Sentences with phrase «than females»

It is common to see most dating sites have more males than the female counterpart.
Male dogs are usually a little heavier and larger than female dogs of the same age and breed.
This is because it is statistically proven that male teenagers get involved in accidents more than their female counterparts.
Men were more likely than female drivers to hit any of the objects on the road.
This is especially true of male dogs, who tend to wander and roam more than female dogs.
This condition is more common in male cats than female cats.
A male driver with a good driving record will likely pay less for insurance than a female with a bad driving record.
«Until now, it's only been suspected that mosquitoes bite males — whether they're humans, birds or other animals — more often than females,» he said.
Because males invest less than females do in reproduction, they benefit more from taking multiple partners than do females.
For example, we can observe that when males are significantly bigger than females in modern primates, males are likely to live in groups with breeding access to several females.
The males are also heavier than the females weighing in between 100 and 115 lbs where the females weigh from 70 to 90 lbs.
This is more likely to happen to male dogs than female ones.
Russian women have an exceptional beauty that ranks them higher than their female counterparts in the rest of the world.
Some theories say couples are more likely to split up and less likely to marry when the male partner lacks full - time work or earns less than his female partner.
One possible mechanism is that high glucose levels in the body of a well - fed woman favour survival of male rather than female embryos.
Also, male dogs are more commonly affected than females.
Parents should be aware that there are certain risk behaviors which are more likely to be found among male students than female students.
In elementary years, male teachers sometimes understand boy energy better than some female teachers.
But the male, who is brown and much smaller than the female, can't resist her, and sometimes it costs him his life.
Another study found that men think they are spending much more time on child - related and household responsibilities than their female partners say they are.
Men are usually quoted more expensive insurance rates than their female counterparts for the same type of coverage because accident statistics show men to be higher risk drivers.
Get Best Deals with Huge Discounts Usually, a male age between 18 and 25 has to pay much more for his insurance than a female with same age group.
First, males of a species are usually more aggressive than females, and they become more aggressive when they mature.
With males being about 20 lbs more than females on average.
What's more, the strain used in the experiment is unusual in that its males typically live longer than females.
Just like on any other casual dating site they have a lots more male than female members.
If you have a great driving history, you'll pay a lower premium than a female driver with a poor driving history.
However, as we age, we get closer to our life expectancy, so the overall risk increases for males faster than females.
Self - published authors, as a group, shouldn't have a reputation any more than female authors or authors whose last names begin with «E».
Male researchers appear to be involved in misconduct more frequently than female scientists.
More males (46 percent) have done so than females (37 percent).
However, the males have splendid and better quality coats than their female counterparts.
More than twice as many males in the 16 - 19 year old age group become involved in accidents than their female counterparts.
As a result, males in a group are more closely related to each other than the females.
According to numerous studies, men are more than twice as likely to die in car crashes than their female counterparts.
Payments are higher for males than females because on average, women have a longer lifespan.
Gender matters; generally speaking, males are considered higher - risk than females.
I'm just dealing with my conundrum as a viewer, which is inherently different than any female viewer would have too.
Male dogs are heavier than females by about 15 pounds.
We learned that males are far more comfortable than females when it comes to webcam.
Male cats are much more likely to get this disease than females.
Young males tend to engage in riskier driving behaviors than females in general.
In fact, males can father far more young than a female could ever produce in a lifetime.
From elementary through high school, males are reading at lower levels than females.
Men tend to spend less time in general than female respondents thinking about the issue of undesirable substances in food.
The German Shepherd dog will stand anywhere from 22 to 26 inches tall (from paw pads to shoulder) in adulthood, with males being around two inches taller than females.
The results showed that men tend to be more attracted to their female friends than female friends are attracted to their male friends.
On average, males and urban residents show slightly better subjective well - being scores than their female and rural counterparts.
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