Sentences with phrase «than any other group of»

Both of these solutions seem to imply that the majority of the harassment comes from venture capitalists, rather than any other group of industry power brokers.
We will spend more time with these people than any other group of people all week long.
Why should young Latinos be any different than the other groups of youth?
Numerous studies have shown that religious people donate more time, more money, and donate more blood than any other group of people.
then by your own admitted standards, Evangelicals pretty much have no one they should support: Republicans, especially RELIGIOUS Republicans, are quite possibly, more than any other group of people in this country, the most hypocritical people on the planet.
Research has shown that, with modern tranquilizers and detoxification methods, alcoholics cause no greater disturbance than any other group of seriously ill patients.
No different than other groups of people in history.
With the sense of the special responsibility which religion imposes upon man, they devote themselves more than any other group of past or present Christian history to the cause of a holy society.
Except maybe BG's unclarified insistence that muslims deserve more wariness than other groups of people.
Ignore the fact that Al - qaiadah has killed more Muslims than any other group of people.
But I have faced more opposition and criticism from profession Christians by far than any other group of people.
Global dairy prices leapt up in January rising more than any other group of food commodities in the monthly Food Price Index, published by the UN food agency.
Not only are we not fickle, we have more pacience than any other group of supporters in world football.
Parents are harder on themselves than any other group of individuals I know of.
Amphibians are going extinct faster than any other group of organisms.
They are used in a wider range of consumer goods than any other group of elements due to their unusual electronic, optical and magnetic properties.
But scientists are looking mostly at saltwater species, which, taken together, may have influenced life on Earth more than any other group of organisms.
Other studies have attempted to determine how the research activities of MSTP graduates differ from those of other groups of MD and MD / PhD recipients.7 - 10 Although the data from these studies suggest that a large majority of MSTP graduates hold appointments in clinical departments, and that most have clinical responsibilities, MSTP graduates are less likely than other groups of physician - investigators to publish in journals containing high proportions of clinical observations and clinical studies.
Gay and bisexual men in the U.S. are more severely affected by HIV than any other group of people in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
«Blue - green bacteria changed the world more than any other group of organisms,» says Brent Mishler.
One third of all Columbia researchers study the brain and nervous system and they generate more research funding than any other group of neuroscientists in the country.
They contain more phytochemicals and anticancer properties than any other group of vegetables.
When studied nutritionally, it's clear that they are far superior than any other group of foods on the planet.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics project that the health care sector is projected to grow 18 % from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations, adding about 2.3 million new jobs... more jobs than any other group of occupations.
Some research has shown that rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are higher among affluent teens than any other group of young people, and achievement pressure is a significant contributor.
Rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are higher among affluent teens than any other group of young people, and achievement pressure is a big contributor.
In fact, teachers have more backloaded retirement benefits than any other group of workers.
«Plaintiffs failed to show that the statutes themselves make any certain group of students more likely to be taught by ineffective teachers than any other group of students... The court's job is merely to determine whether the statutes are constitutional, not if they are «a good idea.
One 2015 study, from Stanford University's Center for Research on Educational Outcomes, found that Boston charter schools are doing more to close the achievement gap than any other group of public schools in America.
Charters students also demonstrated much less growth in advanced scores of 5th graders than all other groups of students, including those in traditional urban public schools.
We've received more one hour payday loan applications from single parents more than any other group of people.
And this makes them rather easier to train than some other groups of dog.
Children are bitten by dogs more often than any other group of people.
Unfortunately, kittens younger than eight weeks old account for more of the animals killed in most municipal shelters than any other group of animals.
John Woinarksi: Australian mammals have suffered a terrible crisis over the last 200 years, probably a greater rate of extinction than any other group of animals in the world over that time period.
Because of this, birds are more susceptible to toxins in the air than any other group of animals.
Console gamers spend more per person than any other group of gamers and so an evolutionary console isn't going to be too hard of a sell to consumers who are used to spending hundreds of dollars per year on their hobby.
In recent decades, serious big rig accidents have increased over 20 percent, more than any other group of drivers on U.S. roads.
According to statistics, young drivers under 25, especially males, belong to a high risk group, i.e. those who tend to make insurance claims more often than any other group of drivers.
Auto accidents are the leading cause of death for people between 16 and 20 years of age, and teens are more likely to get into serious accidents than any other group of people.
Average job growth in the healthcare industry in the same timeframe is 19 % — adding more jobs than any other group of occupations.
Since the real estate industry is highly personal and lends itself to intimate conversation, it occurs to me that Realtors in Canada, more than any other group of souls, would understand my point.

Not exact matches

Running speed was reduced for both groups of phone users in comparison to non-users, while subjects who used their phones for solely music performed at a higher speed and intensity than any of the other groups.
«Their negative emotions decreased more than those in the other groups, and they also felt less depressed and more emotionally balanced than when they started,» reports the UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center's write - up of the research.
Since the election, groups on the right have called for boycotts of Kellogg's (for pulling ads from alt - right site Breitbart News), Starbucks (for vowing to hire refugees rather than jobless Americans), and Nordstrom (for dropping Ivanka Trump's clothing line), among others.
If you walk by our office, there's a good chance you'll see a group of us laughing about something other than work.
And of course most of us could not do what we do without the help and support of our family and friends - the group we probably take for granted more than any other.
But the current reality is this: While the number of U.S. companies owned by women is increasing faster than those of other groups, those companies are responsible for just 6 percent of the country's employees and 4 percent of revenue, according to a 2012 report commissioned by American Express Open.
But despite a steady increase in their share of entrepreneurial activity, founders from Latino communities along with those from other minority groups — which made up 40 percent of the U.S. population in 2015 — still receive less funding and fail at faster rates than their white counterparts.
Just over a third of young whites want to see the law repealed, making them more likely than those of other racial and ethnic groups to say so.
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