Sentences with phrase «than life characters living»

Cult movies, kids» movies or Hollywood blockbusters; they're all filled with larger than life characters living fantasy lives.

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That «I think I can do it» is key — Musk's gut level faith in his ability to achieve any goal, and overcome any obstacle, is one of the most important aspects of his character that has made him a larger - than - life innovator.
When paired onscreen with actors living fully in the present — playing characters who are defined by their relationship with the lead rather than by their own complicated backstories — DiCaprio is again made to suffer.
The augmented reality game from Japan's Nintendo (ntdoy), where players walk around real - life neighborhoods to hunt down virtual cartoon characters on their smartphone screens, has more than 65 million users in the United States just seven days after launch.
Empathic people trust that kindness will get them further in life than other human character trait.
Pure Barre teacher and author, Emily Liebert, recently released a new book, «Some Women,» in which the main characters find inspiration for life from the Pure Barre mantra, «You're stronger than you think.»
On character, he'd seem to be able to compete, so long as he emphasizes family life rather than political career (leaving aside the suspicions about Mormonism).
It does nt explain his origins, substance, or much more, other than his character, motive and goal, asside from moral laws, codes of conduct, right from wrong, and how to manage life, all while believing in him.
Rather than looking at corporate work as the evil scourge of the earth (though you certainly want to make sure your personal values align with an organization's corporate values), riding the elevator to the 11th floor every day may be exactly where God needs you to develop your spiritual character, your gifts and to reach those who are broken, empty and living without knowing their Savior.
For Poland to be something other than the claustrophobic Soviet puppet - state it had been since 1945 — for Poland to be itself, true to its character and history — Poland had to live in the truth: It had to be a country in which 2 + 2 always equaled 4.
Wnen bad things happen to good people they can be used as steping stones to increase their faith and characters, but I don't know how those that are unbelievers view it, other than a «O» well, that's life
In my family, we see life as a series of grand stories that simply must be populated with larger - than - life characters.
When these characters consider living like common people they think of that as freedom rather than a duty of shared sacrifice.
Unlike the rainbow, the sign of God's earlier covenant with Noah and all life after the Flood — which addressed only the preservation of life rather than its moral character and which accordingly demanded nothing from man in return — circumcision is an unnatural sign, both artificial and conventional.
When Jesus says, as in the Fourth Gospel's interpretative words, «Love one another as I have loved you, greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends,» the very quality of the love which God has expressed through Jesus becomes the quality and character of suffering love poured out for another beyond the worthiness of that other.
There's a lot more to This Is Us than meets the eye — the characters are going through real - life problems and dealing with them in ways that so many of us do.
It is about believing in something better than ourselves helping us in our lives, knowing spirituality (totally different than religion), being humble (after experiencing humiliation) and daily addressing our character defects and the wrong we have done upon others.
The environment in which most of the population today are living and thinking has changed its character in the space of little more than one generation.
This, then, is the conclusion of the matter: life can be either consecration or desecration, and no test of character goes much deeper than the decision as to which of these two it shall be.
The king himself had reached nearer perhaps to a monotheistic conception of God than any of his people, but he was oppressed by the fleeting character of life, and uncertain of what lay beyond this life.
The generic character of John XXIII's original intentions for the Council, of course, was essentially responsible for much of the subsequent struggle between the Council Fathers and the Roman curia, the latter being accustomed to dealing with «live issues» rather than with general goals of development.
Perhaps, though, the biblical character of Jesus, rather than being entirely mythical, was based on one of many Jewish messiah claimants who had followers who euhemerized his life to a greater extent than those of other such claimants, so that in time the stories were so embellished that he became a god in them, but the Tesimonium Flavianum is hardly proof of his existence.
This process, which is the inner history of every man whose life in the whole weight of its problematic character and its ambiguous self - consciousness has been lived within the sound of the voice of the Christian tradition, has a pace that is slower than the urgent haste of individual perplexities.
In an era of television characterized by fantasy, science dystopias and larger - than - life drama characters, Penelope Alvarez feels like the Every Mom.
