Sentences with phrase «than fructose»

Also, do not make the mistake of switching to artificial sweeteners as they can damage your health even more quickly than fructose.
You may be thinking you can avoid many of the pitfalls of soda by switching to diet varieties, but the artificial sweeteners they contain are in many ways worse than fructose.
In case you don't know, all sugar is bad in high amounts, but glucose is far healthier than fructose.
You may be tempted to swap sugar for artificial sweeteners, but these can damage your health even more quickly than fructose.
The researchers were surprised with the findings: «This was a major surprise for us — that soybean oil is causing more obesity and diabetes than fructose — especially when you see headlines everyday about the potential role of sugar consumption in the current obesity epidemic.
Studies have shown that the natural sugar fructose in fruit is metabolized in the body differently than the fructose in HFCS.
Corn syrup is glucose sugar, which is slightly less sweet than sucrose (cane or beet) sugar, and much less sweet than fructose (which is found naturally in fruit, agave nectar, honey).
They are fairly high in sugar content (65 on the chart above), but half of that is glucose which is much better for weight control than fructose (18)
You would be far better eating eggs than fructose, a fact that would have been laughed at years ago.
That's right, the refined fructose in agave nectar is much more concentrated than the fructose in HFCS.
Maple syrup has a favorable glucose / fructose ratio (i.e. more glucose than fructose), better than honey and much better than agave.
This is because it contains more glucose than fructose (hence a low fructose - to - glucose ratio).
Some of these fruits have more sugars that are glucose, which is better for you than fructose or sucrose.
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