Sentences with phrase «than chimps»

The newly found teeth look more human than chimp, the researchers say.
Because bonobos are more tolerant of each other and more willing to share, they're able to cooperate more effectively than chimps in some situations, the researchers conclude.
The list of probable cultural traits is not as long as that for chimpanzees, but orangutans» tendency to interact with their neighbors less than chimps do made the pattern of learning even clearer.
Bird acknowledges that many animals probably understand the basic idea of support, but he points out that the rooks seem to comprehend its nuances better than chimps do.
But when the food was cut into big chunks, bonobos cooperated to haul in the fruit more often than chimps did.
The book's title, incidentally, draws on bonobos because they are more likely than chimps to behave morally, to have concern for each other, to value harmony and so on.
Orangutans» new status as cultural animals was unexpected because typically they are less social than chimps and so, researchers believed, they would have fewer chances to learn from one another.
Unlike earlier apes, Lucy walked fully upright, even though her brain and body weren't much bigger than a chimp's.
Besides the obvious size difference — the human brain is about three times larger than the chimp brain — little has been known about how the human brain and the rest of the nervous system changed in our lineage over evolutionary time.
A new study has theorized that human beings are more closely related to orangutans than chimps.
I never claimed Bush was anything other than a chimp, but Obama is GW's third term.
This is a free country by the way and I don't feel any freer than a chimp in an a half acre cage with banana trees you have to pay to climb.
Given that the human volunteers in Kret's study were more responsive than the chimps to changes in pupil size, it might be that the whites of our eyes evolved to help us subconsciously spot those changes more readily, says Harrison.
YOU probably aren't much smarter than a chimp when it comes to cooperative games — you just know the rules.
For example, the mouse species Mus musculus and Mus spretus have genomes that differ from each other to a similar degree and yet they appear far more similar than chimps and humans.
This meant that humans burned over 27 % more energy per day on average than chimps.
Now, a behavioral study that directly compares the two apes suggests that the bonobos» more cordial nature enables them to cooperate more successfully than chimps in some situations.
After taking body size into account, they found that humans averaged about 400 more calories per day than chimps and bonobos — 635 calories more than gorillas and 820 calories more than orangutans.
Bonobos have been less studied than chimps for the simple reason that they are difficult to find.
Mature dogs look like wolf pups, and humans look more like chimp infants than chimp adults, researchers noted at the meeting.
The blue stains in these developing mice embryos show that the human DNA inserted into the rodents turns on sooner and is more widespread (right) than the chimp version of the same DNA, promoting a bigger brain.
The researchers were surprised by the findings because these African apes — our closest relatives in the animal kingdom along with chimpanzees — have been shown to be less aggressive than chimps.
As researchers study the genome in more depth, they hope to find the genetic differences that make bonobos more playful than chimps, for example, or humans more cerebral.
However, Dr Newton - Fisher's findings suggest that if another chimpanzee with a higher rank than the chimp being groomed is nearby, the grooming chimp will stop far sooner than if not.
The sequencing of the human genome (ScienceNOW, 14 April 2003:) gave scientists major new insights into what makes us human: Although we share more than 98 % of our genetic code with the chimpanzee, natural selection has turned us into a very different animal than the chimps, from whom our hominid ancestors split evolutionarily some 6 million years ago (ScienceNOW, 31 August).
The finding shows that this population of cells in the human brain is more similar to that of a macaque than a chimp brain.
Nor did I ever say that the Neanderthal diet is more relevant than the chimp diet.
No, we have the stereotype of being ill - kept and badly dressed beings who are barely more evolved than chimps.
On the ground, moving from fruit tree to fruit tree, bonobos often stand and walk on two legs — behavior that makes them seem more like humans than chimps.
Members of a tiny tribe in the Amazon jungle that has no words for numbers beyond two can't conceptualize numbers any better than chimps or human infants do, a new study has found.
Bonobos are more likely than chimps to have concern for each other (Image: ZSSD / Minden Pictures / FLPA)
Bonobos (left) are more social than chimps and cooperate better in some situations.
Besides, it was probably much more dangerous for the puny hominins alive then, such as Australopithecus afarensis, whose brain and body were only a bit bigger than a chimp's, to grab carcasses than it was for supersized carnivores such as giant hyenas, cats, and otters to devour hominins.
People have evolved to sleep much less than chimps, baboons or any other primate studied so far, a new study finds.
The authors argue that the DNA evidence is flawed and that, based on traditional taxonomy, orang - utans are clearly closer to us than chimps (see «Are orang - utans our nearest relatives?»).
As Elaine Morgan points out on page 26, orang - utans are in many respects closer to us than chimps.
They found that, just as the gorilla is more distantly related to humans than the chimp is, the same is true of their respective microbiomes.
«Bonobos may be better representation of last common ancestor with humans than chimps: Study examined muscles of bonobos and found they are more closely related to humans than common chimpanzees.»
One known difference is in a region called Broca's area, which is also involved in speech and is larger in humans than chimps.
I'm not sure if they ever intended it to be a movie about nothing more than Chimps, but once they discovered a male leader adopting and caring for an orphan, a beautiful story evolved that became the selling point of the film.
According to an experiment by psychologist Daniel J. Povinelli at the Southwestern Louisiana he found that «dogs were able to instantly interpret the human's body language four times better than the chimps and more than twice as well as the three - year - olds — even if the human was a complete stranger».
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