Sentences with phrase «than harm human»

A new study by three non-profit climate research organizations has claimed that global warming is more likely to «improve rather than harm human health.»
«Global warming is more likely to improve rather than harm human health,» according to a new study published by three non-profit climate research organizations.
The report says that «global warming is more likely to improve rather than harm human health because rising temperatures lead to a greater reduction in winter deaths than the increase they cause in summer deaths.»

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Would anyone really say that those killed by computer - driven cars have been harmed more than those killed by the mistakes of human drivers?
This planet, the level of harm and exploitation, the fact that the suffering of other creatures is needed for carnivores (many humans) to live tells me that those consciousnesses are not any more interested in answering the prayers of humans than the symbiotic bacteria that help us get by in our bodies.
Many human inventions are not created to cause harm, but are produced in a way that violates human rights (think about Apple's less - than - stellar human rights record).
Rorty feels that philosophy should not be thought of as a foundation for education or politics; on the contrary, he insists that grounding social and political action on philosophical theories of human nature has done more harm than good.
With human exceptionalism cast aside, our new prime directive is to eliminate suffering, and eliminating the sufferer is now advocated in high places as a moral good rather than a pernicious harm.
But such an approach creates confrontation and division, disturbs peace, harms human ecology and, by rejecting in principle approaches other than its own, finishes in a dead end.
The idea is absent that sexual conduct can do harm to the health of one «sspirit, of one's humanity; that it can overthrow a person's human balance, turning him or her obsessively in on self, seeing in others no more than sex - objects, incapable of any deep or lasting love or of the respect that is the very hallmark of love.
The issue becomes more subtle when it is recognized that the addition of toxic substances to human surroundings does more harm to some groups than to others.
Religion is the single most dangerous thing that has ever existed on earth and it is responsible for more death and harm to human beings than any other thing throughout history.
More harm has come to humans over religion than good.
What we seek is a situation in which we so combine scientific and technical skill with moral and spiritual discipline that the products of human genius shall be used for the welfare of the human race rather than their harm and destruction.
Indeed, I am shocked to the core to note that the hybridization of the wheat by human intervention has caused the wheat to be so deconstructed that the property of the modern wheat actually caused more harm than good to the human body.
And wishing harm (or negelct, in this case) on another human being does NOT make you any better than someone who makes a hard decision to give up an animal.
«Given that he now places Gary McKinnon at an «even higher risk of self - harm and suicide» than after his earlier report, and concludes that «suicide is now a real probability and will be an almost certain inevitability should he experience extradition», and that there is a high probability that he «will require inpatient psychiatric containment», surely he has established a real risk of human rights being breached should extradition proceed.
Drug use and prostitution are two prime examples of human behaviour which simply will not stop, will never stop, and therefore must be managed rather than banned, so we can ensure they do as little harm to society as possible.
Environmental Experts Warn of the Dangers of Giant Hogweed Giant Hogweed is a public health hazard that ranks higher than poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac in respect to its potential to harm humans.
The drug does not harm human mitochondria, which produce energy rather than DNA.
«I'm not sure you could find an example of physicians doing more harm to human beings than we have achieved in our liberal opiate prescribing,» says David Clark, an anesthesiologist at Stanford.
Study co-author Linda - Gail Bekker, MD, PhD — Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, University of Cape Town, South Africa, and current President of the International AIDS Society — says, «Whether the yardstick is mortality, life expectancy or new transmissions, these reductions would almost certainly produce proportionally greater harm than savings — do more human harm than economic good.»
Stray microbes from Earth could potentially harm not just Martian life, but also resources that human settlers may eventually want, such as aquifers, says John Rummel, who served as NASA's planetary protection officer for more than a decade.
Within any system there is no danger more potent, more capable of causing harm, than human frailty.
More than 300 of the world's worst insect pests can be controlled by neem seed extracts, which are claimed not to harm humans or beneficial insects.
Because of the Center's successful state - listing petition, the Shasta pack and any other wolves that disperse to California are now fully protected under state law, and harming, harassing or killing a wolf in California for any reason other than in defense of human life is illegal.
It comes when the microbiome is powerful enough to do its job by keeping everything in working balance like humans were designed to do — and did do for years before stress, toxins, foods that do more harm than good, and the oh - so - well - meaning antibiotics industry came along.
It's not that I can't be convinced that they're unhealthy, but if I'm going to accept data that goes against the grain of thousands of years of human history and a fair amount of anecdotal data, I'd like more than one study to convince me; I'd like multiple studies and an explanation of the mechanism by which these foods do harm.
