Sentences with phrase «than children living»

Results showed that children living under high - risk conditions (including maltreatment studies) showed fewer secure (d = 0.67) and more disorganized (d = 0.77) attachments than children living in low - risk families.
While a substantial body of international evidence indicates that these children display poorer cognitive and socio - emotional outcomes than children living in traditional families, research on childhood mental disorders is scarce.
Fact: «Although there is some evidence that children living with their married parents, even parents in unstable marriages, have better outcomes than children living in certain nonmarital arrangements, the findings vary across domains and specifications, and the effect sizes are generally small.
< B > Myth — Children living with single mothers are more likely than children living with single fathers to be also living with that parent's unwed paramour.
[3] Children living with two married adults (biological or adoptive parents) have, in general, better health, greater access to health care, and fewer emotional or behavioral problems than children living in other types of families.
It's primarily about economic well - being, but: «Children living with both biological parents reported higher levels of life satisfaction than children living with a single parent or parent / step - parent... Controlling perceived family affluence, the difference between joint physical custody families and single mother or mother / stepfather families became non-significant... [and] children in the Nordic countries characterised by strong welfare systems reported significantly higher levels of life satisfaction in all living arrangements except in single father households.
Children left behind in a community where many parents are away for employment do not showed more psychological health problems than children living with their parents.
Nevertheless, like children with divorced parents, children who grow up with a single parent because they were born out of wedlock are more likely than children living with continuously married parents to experience a variety of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems.
They have less education, earn less income, report poorer relationship quality, and experience more mental health problems.12 These considerations suggest that children living with cohabiting biological parents may be worse off, in some respects, than children living with two married biological parents.
Graham and his colleagues pointed out that left - behind children in the Philippines did not have more psychological health problems than children living with their parents.
According to U.S. census data, there are more dogs than children living in the City by the Bay.
Studies show that children growing up on farms have a significantly lower incidence of asthma and allergies than children living in rural areas who don't live on a farm.
Sounds like he believes that children who live in «immigrant poverty» are much more capable of learning than children living in «generational poverty,» as he puts it.
Vitamin D's existence was first considered in 1840 when a Polish physician discovered that the incidence of rickets, a skeletal disorder occurring in children living in the industrial center of Warsaw, was far greater than children living in the countryside.
Asthmatic children living in green homes experienced substantially lower risk of asthma symptoms, asthmatic attacks, hospital visits, and asthma - related school absences than children living in conventional public housing.
«Today, there are more children living in poverty in households where adults are in work, than those children living in poverty where adults are not working.
It has been found that the living environment affects this type of behaviour: thus, children living in rural areas benefit from more exclusive breastfeeding (30.5 %) than children living in urban areas (24.4 %)[13][14].
Figures show that just five per cent of children eligible for free school meals gain five A grades at GCSE, while a child living in one of England's most disadvantaged areas is 27 times more likely to go to an inadequate school than a child living in one of the least disadvantaged.
And if you think it's not worth the cost, just remember that camp is still a better alternative than child life insurance.
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For people in the developing world, getting connected to the internet via smartphone might change their lives even more than having a child, according to Google's Eric Schmidt.
As well, the poll showed that those with children ages four to 10 were much more likely to borrow money from friends and family (39 per cent) than couples with older children (28 per cent), likely showing they feel they need a larger cash flow or savings to feel comfortable at that stage in life.
Unless you're living in a society with arranged marriages, however, this is much more about your children's choices than anything you can do for them as a parent.
It's more reminiscent of a child being noisy in a classroom than of a terrifying, dangerous, and life - altering experience for a woman.
- The rate of childhood deaths worldwide is declining sharply, even faster than experts predicted; 122 million children's lives have been saved since 1990.
The fact is, many working families are already living on far less than 70 % of their income when you take out non-discretionary expenses like mortgage payments and the feeding and care of children.
Productivity — the ability to eke out sustained gains in wages and profits — is the thing that determines whether you have a better standard of living than your parents, whether your children live more comfortably than you.
Many children have no concept of their good fortune to live in a comfortable home rather than on the streets or in other dangerous places.
Millennials ranked having children, buying a suburban home and driving a big family vehicle higher in terms of importance than living in a major city or relying on alternate forms of transportation in a survey that Ford conducted in June.
People — regardless of their gender — who were independently ranked as conscientious as children and as adults lived longer than their peers who were not conscientious during either phase of their lives.
«There is nothing worse than not knowing what's going to happen because people like to plan for their lives for their children for their future.
The film, which is less than two minutes long, tracks a young girl's transition from child to adult via key moments in her life.
The change could affect the more than 4 million US citizen children under 18 who live with at least one undocumented parent, as well as the approximately 1 million more so - called «dreamers» who were brought the US by their parents as children and remain undocumented.
«Your children are going to live better than you.»
«So, your children and your children's children and all that, they will live far, far, far better than we live with 2 percent growth.»
Citing studies on the early lives of heroes who rescued people from the Holocaust and highly creative architects, Grant suggests parents «help children think about the consequences of their action for others,» rather than simply yelling «no!».
«There's a macro trend that Americans are having children later in life, and related to that is that there are more dogs than there are children in the U.S.,» notes Ben Ling, an investment partner with Khosla Ventures who has invested in DogVacay.
Few are more at risk in that catastrophe than the children of eastern Aleppo; prevented from going to school or even hospital, as both are deemed too unsafe, they live under constant fear of attack.
What better advertisement for the role teacher's play in the lives of children than teh fact that so many young people want to become one?
As the researchers say: «fathers who take more time - off early in their child's life will have a higher likelihood of being a hands - on caregiver than fathers who do not.»
Heck, you could drive a $ 40,000 BMW and live in a $ 500,000 home, but if you're $ 600,000 in debt, then you're actually worth less than a 7 - year - old child!
Because d.light estimates that each light improves the lives of five people, the company claims to have «empowered» more than 40.9 million lives, including more than 10 million school - age children.
With access to the food these benefits provide, experts say these children are more likely to do better in school, have better health and do better economically as adults than children that live in chronically food - insecure households.
Forty years ago UNICEF figured out that promoting simple, low - cost interventions like hand - washing and breastfeeding could save millions of lives, and its mission has helped children in more than 190 countries and territories.
An accompanying press release from the university's media office explains the study comes from a «survey of more than 1,500 families with children living in rental high - rises built between 1950 and 1979,» a housing category that covers half of all rental units in metropolitan Toronto.
People younger than 30 — typically without children or spouses of their own — have the energy, ambition and bandwidth to make career or entrepreneurial choices which may be too scary later in life.
«I'm not that interested in just being around powerful people for the sake of it,» said Mr. Gorman, who lives on the Upper East Side of Manhattan with his wife of more than 20 years, Penny, and their two college - age children.
And while people were much more likely to «mate for life» in the past, today a sizable share have children with more than one partner — sometimes within marriage, and sometimes outside of it.
Women in Need (Win) has provided safe housing, critical services, and groundbreaking programs to help homeless women and their children rebuild their lives in New York City for more than 33 years.
In fact, a child born today can expect to live longer than ever in U.S. history.
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