Sentences with phrase «than energy out»

This shows that energy in — at the emitting frequencies of the Sun — is alternately higher and lower than energy out — in the IR frequencies.
If energy in is greater than energy out in a period the planet warms — and vice versa.
If energy in is greater than energy out in the period — then the planet warms and vice versa.
Overweight and obesity develop over time when you take in more calories than you use, or when energy IN is more than your energy OUT.

Not exact matches

Meanwhile in February the U.S. - government funded National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California, known for housing the world's most powerful laser, reported experiments indicating they were close to achieving «net gain,» where more total energy comes out than was put in — a goal that has eluded scientists for six decades.
They would get more energy out of a fusion reaction than they put in by the summer of 2013.
Eran Segal: If you take in less energy than you take out, then you will lose weight.
«That allows us to be much more energy efficient than anything else out there,» Oshima says.
About 40 percent of the energy used to control the climate in buildings seeps out through windows and doors, producing more than 250 million tons of emissions a year, according to the Department of Eenergy used to control the climate in buildings seeps out through windows and doors, producing more than 250 million tons of emissions a year, according to the Department of EnergyEnergy.
For comparison, the collision detected in September created a black hole with the equivalent of 62 solar masses, blasting out 50 times more energy than all the stars in the universe combined.
Perth - based oil and gas company Antares Energy has received a fresh $ US300 million offer from an undisclosed party for its Permian Basin oil and gas assets in Texas, less than six months after it backed out of a previous sale agreement.
Dirt is a lot harder to move than air, so the energy wouldn't travel far before petering out.
Comparing these two positions will spur you to deploy more energy into actually mapping out strategies rather than merely daydreaming of all the good stuff that can come your way,
With underfunded, shaky energy production in Kosovo, the country was taking more out of the grid than it was putting in, leading to an imbalance.
While we wound up winning along with two other teams out of a pool of more than 4,000 applicants, none of us had actually produced clean energy, fixed a significant element of the education system or tested a solution to the housing crisis.
RadioShack started looking for other opportunities to throw itself into, but rather than focus on improving itself with the offerings it already had, the company tried out new concepts with new stores to address customers» needs: Computer City to sell computers, Famous Brand Electronics for refurbished electronics, McDuff and Video Concepts for audio and video, Energy Express to sell batteries, and Incredible Universe, which showed a strong resemblance to Best Buy.
A better bet is to devote your energy to acknowledging the talents and abilities of others and seeking out ways to learn from them, even at the cost of sometimes appearing less than brilliant yourself.
The end result of these experiments is to achieve «ignition» which means inducing more energy out of the process than what was put in.
The economy of Alaska can't be compared to that of any other state in the U.S., however, as more than four out of five revenue dollars come by way of the energy industry.
A similar wells - to - wheels study released in September by IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates out of Massachusetts found fuels derived from oilsands to be just 6 % more carbon intensive than the average of all oil sources consumed in the U.S.
Comparing the capital and operating costs of various forms of energy — even factoring in US$ 50 a tonne for carbon emissions (a higher rate than is currently levied by any North American state or province)-- natural gas comes out as a clear winner.
«The demand for solar energy is now higher than ever and this report spells out how crucial it is for America to maintain smart, effective, forward - looking public policies, like the ITC, beyond 2016,» said Rhone Resch, SEIA President and CEO.
The facts are not right here, energy is cheap that means the cost of manufacturing and transporting of goods is low, food and consumers staples already more affordable, so what if a few American oil companies going out of business.the cost of producing oil in middle east is less than $ 10 / bl and we were paying more than $ 140 / bl for it, with that huge profit margin the big oil companies and oil producing nations became richer and the rest of us left behind, with the oil price this low the oil giants don't want to reduce the price at pump even a penny, because they are so greedy.worst case scenario is some CEOs bonuses might drop from $ 20 million to $ 15 millions I am sure they will terms of the stock market it always bounces back, after all it's just a casino like game.
DIESEL FUEL - It is less refined and more energy dense than gasoline, converting heat into energy more efficiently, sending less heat out the tailpipe than gas - powered vehicles.
If public opposition to Northern Gateway and Keystone are any indication, getting multiple new lines built could turn out to be little more than a pipedream for the energy industry.
More often than not we see companies pouring their time, energy and money into acquiring new customers but they're missing out on their biggest market of all — their customers.
Oil prices have fallen more than 15 percent since March 4 to a six - year low of $ 42.3, wiping out $ 7 billion of market value of high - yield debt issued by energy companies.
The rate for energy costs will change if the average price of diesel has changed from the previous range for a period of more than two out of the previous three weeks.
Even considering the potential for technology stocks to break out of their relative slumber and take a leadership role, it's difficult to imagine any sustained rally without the contribution of some type of economically sensitive stocks (other than just the Energy group).
Some pockets suppliers, reminiscent of Exodus, have carried out a built - in token change on their wallets earlier than, primarily utilizing ShapeShift to energy the moment change characteristic.
The Trump administration is a leaky, chaotic, dangerous place, where staffers operate under constant threat from Trump and each other, and in which the president is so uncertain of his own opinions and agenda that more staff energy goes into persuading him of what he believes than carrying out what he wants.
