Sentences with phrase «than chess»

No computer can beat a child at catching a ball — an ordinary skill which is far harder to understand than chess.
As a professional player, it would be short - sighted to say StarCraft is more difficult than chess.
Chess on E-Ink is better than chess on LCD for the same reasons that reading is better on E-Ink.
A specially designed software from Google's DeepMind project called «AlphaGo» beat a human player at a board game far more complicated and reliant of human intuition than chess.
Go, a game that originated in China more than 2,500 years ago, is much more complicated than chess, with an order of magnitude more possible opening moves, study coauthor Demis Hassabis of Google DeepMind said at a news conference on January 26 in London.
Invented in China perhaps in the 6th century B.C.E., Go is much harder for a computer to play than chess is.
They also enable machines to identify images, predict diseases and beat humans at the television quiz show, Jeopardy!, and at go, a game arguably more sophisticated than chess.
«It was dubbed «The Match of the Century,» and it drew more worldwide interest than any chess match before or since.
Sure, she is smart and she does outwit all of the bad guys by the end, but her smarts come from sharp reflexes, rather than the chess master figure that the director was trying to set us up to seeing her as.
They are more than chess pieces shuffled between set pieces.
Now we at Omega Underground have learned from a recent production listing that the working title for Gambit will be none other than Chess.
2Actually, project management is more like bridge than chess.
This isn't the first time Facebook has dropped games into Messenger, but this time around it seems more compelling than the chess game that arrived in February.
A computer program called AlphaGo has bested a pro human player at Go, an ancient strategy game more complex than chess.
With the recent big win of DeepMind in the game of Go, a game considered to be more complex than chess, it is almost conclusive that machines are capable of meeting or beating humans on logic.
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