Sentences with phrase «than in the private sector because»

In other words, Ohanian thinks you could use job security as a means of attracting employees into the public sector even if you offered salaries roughly 10 % lower than in the private sector because the job security itself has some value.

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That is because banks, private - equity firms and institutional investors have continued to pour money into the sector even as oil companies slashed billions of dollars in spending from their budgets and laid off more than 100,000 workers.
Four, the current administration should reduce local borrowing in order not to be in competition with the private sector because the banks prefer to lend money to the government than the private sector and that will further run down our economy.
She says she was drawn toward bench work in industry rather than at a university because the private sector work seemed more directly transferrable to creating medicine and helping human health.
You have to keep current, because practices and priorities change — on time scales much shorter than 40 years, especially with the donor sources that are in the private sector.
Most public school teachers participate in defined benefit (DB) pension plans, which because of different accounting rules contribute significantly less today for each dollar of future retirement benefits than private - sector DB pensions or defined contribution (DC) pension plans.
Because of limited funds and a lack of mandates, teachers encounter fewer special needs students in private schools than in public schools, so if you specialized in special education, you might not find many available positions in the private sector.
So to answer the question in the lede, I think private sector experiments should focus on collecting data rather than changing the environment, because human - produced changes never work out like we thought and often have major unforseen problems (we're NOT that clever, folks).
One does not trim down the departments in the public service which used to deal with such projects, systematically subcontract an increasing number of tasks to the private sector (often less on the basis of technical skills than favors for politically well - connected campaign supporters), or engage in a policy of «let the private sector figure it out for the best» without arriving at a stage where even dedicated teams can not do things, because they simply no longer have the experience required to do things.
So most veterans are interested because of the stability, benefits, and flexibility of federal jobs, which is much better than in the private sector or with government contracting.
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