Sentences with phrase «than as individuals»

If you are part of an academy chain, you should consider whether to request places through your chain's central office rather than as an individual school.
Fortunately, the evaluation methods are stronger as a team than as individuals.
This is more costly, and is a step on behalf of all creditors, rather than you as an individual creditor.
In other words, it is great that relationship science is addressing relationships as the influence of partners on each other rather than as individual actors.
Indie authors wanting to publish their short fiction should probably think about writing three or five stories and releasing them together rather than as individual pieces.
However, because M. barkeri has a complex cell wall, produces a thick outer layer of polysaccharide, and grows in large aggregates of cells rather than as individual cells, standard RNA extraction protocols give incomplete lysis of cells and result in low yields of poor - quality RNA.
Sometimes the units to be understood individualistically are households rather than as individual human beings, but this makes little difference.
As a result, whole groups in the community were brought over to the new religion, resisting intimidation and coercion of the landlords far more effectively than as individuals.
National Prayer Day is for «every one» to include «all reilgions», all non reiligious groups and even the non belivers of anything close to religion.It is a time as a Nation to jointly fall to our knees and to seek guidance from a «Power» that we accept is greater than us as individuals or as a group and that we accept has created us.
Much of his work was in the theology of culture, and he interpreted Christian faith as a formative ingredient of that culture more than as an individual appropriation of saving truth.
By sharing with the whole tribe in this one reality, men existed primarily as parts of the whole rather than as individuals in voluntary or involuntary association.
It is a squad that hasn't had a load of stars mixed together on big money, but instead he has a team with full of passion, good spirit and a willingness to be competitive as a team rather than as individual stars.
These potential explanations included: entering harsh environments in a large family group offers stronger chances of survival than as an individual; there is in fact no relationship between the two at all; and that a third variable may be at play, such as female polyandry, when the mother has multiple partners.
The Daniel Plan and other health experiments based on social connections and interdependency demonstrate that we are still a tribe, stronger together when sharing a common purpose than as individuals.
And so we deal with children as groups to be processed rather than as individual learners to be nurtured.
There may be the opportunity for you to take advantage of tax credits, set up a trust to split income with your spouse, or contribute to charity through your business more tax efficiently than as an individual.
Conceived as an index of roofs — rather than as individual paintings — these works suggest a collective presence and relate strongly to Gates», whose father tarred roofs for a trade.
Ruf is quoted in a museum statement today, saying: «To me, the museum is more important than me as an individual
Eugene Volokh questions the conclusion, doubting that Trump is using the account as a government official rather than as an individual who holds public office although admitting it is an unexplored border area, and narrowing the concept of the speech restricted to the opportunity to engage in comment threads.
Basically, humans tend to visualize groups of things as «ensembles» rather than as individual components.
Moreover, because the White Paintings all emerged from a single concept and each painting's surface is basically indistinguishable from that of the next, the tendency, understandably, has been to treat the White Paintings en bloc, rather than as individual pieces.
«I think of it more as a recognition of a team than as an individual
Getting students to work cooperatively in groups isn't always an easy task — particularly when they aren't used to it and when they have concerns about how they'll be graded as a group rather than as individuals.
We have a shared interest and can do more as a group than as individuals.
Judith Clark, the getaway driver in a deadly 1981 heist of a Brink's truck, sued the state Board of Parole, saying it had unfairly denied her bid to be released by treating her «as a symbol of crime rather than as an individual
One junior school teacher said: «I am in danger of seeing them more in terms of what colour they are in my pupils» list eg are they red (below expectation), green (above expectation) or purples (Pupil Premium)- rather than as individuals
If desks are situated in tight rows and the teacher's desk is hidden in the back of the room behind file cabinets, there is little chance for individual work with students, who will most likely be treated as a group rather than as individuals.
I was interested in trying to look at this and other questions about this in light of the Asian take on women as property rather than as individuals.
My business savings have grown and I now want to invest online in shares through the corporation, rather than as an individual.
Another important advantage of social trading is that when trading as part of a group or community rather than as an individual, it is easier to avoid the personal risks that often result in losing positions.
The camera is placed at a great distance from the action, inviting us to consider the figures in relation to their environment, rather than as individuals to be identified with.
Young married couples venture out in the world together, planning everything as a couple now rather than as individuals.
They feel like just a number, treated as such, rather than as an individual.
This doesn't mean that they don't appreciate you — but it means that they look at what you can offer to the company as a whole rather than an as an individual.
People who are cognitively interdependent engage in what's known as pluralist thinking, or viewing the self in terms of a couple (i.e., we) rather than as an individual (i.e., me).
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