Sentences with phrase «than hip distance»

Start: Sit with legs long and slightly wider than hip distance.
How to: Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing in, and stand with your feet slightly wider than hip distance (a).
Step 2: Standing with your legs just wider than hip distance, pick up the battle ropes with your hands.
Start: Feet are wider than hip distance and parallel.
Take another jump and bring your feet back out so they're a little wider than hip distance (c).
Start in a standing position with your feet wider than hip distance apart, then squat down, bringing your hands down beside you.
Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip distance and bring your hands up behind your head.
Stand with your feet out wider than hip distance.
Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart.
Start with your upper back on the ball (supine position), feet are a little wider than hip distance apart.

Not exact matches

But to more than balance the pole vault, there was Jim Beatty, the tiny distance runner from the Santa Clara Youth Village, who won the mile in 3:58.8, although he was handicapped in his bid to regain his American mile record when his teammate and pace setter, Laszlo Tabori, was forced out after the second lap by a week - old hip injury.
Start by holding the kettlebell in both hands, standing with your feet slightly wider than hip - width distance apart.
How to do it: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip - distance apart and hands on hips.
Squats Stand with legs parallel, feet slightly wider than hip - distance apart.
How to: Stand with feet a little wider than hip - distance apart (a).
Separate the knees so that they are a little wider than hip - distance apart, with the big toes touching.
How to: Stand with feet a little wider than hip - distance apart and toes turned out to the sides at 45 - degree angles.
Keep your feet no wider than hips width distance as you jump out.
How to: Start standing with feet a little wider than hip - distance, toes pointing slightly outward (a).
Stepping your feet a little wider than hip - distance will allow you to get lower into your squat.
With feet about hip - distance apart and hands a bit wider than shoulders on the bar, bend forward at the waist until you're at about a 45 - degree angle.
Step your feet closer than hip - distance and you narrow your base of support, meaning your core works harder.
With your legs slightly wider than hip - distance apart, your weight in your heels, bring your hands to your chest in a prayer position.
How to: Stand over the jump rope with your feet a little wider than hip - distance apart (a).
From the high row position, you'll drop back into a half front squat with your feet slightly wider than hip - distance apart.
From Tadasana, fold forward into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) with your heels just wider than hip - distance apart and your toes turned slightly out.
Start with feet a little wider than hip - distance apart, toes pointed slightly outward.
Your feet should be be a little wider than hip - distance or shoulder - width apart and firmly on the ground.
Your feet should be wider than shoulder - distance apart as you hinge forward from your hips with a straight back to pull the weight up from the floor.
Place the SteelBell on the ground between your legs, your legs spaced slightly wider than hip - distance apart.
Feet a little wider than hip - distance apart, squat down low, weight in heels, toes angled outward.
Targets: Legs, glutes, arms How to: Stand facing the landmine with your feet a little wider than hip - distance apart.
And it helps to land with your feet more than shoulder distance apart, knee's bent, center of gravity in your waist and hips.
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