Sentences with phrase «than both his sisters who»

«The increased risk of high blood pressure in siblings suggests that family history contributes to the increased risk of high blood pressure in women during pregnancy; however, women who had high blood pressure in pregnancy were still more likely to develop high blood pressure later in life than their sisters who had normal blood pressure in pregnancy,» said Dr. Weissgerber.
Absolutely love IEW — my homeschooled son writes better than both his sisters who have gone to private schools!

Not exact matches

Executives also feared that quotas would result in too many women being appointed because they were the daughters, wives or sisters of prominent men, rather than women who were successful on their own merits.
They have these advantages, according to the reports of western companies: they usually have more of a sense of responsibility than do their unmarried sisters; they're less likely to be flirtatious; as a rule, they need the work or they wouldn't be doing it — maybe a sick husband or one who's in the army; they still have the pep and interest to work hard and to deal with the public efficiently.
What better way to celebrate than to share the story of our sibling studio owners, who are not only sisters but also business partners?
Government hire investigaters or set up a hot - line... My sister - in law - is on medicade has been to the hospital more than 200 times in the last 3 - 4 years... days and sometimes weeks at at time... who is paying that friggin bill we are.
I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother and father, sister and brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in you Father, I send up a prayer request for financial blessing for not only the person who sent this to me, but for me and all that I have forwarded this message on to.
I know this is not the thread for it, but let me go on record as saying that sometimes an «I do not consider him to be a brother / sister in Christ» does more good for those who have been abused than a «judge not.»
Participate in local elections, choose officials who speak to your hope to esteem your brothers and sisters higher than yourself.
I am reading your newest posts to your oldest.I have never been to bible school but I consider myself in the journey of education concerning the bible.more than any opinions that you have what concerns me most is how «brothers and sisters» through their comments responds to someone who thinks differently from what is perceived as absolutes (not sure if that's the right term) in scripture.I wonder did the apostle believe half the things that are seen as church doctirine today?how did the disciples who did not have the new testament or the ability to read follow Jesus?I appreciate your questioning.In my experience we are too quick to try and fix someone or use the scriptures as a control mechanism and to slow to practise empathy and love..
Rather than writing about this myself, I thought I'd open the floor to some Christian brothers and sisters who can explain what evangelical support of Phil Robertson communicates to them.
Many live out their Christian lives more concerned with their own rights, rather than the growth of our Christian brothers and sisters and the souls of those who still need Jesus.
So rather than wearing out my voice in calling for an end to evangelicalism's culture wars, I think it's time to focus on finding and creating church among its many refugees — women called to ministry, our LGBTQ brother and sisters, science - lovers, doubters, dreamers, misfits, abuse survivors, those who refuse to choose between their intellectual integrity and their faith or their compassion and their religion, those who have, for whatever reason, been «farewelled.»
Acknowledging the deep differences among friends / sisters is one of the most difficult stages of the Journey and it is essential for those who are Sparking in free and independent friendship rather than merely melting into mass mergers.
Rather than dismissing another denomination as too stiff or too emotional, you can learn from brothers and sisters who worship differently than you do.
You do not have to believe what I believe but I truly hope you do because my faith has made me someone who cares more about others than myself, cares more about people than things, and do everything I can for the sake of my brothers and sisters in need, even laying down my life.
For the record; and I do realize this has nothing to do w / the article, I LOVE my Jewish food; and I have even been told by a male friend of mine who attended yeshiva and was raised in a kosher home, that I am more Jewish than his sister (I don't think it was said in a complimentary way; but I found it funny!).
Furthermore, sources claim that Aisha's sister, who was 10 years older than her, was born in 595, making Aisha's birth at 605, making her 18 at the time of consummation.
We will see all people as our brothers and sisters, rather than just those who dress like us and believe like us.
If I selfishly love my frozen yogurt, microbreweries, and Pinterest, or dislike tattoos, noise, slow decision - making, or fill in the blank, more than my brothers and sisters who are different; if I prefer this church, or neighborhood because of the schools, the safety or because the worship resonates with me; if I am committed to my ways of doing life; if I let me self - comfort, self - enjoyment, self - security, or self - convenience guide my decision making; I will never experience the gifts that accompany thriving relationships with people who are different from me.
If you are part of a traditional church and have wondered how to grow in unity, or if you just want to know what church unity is all about, or if you are part of a house church, missional church, simple church, or something that doesn't look like church at all but is still connected to Jesus, then this book will invite you to grow in unity with other brothers and sisters who might follow Jesus a bit differently than you.
