Sentences with phrase «than cigarettes»

The study authors also found that the belief that some tobacco products were riskier than cigarettes did not stop people from using them.
In addition, retailers showed an interest in reducing their reliance on tobacco sales — we know that they will benefit from consumers purchasing products other than cigarettes, which are deadly and addictive.
The company believes that makes it much less harmful than cigarettes.
But climate change is so much more dangerous than cigarettes, and so much harder to deal with, we don't have time to wait around and see who wins the debate.
She also points out that understanding the potential links between cannabis use and cigarette initiation in youth is needed given that recent data suggest cannabis use is more common among adolescents than cigarette use.
Other consumer products will have a higher profit margin than cigarettes.
In fact, one recent study found the sweet white stuff to be even more addicting than cigarettes and heroine.
If they use another form of tobacco other than cigarettes, contact us.
Even though evidence shows that chewing tobacco use is less dangerous than cigarettes are, most life insurance companies view chewing tobacco life insurance risks as potential for serious health problems in the future.
Since the demand curve for cigarettes is relatively inelastic (people keep buying them no matter the price — within reason), the company can raise prices more than cigarette tax increases, and increase its margins in the process.
E-cigarettes appear to be less addictive than cigarettes in former smokers and this could help improve understanding of how various nicotine delivery devices lead to dependence, according to researchers.
They also usually smoke much less than cigarette smokers.
There are life insurance carriers that will give non-smoking rates to applicants who use tobacco or nicotine products other than cigarettes as long as certain standards are met.
I just don't see a good, solid reason for it's legalization other than «It's no worse than cigarettes and alcohol» which is really a sad argument.
Its not going to get better and a sexless marriage will probably kill you faster than cigarettes, booze or bacon!!
They produce more ultrafine particles than cigarettes do, and they cause the same reduction in the amount of nitric oxide exhaled by users — a consequence long associated with smoking's harmful cardiovascular effects.
There is nothing (apart from holding your breath permanently) which ruins your circulation more than cigarette smoking.
«However, people with all the characteristics of a more dependent e-cig user (e.g. longer use of an advanced e-cig with a high nicotine concentration in the liquid) in our study still had a lower e-cig dependence score than their cigarette dependence score,» Foulds said.
The FDA's review of iQOS identified lower levels of toxic chemicals than cigarettes.
Their staple products, soda pop and potato chips, are only slightly less demonized these days than cigarettes.
Scientific studies have even shown it to be LESS harmful to the human body than both cigarettes and alcohol and those are items you can pick up at the store along with a gallon of milk.
He chain - smokes small cigars, only slightly larger than cigarettes.
«Using marijuana as an alternative substance is viewed as less addictive, less harmful, and carrying less stigma than cigarettes,» said Goodwin.
E-cigs contain far fewer cancer - causing and other toxic substances than cigarettes, however their long - term effects on health and nicotine dependence are unknown.
«Therefore, we can not determine from this study if very low nicotine cigarettes are «safer» than cigarettes currently on the market today.
To make sure they'd found genes related to coffee rather than cigarettes, the researchers scanned the population again, this time looking only at nonsmokers.
But the study's lead author, Guodong Liu, assistant professor of public health sciences, said the findings indicated that e-cigarette users were relatively less dependent than cigarette users.
Nicotine patches or gum deliver nicotine much more slowly than a cigarette, however, so to suppress appetite and prevent weight gain they may need to be administered in above - average doses, says Dr. Hurt, who was not involved in the new study.
The most cited reasons for first trying e-cigarettes were curiosity (57 percent), good flavors (42 percent), use by friends (33 percent), healthier than cigarettes (26 percent), can be used anywhere (21 percent) and does not smell bad (21 percent).
Sugar and other carbs are an addiction, thankfully much easier than cigarettes to kick.
Coco brought much more to the fashion scene than cigarettes and a suntan.
The cooler cast of the desktop for example is a lot cleaner than the cigarette - stain yellow cast we found in Outlook via Internet Explorer.
@jim, I would never use a payday loan company now, but I think they are more useful to society than cigarettes.
It turns out more people are frightened of finding discarded bottles and cigarette butts than they
In addition, more high school boys now smoke cigars than cigarettes (14 % vs. 11.8 % in the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey).
Chances are, if you're a cigar smoker, you can get an insurance policy with lower premiums than cigarette smokers.
Those two deals are nearing ancient history now and except for the companies that will allow tobacco use other than cigarettes at non smoking rates, well, it's no fun being a smoker and paying smoker life insurance rates.
The manufacturer sought to replace the statement on snus packaging, «WARNING: This product is not a safe alternative to cigarettes,» with one reading, «WARNING: No tobacco product is safe, but this product presents substantially lower risks to health than cigarettes
E-cigarettes are considered a safer alternative than cigarettes, but «safer» does not mean «safe,» especially for teenagers.
30 % of all respondents believed that smokeless tobacco, menthol cigarettes, and cigars were more risky than cigarettes.
(She also stresses that, whatever the vapours may contain, they are almost certainly much less harmful than cigarette smoke.)
Since the demand curve for cigarettes is relatively inelastic (people keep buying them no matter the price — within reason), the company can raise prices more than cigarette tax increases, and increase its margins in the process.
«E-cigarettes less addictive than cigarettes, study suggests.»
I think the major takeaway is that although there's a lot we don't know, and although they have some health risks, [e-cigarettes] are clearly better than cigarettes....
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