Sentences with phrase «than explanations through»

Unlike social websites that rely on a limited number of characters to increase brand awareness and product availability, newer sites like Pinterest and Gentlemint focus instead on graphics rather than explanations through words.

Not exact matches

@ total non sense Perhaps we're splitting hairs here, but I was trying to be kind by implying that rather than treating religiosity as a mental disability, for which the supposedly clinically sick can receive insurance benefits and evade personal actionable responsibility by claiming illness, it would be better to treat religiosity as a societal functional disorder which can be addressed through better education and a perceptional shift towards accepting scientific explanations for how the world works rather than relying on literal interpretations of ancient bronze age mythologies and their many derivations since.
A similar approach has been employed in recent catechetical courses, such as Anchor and Evangelium, in which religious ideas and understandings are approached initially through paintings rather than verbal explanations.
If flavor change was the culprit, one explanation would be the existence of a fourth, «sterile» neutrino that interacts with matter even less than the other three, all of which continuously stream through Earth unnoticed, occasionally pinging off of an atomic nucleus.
More than an adaptation, True Grit is an explanation of Portis's work through the agency of an entirely different medium.
Takeuchi said Honda's pose demonstrated his «tacit knowledge» of the machine ---- an expertise felt intuitively or learned through practice rather than by explicit explanation.
While science teachers may have an easier time coming up with explanations than students, the point of the lesson was clear: let your students come to their own conclusions through experimentation and investigation, and then guide them to the key scientific facts afterwards.
While there was some data from the Center for Teaching through Children's Books that seemed to show children actually learn less and retain less content and demonstrate a lower level of comprehension when reading an enhanced ebook app (there's simply too much distracting content that takes away from the story line), Russell Hampton, president of Disney Publishing Worldwide, countered that argument with the explanation that e-readers are engaging reluctant and disinterested readers in higher numbers than ever before.
There's also an academic Modern Portfolio Theory explanation for why you should diversify among risky assets (aka stocks), something like: for a given desired risk / return ratio, it's better to leverage up a diverse portfolio than to use a non-diverse portfolio, because risk that can be eliminated through diversification is not compensated by increased returns.
We could not be happier with our choice and there are so many reasons why: the ease of submitting a claim through your Ap - the quick response to the claim with communication throughout the entire process - and a detailed explanation of payment within less than a week turn around in most of our cases.
I won't go through the whole explanation of how to get the BRG since Ric Garrido has already done an extensive post on the topic, but I submitted the BRG form about a minute after booking the hotel, and less than 12 hours later my claim was approved!
It's almost overwhelming at times to the point where getting through tutorials and explanations are more tedious than educational, but once Andromeda opens up, it's a significantly better experience overall.
I've never heard a single coherent explanation, other than that's what you get when you squeeze the data through a time series analysis program... which can easily be nothing but applying Fourier analysis to noise and coming up with a quasi-periodic result.
He completely dismisses all other explanations for the ice - age - periods during the last half billion years than the passing of our solar system through areas with higher production of cosmic rays when it rotates around the center of our galaxy.
The correlation with temperature through the LIA and other periods is pretty good and offers a much better explanation of our continually changing climate than does co2.
There are countless examples down through history of theories that were rejected time and time again by the established scientists, only to later be shown to provide a better explanation of observations than the theories of established scientists.
See: Polling: «More Americans believe in haunted houses than man - made global warming» — 37 % vs. 36 % — October 30, 2009 — For another explanation of why climate fear promoters are failing to convince the public, see: MIT Climate Scientist: «Ordinary people see through man - made climate fears — but educated people are very vulnerable» — July 6, 2009]
Furthermore, this framework embeds more sophisticated explanations than traditional purely radiative models and incorporates effects from feedback processes through dT / dz, response in Z T254K, and the albedo A.
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