Sentences with phrase «than in school»

Today's figures suggest pupils in grammar schools are more often taught by qualified, experienced teachers than those in schools with higher numbers of pupils from low - income families.
We do, however, find suggestive evidence that the overall climate for student learning is worse in middle schools than in schools that serve students from elementary school through the 8th grade.
Many people suggest that 21st - century education policy should be about pupils accessing learning through the Internet and other technologies rather than in school settings.
While writing a college essay you should keep in mind that academic standard and tutor's expectations are higher than in a school.
Nowhere is this more true than in the schools.
The pay in further education is worse than in schools and the holidays are shorter.
Serving food that is both good for us and good for our planet is incredibly important and nowhere more so than in schools where positive eating habits and diets can be formed for life.
We found that student achievement was higher in schools where teachers reported that they were more likely to differentiate instruction than in schools where teachers were less likely to differentiate.
Yet across the country, we continue to invest more in schools serving white children than in schools serving African American and Latino children.
There is no safer way to transport a child than in a school bus.
In addition, in schools with high - minority enrollment (75 % or more), the percentage was 4 points lower than in schools with lower minority enrollment.
I spent more days at home and at the doctor than in school, and the days I did go to school I would never make it through the day to the end.
Services that could also be used elsewhere than in a school i.e. building maintenance and ICT, do not come under the light touch regime and attract the lower threshold.
You're simply more likely to see a clear cause - and - effect relationship between effort and outcome in sports than in school.
He has generated interest in an issue that needs it and there is no better investment than in school infrastructure.
As I've argued elsewhere, nowhere is this clearer than in school policy.
[19] Value - added estimates varied more among teachers in schools that did not appear to assign students at random than in schools that did.
Parent involvement is almost always lower in schools with highly governed parent groups than in schools with empowered groups.
The education administrators are highly required in higher educational institutions than in schools.
The students are having much more rich environment for learning outside of school than in the schools.
Did you know that more kids are hurt in the home than in school every day of the week!
I think this happens because they get a lot more one - on - one time with an adult (with a parent) than in a school with many students in a class.
It found that pupils who were schooled in a classroom environment which made creative and flexible use of design, natural light and noise, temperature, air quality, space and storage performed up to 25 % better than those in schools which didn't.
The results were impressive: hundreds of students moved to proficiency in both math and reading in schools led by NISL EDP graduates and overall achievement scores grew at faster rates in those schools than in schools led by non-NISL graduates.
They're better prepared than in schools in Washington Heights.»
The rate of abuse in the Church is no higher than in the school system?
«The economy is worse than in school year 2004 - 2005, and their own experience tells them that participation drops when you increase prices,» Pratt - Heavner said.
It's much harder to stir a national debate about the persistent problem of gun homicides in the country's poorest urban neighborhoods, even though more children die in urban gun violence than in school shootings, according to University of Pennsylvania criminologist John Macdonald.
In «The Long Haul,» Patricia Graham, former dean of Harvard's education school, sees the problem as rooted more in society than in its schools and calls for as much emphasis on equity as on excellence.
Sometimes when we are frustrated with students» behavior, it can be easy to blame a student's home life, be exasperated that family expectations are different than those in school, or feel that parents «just don't care.»
To answer this question we examine whether the annual changes in performance made by traditional public schools during this period were more positive in schools with charter schools nearby than in schools not facing charter school competition.
The proportion of principals in their first year leading a school is roughly 40 percent higher in schools in the bottom quartile of average prior achievement than in schools in the top quartile; the proportion of principals that have been at their current school at least six years is roughly 50 percent higher in schools with higherachieving students.
The proportion of students who say they would rather be somewhere else than in school rises from a quarter (25 per cent) to a third (33 per cent) between Years 3 and 9.
«I've been a nurse since 1971 and have worked in an intensive care unit and an emergency room — and I felt safer there than in a school,» said Donna Kosiorowski, the supervisor of school health services for the West Haven (Connecticut) Public Schools.»
Still, the pace is far slower in Papa's class than in the school's mainstream classes.
For example, teachers in a school with more than 50 % of students eligible for free and reduced - price lunch were just 5 % less likely to continue teaching than those in schools with higher socioeconomic student populations.
Students in grades K - 5 are exposed to hundreds of math vocabulary terms such as dividend or quotient, which they may not hear or see anywhere other than in school.
In Finland, meanwhile, there is far less emphasis on testing and homework than in schools in the UK.
Segregation was completely legal and no more apparent than in the schools.
On top of that, we had our coldest January since 1978 (with about twice as many days out of school than in school for my kindergartener) and a massive chemical spill that made the water essentially unusable for a few weeks — with some areas still seeing the effects more than a month later.
Accordingly, teachers have adopted technologies that recapitulate prior practices: PowerPoint enhances a lecture; students gather information on the Internet rather than in the school library.
More effective principals: (1) are able to retain higher - quality teachers and remove less - effective teachers; (2) are able to attract and hire higher - quality teachers to fill vacancies; (3) have teachers who improve at a greater pace than those in schools with less effective leadership (there is some evidence for this, albeit weak).
It found there was more «outstanding» teacher training in university - led partnerships than in school - based schemes (run by school consortia) or in schemes where trainees are employed by schools and learn on - the - job.
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