Sentences with phrase «than bad days»

But we try to have more good days than bad days.
My concern derives from more than a bad day with a standardized test.
What keeps me going is an overall positive result: more good days than bad days.
Sure I have my «bad» days like anyone else, but this was more than a bad day.
There was one incredible friendship that shone brighter than my worst days, and remains one of the most treasured gifts that I've ever received from heaven.
«But if we parent consistently and have consistent rules, then we're going to see more good days than bad days
I am having more good days than bad days.
I am still working on loving my body, but I have many more good days than bad days.
People frequently consider if their pet is having more good days than bad days.
This list, called «HHHHHMM», stands for: hurt, hunger, hydration, hygiene, happiness, mobility and more good days than bad days.
The «HHHHHMM» acronym makes it easy to recall the five H's and two M's which represent: Hurt, Hunger, Hydration, Hygiene, Happiness, Mobility and More good days than bad days.
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