Sentences with phrase «than history remembered»

All those «last week» details in our gospels, as distinct from the brute facts just mentioned, are prophecy turned into history, rather than history remembered

Not exact matches

Remember, it's got about 2000 years of history on its side and has endured more intelligent criticism from 17th and 18th Enlightenment thinkers than the dribble you mistaken for intelligent thought.
iranians / persians come from a culture and history far greater than yours,... just remember that!
Whatever «historical evidence» or «facts» Hamdan believes himself to be remembering, this is nothing more than the infamous blood libel: the most persistent and longest - lived anti-Semitic myth in history, aside from the claim that the Jews killed Jesus.
Legend, no less than history, remembers the past; but it remembers it with a creative abandon, in disregard of history's concern, always present whatever the degree of interpretation, to give a rational and coherent reconstruction.
But for Gamaliel's mention of Theudas in Acts 5:36 we should have no record of the man and, indeed, it is probable that more messiahs have been lost to history than the number who are remembered.
In a sense, television coverage of events is less concerned with history than with what television itself says ought to be remembered.
Still, it is good to remember that history, even salvation history, as Levering seems to suggest, is never more than an instrument to eschatological purpose.
Jesus» disciples (hand - picked to change world history, remember) drifted off into exhausted slumber no less than three times in the Garden of Gethsemane, even though Jesus had specifically asked them to stay awake.
No; what makes one's pulse to bound when he remembers his own home under foreign skies, is never the rich man, nor the learned man, nor the distinguished man of any sort who - illustrates its history, for in all these petty products almost every country may favorably, at all events tediously, compete with our own; but it is all simply the abstract manhood itself of the country, man himself unqualified by convention, the man to whom all these conventional men have been simply introductory, the man who — let me say it — for the first time in human history finding himself in his own right the peer of every other man, spontaneously aspires and attains to a far freer and profounder culture of his nature than has ever yet illustrated humanity...
I do not find this so strongly in other process thinkers, and insofar as Muray will not be more specific than that the criterion for reconstituting a tradition is «whatever contributes to the enhancement of relationality and creativity that are true of the fundamental character of reality itself» (93), I do not think he will much like the basis of Hauerwas» critique, namely the stories of the history of Israel and Jesus as they continue to be remembered and enacted in the Christian church.
At this point, one should remember that the Bible contains little less than two million words, and that «simple story» is a magnificent understatement of a description of the enormously varied history, poetry, law, prophecy and counsel.
I often joke with my husband that I learn more about American history from the carriage tour drivers than I remember from my entire high school education.
Antonio Gates needs 1,300 yards to gain more yards than Alworth, but he will be remembered now for tying the touchdown record with one of the best in team history.
Chelsea overcame their own lack of Champions League history to win in 2012, but by that stage they had been knocking on the door for so long — and had gone close more times than Abramovich would care to remember — that perhaps their time had come.
More so than any other figure of the Ferguson era, «Eric the Red» made United remember what they were meant to be about, and launched a rush of silerware that saw them become the most successful club in English football history.
Peter Mandelson, a former British trade minister, told the Financial Times recently that history would remember Cameron for nothing more than taking the UK out of the EU: «A man who took this tactical risk, which then turned into a strategic blunder,» he said.
History may remember him as no worse than clueless.
More than half of Americans (59 percent) said they consider this the lowest point in U.S. history that they can remember — a figure spanning every generation, including those who lived through World War II and Vietnam, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Before health officials decide to spray it over cities again, perhaps they ought to take a look at malathion's less - than - reassuring history (see «Malathion: Fear by Year,» at left)-- remembering that DDT, too, once seemed like humanity's last, best defense against mosquito - borne diseases.
Despite having less screen time than most people remember him having, Brando really does make a lasting impression that echoes throughout cinematic history.
In the Grammar Rock series, the exuberant «Interjections» always trumped «Conjunction» for me; in Multiplication Rock, I preferred the gorgeously somber «Figure Eight» over the bouncy «Three»; in the history - themed America Rock, I always found «The Preamble» — and how it made its entire title subject so easy to remember — far more effective than «I'm Just a Bill.»
Few people have put this better than Mahatma Gandhi: «When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won.
The Munsee, more than many other nations, aren't so remembered today, probably because of this very complicated history.
It is also important to remember that new credit inquiries only stay on your report for 2 years, significantly less time than other aspects like payment history and bankruptcy.
But let's remember: BNB is the token powering the world's biggest cryptocurrency exchange (the fastest start up in history to reach unicorn status and now more profitable than Deutsche Bank after just eight months of operations).
If you are enticed by that 10.2 % yield, remember that EOD has cut its dividend four times in its history, and payouts are now 67 % lower than they were when the fund went public.
In fact, if you're luckier than me, you won't even remember this dark chapter in gaming history.
While SNK is usually remembered solely for its rich catalog of high - quality fighting games, there's a lot more to the company's history than King of Fighters or Mark of the Wolves.
The history books may remember Bully as a runt in the pack of snarling beasts that make up Rockstar's back - catalog, but there's a solid argument that it's better than some GTA games.
There has been more controversy leading up to the launch of Star Wars Battlefront II than any other game launch in history (that I can remember).
Before I get too keen on social history, I better remember that Hassam's understanding of it arose less from political maturity or opportunism than from the subject of his art.
J. M. W. Turner was the youngest member ever of the Royal Academy, and if he had died young, art history would remember him as a prodigy rather than as a lifelong experimenter and a precursor of modern art.
«While his work tends to excavate lost histories, I find it is less about the past than about both the present and the future — not just what we remember but also what we rehearse, and what we rehearse for.»
History Painting Much less popular than landscape painting and portraiture, the tradition of history painting in America was carried on by the German - American painter Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816 - 68) who is best remembered for his masterpiece Washington Crossing the DeHistory Painting Much less popular than landscape painting and portraiture, the tradition of history painting in America was carried on by the German - American painter Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816 - 68) who is best remembered for his masterpiece Washington Crossing the Dehistory painting in America was carried on by the German - American painter Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816 - 68) who is best remembered for his masterpiece Washington Crossing the Delaware.
Remember that Marcott, et al., admitted that no temperature variations are preserved in their data «at cycles shorter than 300 years» — yet the entire history of thermometer measurements is less than half of that.
Remember — this year has already seen more billion - dollar weather - related disasters than any year in U.S. history.
I think we are seeing nothing more than climatic varation caused by our orbit, sun activty and a number of other related natural factors, but the trouble is that we take a short term view of weather and think in terms of what we remember as Children not what has gone on in recent history - After all 5000 years is the blink of an eye in the context of the age of the earth and mans habitation of it.
Also, we will observe in the next section that when the models with these feedbacks were first run against history, they produced far more warming than we have actually seen (remember the analysis we started this section with — post-industrial warming implies 1 - 1.5 degrees sensitivity, not four).
Columbus, Ohio, United States About Blog I am a lifelong Ohioan who has made a study of natural history since the age of eight or so - longer than I can remember.
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