Sentences with phrase «than birds»

The thing is, when this is the case, it is most often a problem on the owner's part rather than the bird's!
Birds may get up and fly well before you are ready, a frustrating experience, but this is far better than birds that your puppy catches!
They found that birds with larger brains relative to their body size survived better in nature than birds with small brains.
There is so much more to the weaning process of a parrot than the bird just eating on its own.
But these have a different kind of hip structure than birds.
Is it the players who's form seems to fluctuate more than a birds mood swings during her time of the month.
What monster better to test it against than a bird with a bad attitude and a...
In other words, the owner needs to be more stubborn than their bird.
These tiny yet infinitely intelligent little birds are capable of learning literally hundreds of individual words — far more than some birds who are two to three times their size.
The cage skirt is for your benefit rather than the bird's.
The band are crack musicians, can change course faster than birds in the sky, melding g - force time signature changes with jazz - like precision.
In New Guinea, Wallace found peril rather than birds of paradise (Image: BlueGreen Pictures / SuperStock)
Unless evidence shows the crash resulted from something other than a bird strike, I hope the claims are denied and the lawsuits thrown out on a Motion for Summary Judgment.
This kind of thinking leads people to declare that Archaeopteryx is «100 % bird,» when it is clearly a mix of bird and reptile features (with more reptile than bird features, in fact).
The researchers also discovered that the great tits carrying the gene variant for longer beaks were more successful in raising their chicks to fledglings than birds without it.
The academics studied afternoon bird numbers — which tend to be lower than birds generally seen in the morning — because are more in keeping with the number of birds that people are likely to see in their neighbourhood on a daily basis.
The researchers speculate that the preference is due to the bats» saliva, which is better at liquefying mammal blood than bird blood.
An earlier study by the same researchers found that Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna) accelerated more slowly and had other performance falloffs at altitudes higher than the birds» home range.
Study author, Professor Judith Mank, (UCL Genetics, Evolution & Environment), said: «We've found that promiscuous birds that have to fight others for mating rights have a genome that evolves faster than birds which are monogamous and pair for life.
On average they made 6.6 more pecks per minute than birds at the centre of the flock.
In 2012 turbines killed more bats than birds, and the numbers of the dead were substantial: about 888,000 bats were found on wind farms, compared with 573,000 birds.
«Roy was more of a pet than a bird dog,» Sam used to say, «and I treated him like family.»
More curious about bulls and bears than birds and bees, Romer asked for a lesson in where to invest his lawn - mowing money.
/ Trio of bear Cubs and fleeter than birds, / «Tinker to Evers to Chance.»
I could not want this win for a better guy in Nick Foles or a better team than our Birds!
What screams spring more than bird nests and baby birds?!
The raccoons performed differently than birds and human children did in previous Aesop's Fable studies, and they did not always pick the most functional option.
It was well - known that bears were dispersing seeds through their scat, Levi said, but it was not known that they were dispersing more seeds than birds, or the relative contribution of brown and black bears to seed dispersal, or whether the two species bears were eating berries at different times of the year.
Reynolds and colleagues chose to focus on insect swarms, rather than bird flocks or fish shoals, because interactions between neighbouring individuals appear not to play a key role.
Birds fed the crude oil were less active and spent less time preening their feathers than birds fed peanut oil, said study coauthor Christopher Goodchild, an ecotoxicologist at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater.
Using taxidermy data, biologists determined that gun - killed birds have smaller brains than birds that died in other ways.
But however they stole, the thieving birds fledged 50 % more chicks over 10 years than birds that made an honest living fishing, the researchers discovered when they pored over their own data and previous observations.
Breuer and Swartz found that bats are some of the nimblest airborne animals around and, given their size, far more maneuverable than birds or insects.
That's the stark message from the first global survey of amphibians, which has found they are under far greater threat of extinction than birds or mammals.
Passive robots in the form of sedentary animals may be less flashy than a bird skin stretched over a robotic frame, but they can be just as good at keeping tabs on their environment — and significantly less nasty.
«We found that birds that received the implants filled with melatonin woke up slightly later than birds that received an empty implant.
Having more in common with wild turkeys that roam fields and forests than birds currently sold in grocery stores, heritage turkeys — in the relatively few retail outlets where they can be found — sell for about four times the cost of the broad - breasted white turkeys commonly found in store freezers.
MOUTHS TO FEED Tropical birds like the Whitehead's broadbill (left) tend to raise fewer nestlings at a time than birds in temperate regions, like the hermit thrush (right).
The team also found that birds with genetic variants for longer beaks were more frequent visitors to the feeders than those birds which did not have that genetic variation.
Lizards, for example, exert less energy than birds when they both drink water even though lizards tend to be heavier.
When the toucan is in flight, its bill is the most efficient heat - shedder ever reported, losing four times more heat than the bird produces while at rest.
Geese on the periphery may have to be more watchful for predators, but they have access to better - quality food than birds at the centre.
But in vaccinated birds, the opposite was true: Those infected with the most virulent strains shed more virus than birds infected with the least virulent strain.
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