, born from 1978 to 1999, are more depressed than other groups.
The small - business community votes, and they are watching health - care policy more closely than any other group.
I think they have done more to advance humanity than any other group of people.
Local pastors, where enabling leadership is concerned, may be at a better and more advantageous position to build a more effective peace movement than any other group in the world.
Even though I know Christian women get more abortions than any other group combined and most gays are Christian... But I like repeating lies.
They are no more capable of rational objectivity or critical thinking than any other group drowning in it's own self - interest and self - importance.
The strict rule enabled them to work more effectively than any other group in society.
Our average group size is typically eight to ten people, smaller than other group tours typically offered - a factor which many of our clients appreciate.
They are used in a wider range of consumer goods than any other group of elements due to their unusual electronic, optical and magnetic properties.
One group was given much more elaborate descriptions of the cars than the other group.
The study found that certain ethnic groups have significantly lower chances of live births using fertility treatments than other groups.
This is a particular problem for African or African American populations, which are more genetically diverse than other groups.
New research shows such leaders are not necessarily more intelligent than the other group members, but rather they simply speak up more often.
People who had practiced mindfulness meditation seemed to be using different brain regions than the other groups to reduce pain.
Also, one study found that they are 32 % less likely to develop pancreatic cancer than the other groups.
On the one hand, it means that we know the differences in muscle growth weren't because one group was doing more volume than the other group.
The mice given omega - 7 also had visibly healthier arteries at the end of the study than the other group.
It was found that animals that received antioxidants and magnesium combo had significantly less hearing loss and sensory cell death than the other groups.
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