Sentences with phrase «than conventional wisdom suggests»

• Public and private, non-profit colleges are more similar in terms of selectivity than conventional wisdom suggests, but also differ in the expected ways in terms of pricing and in - state enrollment.
But it may hint that biological gender differences are a bit less hardwired and more flexible than the conventional wisdom suggests.

Not exact matches

«The results are more nuanced than conventional wisdom would suggest.
As a side note, we in Australia have not tended to allow much role for «new economy» developments, such as the adoption of information technology, though some research does suggest that this may have played a greater role than conventional wisdom has allowed.
To the vast majority of investors, we have an economy that is apparently doing well, but in fact there are elements right beneath the surface that strongly suggest to me that the outlook for 2018 is considerably more guarded than conventional wisdom implies.
Little League did not institute a ban on curve balls, and, in light of new research suggesting that the pitch does not, contrary to conventional wisdom, put more strain on a young pitcher's elbow than other pitches (indeed, the research suggests curveballs place less stress on the elbow than a fastball), was perhaps correct in not doing so.
Conventional wisdom would suggest that your child's brain develops more when he's laboring over multiplication tables than when he's frolicking during recess, but scientists have determined quite the opposite.
Turning what was once conventional wisdom on its head, a new study suggests that many, if not most peanut allergies can be prevented by feeding young children food containing peanuts beginning in infancy, rather than avoiding such foods.
Conventional wisdom says the larvae float passively in ocean currents, but the research suggests they can control their movements more than has been appreciated.
Despite conventional wisdom that suggests women are better than men at facial recognition, Penn State psychologists found no difference between men and women in their ability to recognize faces and categorize facial expressions.
In this report, I provide descriptive information about the private, non-profit sector overall in each state, and show how it is more similar to the public sector on many dimensions (including the enrollment and economic success of low - income students) than conventional wisdom might suggest.
Research as well as conventional wisdom suggests that the bureaucratic nature of public schools is a major reason for their lower performance than that of private schools.
In short, I suggest that authors who want to be much more effective than 99 percent of authors in promoting their books go against conventional wisdom.
Oh, and let's not forget that in addition to the nation's current economic woes, it's also the holiday season — a time when conventional wisdom suggests that your odds of being struck by lightning are greater than your chances of getting hired.
Second, the relationship between real estate performance and interest rates may be less obvious than conventional wisdom would suggest.
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