Sentences with phrase «than higher risk»

Although the bottom line is that low risk customers get better rates than higher risk customers, each company has its own standards when it comes to determining how a customer is rated.
Low risk birth in the Netherlands at home with a midwife is more likely to result in a DEAD baby than high risk birth in a hospital with a doctor.
A more recent study showed that low risk birth (home or hospital) with a Dutch midwife has a HIGHER perinatal mortality rate than high risk delivery with a Dutch obstetrician.
The data from the Netherlands shows that low risk birth with a Dutch midwife has a HIGHER death rate than high risk birth with a Dutch obstetrician.
It is still frustrating that a simple consult discussion VBAC some times takes longer than my high risk patients with multiple fetal anomalies or complex medical disease.
If this is the case than your highest risk years will be over by year ten and your need for life insurance will drastically decrease.
If you are an impaired risk, than high risk term life insurance has two additional benefits to being the cheapest insurance.

Not exact matches

Every rollout has issues, but planning can mitigate the risk of costly problems, so prepare to solve issues immediately, such as increasing supply if demand is higher than expected.
«We found that entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to found companies did have higher risk tolerance than those who remained employed.
With space ventures typically defined as high risk, high reward investments, Space Angels found the companies attract valuations many times greater than a typical technology start - up.
Night owls face a ten percent higher risk of early death than larks, the biologists behind the study reported on The Conversation recently.
Those with AFib have a four - to five - times - higher risk of stroke than those with normal heart rhythms.
A large 2011 study of close to 39,000 older women over 25 years found that women who took them in the long term actually had a higher overall risk of death than those who did not.
Because a few extra years of work will boost your retirement income more than higher investment returns will, once you take the risk into account.
Bear in mind also that most people don't have an entrepreneurial mindset, and you may be more comfortable with higher levels of risk than the salaried employees you may know.
Despite early signs that a fast - food diet is no healthier in Beijing than it is in Boston, consumers who are new to middle - class dining seem less concerned about the health risks of the high - fat, high - sodium fare that many Americans now seek to avoid.
Those who derive most of their income from asset - price appreciation, rather than salaries, say higher taxes would unfairly punish risk takers.
CEOs tend to score higher than the general population on personality attributes such achievement - orientation, ambition, assertiveness, and risk - preference.
Asia and Latin America are not risk - free, but «there seems to be sense in buying equities in these regions on similar or lower valuations than their counterparts in the developed world given that dividend growth is likely to be superior, given higher economic growth potential.»
The province is also subject to market risk, in that prices on the Atlantic coast may not be higher than other pricing points by the time this line is built.
With Hunters, you need to pay them a higher portion of their compensation in commission - perhaps as high as 100 %, but certainly no less than 50/50 of salary and commission or you risk losing their aggressiveness.
In the real world: Pembina claims actual reclamation costs could be 24 times higher than the funds available in the EPSF — leaving Albertan taxpayers «vulnerable to major financial risks
While credit risk might seem like a bad idea with the U.S. economy still weak and the rest of the world looking equally uncertain, high - yield bonds do offer bigger returns than government and investment - grade bonds.
More than a decade ago, Joey Wat at Yum China, was given the chance to take on a massive career challenge that had a high risk of failure — and her decision led Wat into the role she has now.
A number of sources, including pipeline safety experts, believe bitumen to pose a higher spill risk than conventional fuels when it is transported at elevated temperatures or pressure.
Although European investors have, historically, been more risk - averse than Americans, that perception may be changing as more high - profile companies see successful exits, and their founders reinvest in the local startup ecosystem.
«It may be that film or technology products are aiming for more breakthrough products or are offering more complicated rewards (a completed movie or gadget, rather than a band t - shirt), and are thus at a higher risk of failure,» says Mollick.
They also use risk - based pricing to issue loans with rates that are equal or slightly higher than banks.
In fact, they showed no more risk of developing metabolic syndrome [high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol and excess waistline fat] than the average non-workaholic employee,» reports Knowledge@Wharton.
Tutoring franchise CEO Hao Lam from Vietnam and brothers Edi and Etrit Demaj from Kosovo — who launched a number of high - tech real estate enterprises in the Detroit area — did more than just risk their careers to get where they are; they risked their lives.
Males were nine times more likely than females to be victims of gunshot injuries, and men ages 20 to 24 were at the highest risk, the study found.
According to a Euro Pacific Capital report, high - risk mortgages make up more than $ 500 billion of Canada's $ 1.1 trillion housing market.
Spotify's valuation when it lists - expected to be within 90 days after filing — is forecast to be a few billion dollars higher than current trades, as illiquidity risk tends to depress the value ahead of listing, the sources said.
The proclivity to detect and dwell on stressors and threats — a tendency that unites neurotics — explains why the personality trait is not just associated with experiences of fear, moodiness, worry and frustration but also a higher - than - average risk factor for common mental disorders.
According to a 2015 report by CoreLogic, in the western U.S. alone there are now more than 897,000 residential properties in areas that are at high or very high risk for wildfires.
Indeed, Millennial women are twice as likely to be active investors and twice as likely to take on high - risk investments than Baby Boomer women.
Because banks and other lenders shy away from borrowers with less than a 25 % down payment as higher - risk clients, mortgage insurance gives people with smaller down payments a better risk profile.
While it's better to invest than keep money under a mattress, buying risk free securities, such as guaranteed income certificates or low - yielding government bonds, could actually be riskier than purchasing higher returning products, says Ted Rechtshaffen, president and CEO of Toronto's TriDelta Financial Partners.
«They'll essentially book their [higher - than - projected] returns and take a little bit of risk off the table.»
Subordinated debt: Has a higher interest rate than senior debt does, in exchange for slightly higher risks (since loans get paid only after senior debt is paid).
A: Microloan interest rates are much higher than typical loan rates because their risks are higher: 12.5 % to 15 % is common.
The seller is also likely to want a higher percentage in down payment from the buyer because they are at more risk than a bank.
Consider this: In one recent study of more than 7,000 study participants, researchers found that those who ate high - protein diets had a 90 % greater risk of gaining more than 10 % of their body weight during the course of the study than those who ate less of the stuff.
It is not in the best interest of a company to pay their employees less than fair value and risk creating high turnover.
The problem: You have to aim high to actually have a shot at reaching your potential, so it's worth the risk of disappointment rather than handicapping yourself before you even get started.
Many studies have demonstrated that Indians, despite being nominally less obese than other ethnicities, have a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.
But these women have a higher risk of preeclampsia, a condition involving high blood pressure, and their babies tend to be smaller than average.
«For example, a bond fund may borrow and take on leverage in order to show a higher return but has significantly higher risk than a retiree may want in an income portfolio.»
Though Morgan Stanley did point out that the risk of a referendum was higher in countries where they are called by garnering signatures rather than by the ruling parties.
Cultures and retail propositions at SBRY & Asda are very different and therefore the execution risk seems much higher than the smooth Ahold - Delhaize merger.»
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