If your quality of life suffers because of a few characters on a dollar bill, your life is poorer than I thought.
And life, when full of disorder and slackness and vague superfluity, can no more have what we call character than literature can have it under similar conditions.
It is increasingly clear that Deuteronomy and the Priestly writings contain at least some material much older than is indicated by the usual dating of the documents.9 Increasingly, too, it would appear that scholars are disposed to accept the substantial reliability of the persistent tradition which sees Moses as a lawgiver.10 That law was an early and significant aspect of Israelite culture is further attested not only by ancient Near Eastern parallels but even more strikingly in the life, the work and the character of the first three great names in Israel's national history: Moses, Samuel and Elijah.
They are: rationalization, which tends toward sterile intellectualization and robs life of its character and vitality; estheticism, which cuts off true communication by maintaining an esthetic distance in order to dominate, rather than to support, others; capitalism, which tends to deper - sonalize people by providing for their hedonistic needs in order to support production and consumption regardless of its human utility; and nationalism, which tends to make national things sacred and in doing so to create idols out of them.31.
As already noted the living cell, because of its tightly organized character, is more comparable to a molecule than to a mere aggregation of matter.
These words are symbolic of the Yehudi's life and are the most fitting for its close; for of all of the characters in this novel, deeply religious though they are, it is only he who has declared God's oneness, only he who has refused to work for redemption with external means and who has refused to accept a division of the world between God and the devil or a redemption that is anything less than the redemption of all evil and the recognition of God as the only power in the universe.
85 % of a child's character is developed in the first 5 years of life — no better way to start them out than with the Bible.
Were Dostoevsky living at this hour, he might well ask whether the American reduction of nearly every aspect of human existence, including religion itself, to either entertainment or commodification constitutes a yet worse kind of herd - existence than the one Ivan describes — a subtler and therefore deadlier attempt to relieve humanity of its suffering and sin, and thus of its real character and interest.
The plain fact remains that the spread of the movement has been due to practical fruits, and the extremely practical turn of character of the American people has never been better shown than by the fact that this, their only decidedly original contribution to the systematic philosophy of life, should be so intimately knit up with concrete therapeutics.
The resolute grappling of a man with his own life is one of the most searching tests of character, for most people are willing to grapple with anything else under heaven, from international problems to spiritualism, rather than to face squarely their individual responsibility for their own lives.
«He was one of those larger - than - life characters,» she says.
Sometimes I'm awkward in real life, and in real life at least I can have more than 140 characters to explain myself, and use facial expressions, or loudly nervous - laugh my way out of it.
Living and dying with the Illini builds more characters than digging holes.
This (literally) larger than life character adopting a crazy throwback technique.
I doubt very much you are 50, and are a life long supporter and north London boy but if you are that makes your character even more dubious in my eyes as you should know better than to abide and what's more defend this nonsense year after year as you do.
Both at home, and in - studio people are loving Keenan Thompson's over-the-top rendition of an already larger - than - life character.
Fans arent tuning in for less than larger than life characters.
The former Juventus man is a big influence in the dressing room — a quick glance at his social media accounts tell you that — and a larger than life character.
I think it must be due to being so little and having those larger than life characters masquerade at a party, would be enough to scare any person.
Maybe it was something strange about having larger than life characters.
This «family time» turned out to be so much more than just that — my children learned a valuable life lesson: the importance of our military and the fact that these people are real, not fictitious characters in a distant place.
Take a one - hour guided walk, see a real vernal pool, and meet some larger - than - life characters eager to share their stories with you.
Kids love the larger - than - life bronze statues of Franklin, Bear, and other characters.
Real life can be stranger than fiction, as moms obsessed over their children are not solely characters devised for television and films.
Together, the innovative brands have collaborated on a series of one - of - a-kind prints influenced by tokidoki's larger - than - life designs and characters.
By the end of a long day of critique, her «protective cloak» was at best in tatters, and perhaps that's the ultimate fate of most attempts for a media figure to live aggressively as a character rather than an honest person.
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