Sentences with phrase «than believers»

They usually are experienced and well - versed in scripture (surveys show they know the bible better than believers) but they have opened their eyes wide enough to see through it all.
An atheist has more faith than any believer in any other religion.
They actually have more faith than believers to believe the earth and humans came from nothing.
I'm more open - minded than any believer on here.
Another thing is that atheists on average know more about religions than believers do.
My atheism doesn't make me feel I am a better person than believers; it does, however, make me feel I'm a little less stupid or deluded.
Together, they probably killed more than believers ever have.
Studies repeatedly show that atheists tend to have better knowledge of your book of fairy tales than believers do.
And no special interest group has a bigger agenda than the believers, who are fighting to keep their mental illness from being recognized as just that.
While I agree that in general, atheists are more tolerant / flexible than believers, perhaps I am less tolerant of religious people than I appear here.
The atheists, who do not have any more answers than the believers, do not set the manner in which people pay respects.
If you atheists have noticed i'm the only believer here against a whole bunch of you, so that makes you the majority and also means that atheists are worst than believers lol.
It's likely that atheists more enjoy the world than believers.
It hasn't been proven, so the skeptic's position of disbelief is more logical than the believer's position.
You could hardly ask for a better example of psychological projection than believers of man - caused global warming claiming their critics spread misinformation.
It does not make me feel «good», or better than believers, in any way.
Why not realise that atheists killed more people than believers?
Atheist who doubt or deny God in objection and outrage to the cruelties of the world may just be more in touch with God than the believer who sits comfortaBly in the mids of systems that perpetuate those cruelties.
If you are concerned that I spend time everyday in prayer or encouraging some poor soul as a waste that is a value judgment no different than a believer that looks down on what gays do in their bedrooms.
In fact, a smaller fraction of Atheists commit crimes than believers, so you could argue that Atheists are actually more moral.
The non-believer feels that same indifference to one more god than a believer does.
No one is interested in an identity which connotes nothing as to qualities — at least, no one other than some believers in reincarnation, and indeed not even they.
A typical church gathering is not a public setting in which there are more unbelievers than believers.
; for the most part, atheists are demonstrably better than believers at reasoning and drawing conclusions based on the available evidence.
«Non-believers get healed quicker than believers do,» he says.
A non-believer may have a better chance being accepted than a believer like me.
But I'm definitely luckier than the believers I knew who were killed though.
BTW The implication that non-believers are less morally sound than believers is a bias you would do well to leave by the wayside.
And to anyone says that the positive outcome is achieved in this life, I expect you to prove that an Atheist's life is objectively better / more fulfilling / creates more enjoyment than a believer's life.
So you have some evidence to support your claim that non-believers are more afraid of death than believers?
The statement that non-believers have greater knowledge of religious matters than believers is an oxy - moron since non-believers have denied religious knowledge and faith in the first place.
So the survey also implies that atheists and agnostics are typically better educated than believers, as well as having spent more time learning about religion.
I don't think there is anything inherent about it... just non-belivers have more opportunity for thought typically than the believer.
Scientists can no more prove that there is not a planet inhabited by Sesame Street characters than believers can prove that there is.
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