True productivity is determined by better energy management rather than simply cranking out more hours at your desk.
While Santos, the Australian energy pioneer since 1954, has not paid any STI or LTI to its executives in 2015, Woodside felt confident enough to pay out 82 % of STIs and more than half of LTIs to its managing director, despite negative shareholder return during the year.
If you found out your neighbor was using less energy than you, would you make changes?
Such exports hit a peak of 874,260 barrels in total in July, before falling back to 346,921 in August... The re-exports have become a relief valve for both countries by reducing some congestion of supplies within the U.S. «We've got so much rail capacity now and pipe capacity is really starting to come on line, especially heading down to the U.S. Gulf,» said Martin King, analyst at FirstEnergy Capital Corp. «One way or another, the market's figured out a way to get Canadian crude to a country other than the U.S.» Tidal Energy Marketing Inc., a unit of Enbridge Inc., is one company that has shipped Canadian crude from the Gulf Coast, sending a cargo to Spain in May.
I can't say we're persecuted in any real sense in Utah, but on a very subtle level, it is different than it was in California, and there just isn't spiritual time or energy for the debates that there once was; we're focused on evangelism and getting the truth that we - do - agree on out there.
For now, I only wish to point out how easy it is to think of occasions as mini-things in close association rather than as interrelated energy - events requiring a context or field for their ongoing structure or pattern.
From writers who are creatively exhausted from managing a constant stream of online feedback, to readers who can't seem to pull themselves away from their smartphones, to activists who are burned out from responding to yet another crisis with a social media campaign, to foodies who can't enjoy a meal without snapping a photo for Instagram, our writing, reading, and sharing habits consume more of our time and mental energy than ever.
Glorious Lord Christ: the divine influence secretly diffused and active in the depths of matter, and the dazzling centre where all the innumerable fibres of the manifold meet; power as implacable as the world and as warm as life; you whose forehead is of the whiteness of snow, whose eyes are of fire, and whose feet are brighter than molten gold; you whose hands imprison the stars; you who are the first and the last, the living and the dead and the risen again; you who gather into your exuberant unity every beauty, every affinity, every energy, every mode of existence; it is you to whom my being cried out with a desire as vast as the universe, «In truth you are my Lord and my God.»
What I am calling the «core groups,» those actually trying to live a new vision, give hope in that they are actually working out a new balance of impulse and control, energy and discipline, rather than abandoning all control and discipline.
I guess I feel the same way about a liberal agenda that say that to get out of debt we have to spend more, or that my tax dollars have to pay for something I think is morally wrong (Obamacare sets up a fund to pay for late term abortions) or a government that confiscates kids lunches, or tells me how much soda I can drink, or uses my tax money to choose winners and losers (mostly losers but Obma doners) in energy production that produces no energy yet we are sitting on more coal and oil than any other nation on the planet.
He spewed out negative energy and actions and got a more than equal and opposite reaction which expunged him from the earth.
He points out that serving God with the «evil urge» is like psychoanalytic «sublimation» in that it makes creative use of basic energies rather than suppressing them.
The energy emanating from it is free not only in the sense that it represents forces that can be used: it is moreover free because, in the Whole no less than in the least of its elements, it arises out of a state that grows ever more spiritualized.
The energy emanating from it is free in the sense that it represents forces that can be used and also because, in the Whole no less than in the least of its elements, it arises out of a state that grows.
I think rather than entropy the world is just getting more and more complicated and it's us who will run out of energy.
Nonetheless, music, as literary and cultural critic George Steiner insists, «is brimful of meanings which will not translate into logical structures or verbal expression... Music is at once cerebral in the highest degree — I repeat that the energies and form - relations in the playing of a quartet, in the interactions of voice and instrument are among the most complex events known to man — and it is at the same time somatic, carnal and a searching out of resonances in our bodies at levels deeper than will or consciousness.»
PDX — It doesn't take a Genius to realize from my statements that i have read things other than the Bible you moron i have spent many hours reading and listening to scientists about their theories on the big bang, i have listened to ideas from the most revered scientists including Hawking and others, and they all admit that there are holes in their theories, that nothing fully explains their big bang theory, the physics doesn't add up let alone the concept, there are plenty of scientists hard at work trying to make the numbers fit and the theory hold weight but if you ask any of them they can not give you the answers and the reason being... there are none, the theory doesn't work, If by the observable laws of Physics, Matter in this Universe can not be created or destroyed, you can only change its state, i.e. solid to liquid, to gas... to energy... There is no explanation for how an entire reality full of Matter can be created out of nothing... Scientists know this... idiots that are atheists and simply would rather NOT believe that their lives and actions they take within their lifespan are being witnessed by an Omnipotent God do not WANT to believe... but Your belief in God does not change whether or not he exists you will be judged.
«That sardine mac - and - cheese recipe I gave you was a staple from my college days when, as a cash - strapped student, I had to pad out the budget - minded goodness of M - and - powdered - C with the protein power of canned sardines which provided a longer - lasting energy source than pure carbohydrates,» Eugene says.
One comment I've read more than a few times over the years of creating recipes for the blog is while energy bars, balls, and bites are well received as a healthy, easy, go - to snack, they almost always contain nuts leaving those with nut allergies out on the sidelines with tears welled up in their eyes, sad that...
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