Sentences with phrase «than in the water»

Maybe that would have better been said on shore rather than in the water.
«Why E. coli move faster in syrup - like fluids than in water
«What was surprising was finding a solvent that allows the assembly of structures more easily than in water.
It is clear, however, that volatile anesthetics, which are more soluble in lipids than in water, primarily affect the function of ion channel and neurotransmitter receptor proteins in the membranes of nerve cells, which are lipid environments.
Using fruitfly embryos, scientists from Vanderbilt University found that this plasma forms more easily in living tissue than in water.
If you take a cup of honey, the motion ceases more quickly than in water; the more viscous the fluid, the quicker the perturbation of the system decays with time.»
Microbial degradation of oil on the seafloor is much slower than in the water column.
We know of no better place to do so than in the waters around Telegraph Cove.
Therefore, the current evidence suggests that permafrost thaw in dry soils will cause a stronger permafrost carbon — climate feedback than in water - saturated soils 1,7.
At every step in the food chain, methylmercury loads increase until they reach levels as much as half a million times higher than in the water.
undertake activities on the beach rather than in the water, or the lesson may be rescheduled or may need to be postponed due to bad weather.
«We found that, although the infection rate was slightly lower with the alcohol - based solution (5.8 %) than in the water - based solution (6.8 %), the difference was not significant, and it would require 100 patients to be treated with alcoholic solution to prevent one extra infection.»
The soil - like composition may indicate that these rocks were formed from ancient dunes rather than in water.
Only if the condition becomes unsafe during a surf lessons at Odysseys Surf School the surf instructors may modify the lesson and undertake activities on the beach rather than in the water.
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