Sentences with phrase «than individual stock picks»

Perhaps more important than his individual stock picks however, is Einhorn's portfolio construct:
With MPT and asset allocation, the proportion of stocks to bonds is more important than individual stock picking.

Not exact matches

Growth and margins for corporations matter more than the Fed, Tepper said, adding that it's a moment to pick individual stocks.
Rather than having a professional pick and choose individual stocks, with an index fund, you own all or almost all of one particular kind of investment.
Thus, the book's recommended strategy is to buy a portfolio rather than trying to pick individual stocks.
Rather than try to pick out individual stocks, he said it makes more sense for the average investor to buy all of the companies of the S&P 500 at the low cost an index fund offers.
ETF Investing holds many obvious benefits over individual stock - picking and several factors make ETFs Better Than Mutual Funds.
Someone with a nice chunk of capital doesn't want to go through the motion of picking individual loans, any more than many investors don't want to go through the process of individual stock picking.
Just as picking individual stocks is fraught with risks, so too is picking individual ETFs that may be much more concentrated and volatile than SPY or AGG.
For many, there is a strong historical and emotional bias that a 3rd party or an expert can do a better job picking a spouse than an individual... just like people hire a stock broker to pick stocks... they believe that a dating expert or matchmaker can screen candidates better.
ETF Investing holds many obvious benefits over individual stock - picking and several factors make ETFs Better Than Mutual Funds.
Less than 10 % of my retirement money is in individual stocks, and over time I lag the S&P by just enough to calculate the cost of my «having fun picking stocks
Top it all off with a sprinkling of individual stock picks from BNN, each one making up less than 1 % of the portfolio so they'll have no meaningful impact.
Having been around the investment community for over 50 years, I know that almost every investor thinks their individual stock picks are better than the market.
Thus, the book's recommended strategy is to buy a portfolio rather than trying to pick individual stocks.
Easier than DIY investing with individual stocks, but harder than picking ETFs since you have to offset higher fees.
Statistically over time (10 + years), your odds of beating the market picking individual stocks is less than 1 %.
Rather than picking individual stocks, a mutual fund is a readymade, diverse portfolio of different stocks and bonds managed by a financial expert.
Choosing from among the three Canadian - market dividend ETFs traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange is faster, easier and safer than picking individual dividend stocks.
You never have to worry about picking stocks because the market is more resilient than any individual stock.
The early research on index investing has been aimed at making the case for investing in an index rather than picking individual stocks.
Based on the annualized returns in the first two statistics here, these results would seem to endorse individual stock picking rather than investing in something mundane like an S&P 500 index fund.
While individual stocks may be able to give you greater gains than many diversified mutual funds in the short term, (especially if you stay on top of things as far as researching your stock picks, staying on top of news, etc), they can also carry with them the risk of greater losses.
The reason why Warren Buffett is more of a household name than Charlie Munger, Seth Klarman, Peter Lynch, Donald Yacktman, and John Neff is not because Warren Buffett is better at picking individual common stocks than those other gentlemen.
Most experts recommend that you allocate no more than 5 % — 10 % of your total portfolio to a basket of individual stocks that you will pick yourself.
As an individual investor, you'll still need to figure out which funds to buy, but that's monumentally easier than picking individuals stocks and bonds!
Now, to avoid having to mess with portfolios or look at positions, one thing you can do is simply index rather than pick individual stocks.
If you prefer to buy the market, rather than pick individual stocks, how does that look?
Van Nest also advises the Martins avoid individual stock picking and not make investing any more complicated than it has to be.
But these funds are a better way to invest than to pick individual stocks especially in these foreign countries.
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