A: There is a great deal of evidence that the use of antibacterial soap in the normal household is unnecessary and causes far more harm than good, both to human health and the environment.
Making any animal that isn't already truly domesticated (e.g., a cat or dog) into a pet ultimately does way more harm than good - and any animal rights association focused 100 % on the welfare of animals - regardless of human wants or needs agrees with me.
There's been some recent debate about the inherent natures of pit bulls in particular, but again, there's no evidence to show that pit bulls are more likely to cause harm to humans than any other breed.
But Millan and Cabral have chosen roles that are in the long run getting far more animals and humans killed and injured than the relative handful they «save,» often after the dogs they train have already done grievous harm.
Once those ideas are clear, efforts can be made to improve the human - animal bond rather than harm it.
The neurological pathway they attack is common to insects, humans, dogs and cats, so they can harm more than just fleas and ticks.
According to the National Canine Research Council (NCRC), based on a study from the Center for Disease Control, there is no scientific evidence that one kind of dog is more likely than any other to cause harm to a human being.
«If a store sells a Golden or a consumer has gotten a pup, the retailer should be able to advise them as to what to purchase, and know why a forced - air dryer is more effective and less likely to cause harm than a human hair dryer.
He took the industry line, that delay was smarter than prompt action, and that physicists» models of change in the upper atmosphere weren't enough reason to be concerned about ozone loss — that there wasn't proof yet that it would cause harm at ground level to humans, so wait, delay.
Rather than focussing on the important but inherently incremental developments in the science behind the issue, the media would do us all a favor by maintaining a consistent message regarding the underlying issue (i.e. human action is causing climate change, and climate change has the potential to do great harm to our way of life) and focus on how ordinary people can take steps in their own lives to help address the problem in ways that don't require inordinate sacrifice.
More than 20 million people in the Midwest experience air quality that fails to meet national ambient air quality standards.14 Degraded air quality due to human - induced emissions66 and increased pollen season duration67 are projected to be amplified with higher temperatures, 68 and pollution and pollen exposures, in addition to heat waves, can harm human health (Ch.
(maybe most of you are too cool to remember that sort of moment... but think of something equally bad like the time you accidentally set something on fire and it started getting out of control...) I think it will be worse than that... Seems like to me we need to be much, much, more certain before we go making policy all over the earth that could actually harm us... or maybe not quite so bad, but really not desirable, harm many developing countries and distract them from addressing real environmental land use and energy production problems that would actually help the environment and save human lives now, today... but keep an eye on the future... not suggesting head in the sand stuff... just let's stop the panic... if you have to panic it's probly too late... most people don't behave terribly rationally while panicing...
There have been three assessments of global warming by the international panel since 1990, and each has drawn a more conclusive picture than the last of the link between human activities and the prospects for significant harm to agriculture, ecosystems and coastlines.
Fred — it is also true is it not that you have acknowledged that the issue of «ocean harm» due to CO2 is a lower concern than is other ocean human ocean pollution?
What I concluded is that in the vicinity of human habitation (e.g., occupied coral atolls), other human excesses are currently a source of greater harm than ocean acidification (or heat stress, which is as a separate issue).
The SRI industry uses a variety of excuses for why it generally continues to support fossil fuels, or to prefer natural gas over oil as a «better» option, but the primary rationale seems to be one of doing less harm or favoring financial return rather than being truly concerned about ecological or human welfare.
According to Soon, «Any attempt to stop the use of available fossil fuels for life and all human activities will cause far more harm and lead to more deaths than the theological belief in future catastrophic disasters endorsed by the encyclical.»
And while it's necessary to provide quick - fix options during the transition to a more sustainable human lifestyle, too many band - aids — especially on something as devastating as the private auto — can be deceiving and, I think, do more harm than good.
«Ethanol - based biofuels will actually cause more harm to human health, wildlife, water supply and land use than current fossil fuels.»
It appears from paleo - science that there is more to it than that, the clouds that they generate as a control mechanism on the earth's temperature, this is yet another feedback mechanism for survival of all life on the planet and has been working for aeons of time, right back to the earliest life here... the planet was made more hospitable to life by life itself, geo - engineering on grand scale by the tiniest of plants in the sea... which outstrips the cleverest of plans by humans to geo - engineer and more relevantly does no harm to the planet...
In more than 40 years of study and use, phthalates have never been shown to cause harm to humans from their normal, intended use.
The AGW alarmists have lost because they can not justify their belief that GHG emissions will do more harm than good this century, let alone justify their belief that GHG emissions will damage the global economy or human well being.
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