Anyone that reads your «explanation» will see that you're more mentally ill than most, have no problem with children being ki11ed because they're «unclean» while their sisters aren't so unclean as to marry them off to the men who ki11ed their families.
It was through the church, rather than the family, that the well - being of the new life in Christ was experienced among people who were made brothers and sisters through their common bond «in Jesus Christ.»
She asked her sister who was 19 years older than her why she didn't provide more protection, especially while she was so young and vulnerable.
The crucial thing here is that, ideally, the [female] soprano should also be much younger than one who would normally be used, to keep the suggestion that [the two singers] could be brother and sister.
Having delved into Roman Catholic beliefs about Mary after encountering some Protestant pastors who were experiencing that fascination, I am now much more conscious (and concerned) about theological differences I have with my Roman Catholic brothers and sisters than I was before.
Not even sisters who have been traumatized by less than soothing Christmas carols stuck on repeat.
So, for Christmas I received quite a few Coconut Mint Chocolate Bars from my sister, who knows I love those things more than anything.
Graeme, who has a 19 - year - old sister, Angela, first asked his mother to caddie for him in 1995, and since then she has been on his bag at every important tournament, more than 100 in all.
Thanks, Timothy; I will be passing your exceptionally wise, intelligent and empathetic words on to my dear sister who has just discovered her husband of more than thirty years is cheating on her.
My mum (who also had mild PCOS) told me she suffered from oversupply while nursing and my sister (another one with PCOS) definitely had over supply, I too was able to provide more than enough for my baby's needs.
Kelly found support from her sister who encouraged her to be firm about her internal compass in the face of many differing opinions: «Your only option is to learn to listen to yourself and know that you know your situation, and what works for your family, better than anyone else.»
My sisters are all jealous, especially the one whose boy is nearly a year older than mine and still in a diaper at night who took nearly a year to even get to this point, with a lot of forcing and frustration!
We went to the park, went to «coffee» each day, had a play date with a friend a few months younger than him (which he LOVED — someone who played WITH him, not telling him what to do every minute like his sister does), watched a movie of his choosing, ate what he asked for at dinner, built space stations and launch pads out of Legos for his Space Shuttle, and read lots of books together.
For years, Debora had no practical use for this tiny pillow other than she kept it on the couch as a fond memory of her sister who lived far away.
I didn't know any people who had successfully breastfed other than my older sister, who nursed both of her kids for a year.
He has a sister a year younger than he is and I have 4 younger siblings who are all around 2 years apart.
My sister, who started cloth diapering a bit more than a year before I did, had experimented with several brands, and I tried Allans, but neither of us were happy with the results.
I'm — less than 5 years from 50, but look younger than my 5 years younger sister, who has only recently come to the «skincare is good» idea.
Such was the case with me and my older sister who is almost exactly 51 weeks older than me.
My sister was formula fed and has less allergies than my brother and I who were breastfed.
Babies born via C - section compared to their siblings, who were born vaginally, are 64 % more likely than their natural born brothers and sisters to be overweight.
My sister, who stayed with me throughout my entire labor, told me I wasn't letting anyone down, including myself, when things went differently than expected.
Condemning South Yorkshire Police, which had instigated a cover - up in the aftermath of the tragedy, he described the force as being «rotten to the core» while suggesting that the cover - up had been «advanced in the committee rooms of this House and in the press rooms of 10 Downing Street... What kind of country leaves people, who did no more than wave off their loved - ones to a football match, sitting in a courtroom, 27 years later, begging for the reputation of their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters and fathers?
It features toned arms, slinky outfits, a cat fight, titillating e-mails, a military more consumed with sex than violence, a plot with more inconceivable twists than «Homeland,» and a Twitter's - delight lexicon: an «embedded» mistress named Broadwell, a biography called «All In,» an other - other woman of Middle East ancestry who was a «social liaison» to the military, a shirtless F.B.I. agent crushing on the losing - her - shirt - to - debt Tampa socialite, a pair of generals helping the socialite's twin sister with a custody case, and lawyers and crisis - management experts linked to Monica Lewinsky, John Edwards and the ABC show «Scandal...»
Operated by Sisters of Charity Hospital, the center currently serves more than 14,000 patients annually, including many who are economically disadvantaged.
«The greatest risk factor for HG other than a previous HG pregnancy is having a sister who had HG, which increases the risk by 17-fold.
Of course, many surgeries failed; Rosemary Kennedy, the sister of President John F. Kennedy who suffered «agitated depression,» was left «inert and unable to speak more than a few words,» as El - Hai says, and was ultimately institutionalized.
Historical novelist Naomi Mitchison, daughter and sister of the two great Haldane scientists, also sees part of the function of SF as warning: «Who better to bring the disasters which we are making for ourselves forcibly home to voters and opinion - makers than committed SF writers?»
Sister scopes If SALT succeeds, it's good news for more than the astronomers who get observing time there.
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