Sentences with phrase «than life figure»

In our culture, the superhero is that unique, larger - than life figure, who, by virtue of gift, accident, calling or legacy possesses powers and abilities that allow them to fight evil, protect the innocent and better society.
A larger than life figure, Julian Schnabel has achieved art world stature and mainstream celebrity through his art, his films, and his well - documented lifestyle.
This principal, in essence, can become a cult - of - personality; a larger than life figure who exemplifies a rare gift.
A larger than life figure who burned brightly both on and off screen, Errol Flynn engaged in an adventurous lifestyle behind the scenes that rivaled his dashing performances in some of classic Hollywood's most iconic movies.
What I felt she had been borne and bred to do — which is to be this larger than life figure that was in charge of that many people.
«Slaughter was a larger than life figure who worked tirelessly to secure federal funding and make this project a reality.
In our culture, the superhero is that unique, larger - than life figure, who, by virtue of gift, accident, calling or legacy possesses powers and abilities that allow them to fight evil, protect the innocent and better society.
The shells are giant in scale, yet skeletal, and burn with a fiery intensity next to the larger than life figures.
Successful senior partners are often larger than life figures within their firms.

Not exact matches

For Candace, it's less about going out and getting joy than it is about figuring out where moments of joy already exist in our daily lives.
After living in New York City for the past three years, I've figured out how to navigate the city on the cheap, but I've also shelled out more than I'm proud of on omelettes and mimosas.
More than 26 million people tuned in to watch the Grammys on a night touting highly - anticipated live performances from pop stars such as Beyoncé and Adele, according to Nielsen figures reported by CBS.
As you've only got one life to live, you might as well figure out a way to escape the grind sooner, rather than later.
Forty years ago UNICEF figured out that promoting simple, low - cost interventions like hand - washing and breastfeeding could save millions of lives, and its mission has helped children in more than 190 countries and territories.
CEOs can become larger - than - life pop culture figures, as evidenced by the not one, but two Steve Jobs movies coming out this year.
Earlier production surpluses in May 2005 and January 2012 were higher than today but were short - lived and related to specific non-systemic factors (Figure 9).
Those are rough figures, though, from just one year in Trump's life more than a decade ago.
More than 84,000 people in San Diego County are living with Alzheimer's and related dementias, a figure that will reach 115,000 by 2030, according to two reports released by the county Friday.
Also, the demo account shows exaggerated profit figures which if anything it is an indication that the website is unreliable since its promising a higher than usual return deemed impossible when live trading.
Children who lived with both a mother and father figure also had less behavioural problems than those who just lived with their mother.
Orthodox priests serve as guides along the path of life — and are not viewed as authority figures who are meant to be «holier than thou».
In view of the central place of the emperor in the lives of the inhabitants of the empire, the figure of the Roman emperor must be given a far more significant place in any attempt to discern the nature of formative Christology than has hitherto been recognized.
It might not have influenced him, but it situates him in a particular era in the history of silliness, with the 1890s still an incense - drowned memory, and such figures as Baron Corvo — whom Williams quotes with approval more than once in his writings — hovering on the borders of literary life.
If you are not experiencing opposition in this life as a Christian than you need to take another look at the truth that the Bible and Christ taught... Jesus was a revolutionary figure who opposed the society and people that he lived with... He was not a person who was sugary sweet... and He didn't tell people what they wanted to hear... as Scripture says, the path to heaven is narrow and Few choose it... the road to hell is wide and most are following that path.
Wasn't it Harold Camping who claimed to have figured out the exact date on more than one occasion and told people to send him money (some sent their life savings, which he never refunded when he was proven wrong)?
A personal god was nothing more than an exalted father - figure: desire for such a deity sprang from infantile yearnings for a powerful, protective father, for justice and fairness and for life to go on forever.
What Christians need today more than ever, in a time that the Christian sub-culture is shrinking in size and Christian witness is losing influence, is help to figure out how to live in this pluralistic non-Christian world in a way that does justice to Jesus» call to be his disciples in the world.
If you look into a lot of his work, you'll see that more than half the time he is lamenting his choices and is satirizing himself as a flawed figure eaten up by the fast life.
He was a more impressive figure than our own Founding Fathers in at least three respects: He had been a slave for most of his life; he was a famously devout Christian; and his accomplishment remains unmatched to this day, for the Haitian Revolution is still the only successful slave revolt in history.
But we must further note in these myths that the male figure is associated with death more than with life, while the female figure is associated more with life and renewal than with death.
Even a more moderate historian — one who suspects that the biblical account of Solomon's reign is based on folk tales and legends that circulated more than a half millennium after the real Solomon lived, yet is open to the possibility that these folk tales and legends hark back to a historical figure — may have reservations about crediting this legendary Solomon with the fortifications and gates at Hazor, Gezer and Megiddo.
One looks in vain in Luther, Calvin, Baxter, Wesley, Edwards, and all the major figures of three centuries of Protestant writing, for any more than incidental treatment of the problems of the economic, political and legal structures of life.
When one adds this to the role of «father» as protector, guardian, and provider of the family and the life of the womb, it is easy to see the preference for father as the proper anthropomorphism for the role of God to mankind in care and love, rather than for a mother figure.
I'd suggest you watch the Zeitgeist and use ur time productively / learning something useful rather than spend hours of your life praying to a mythical figure whom you will never meet or talk to or have any type of dialog with.
It's arrogant to think you know more than your creator and that your little clay mind can out think God or begin to figure Him out of think you know everthing that there is to know about life and the existence of Man.
It confronts men with an «It,» an impersonal power which they must try to figure out for themselves, rather than a «Thou,» the living God who cared enough for His human creatures to take the initiative in revealing Himself to them in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Europe's spiritual dissolution came from the failure of Christians to figure out how to resolve conflicts among themselves in ways that gave life rather than truncated it.
The club said it pays permanent employees the Voluntary Living Wage, which is higher than the statutory national figure.
I figure it's got to be better for me than the processed bread products I've been living on for the past four months and the extra protein from the peanut butter can only be good for me.
«It's intended to reflect the needs of the child, and it's pretty hard to figure out how a one - year - old needs more than $ 1,200 or $ 1,500 a month to live on.»
David's dismissive tone made him sound to his little brother like a knowing teenager, one who had figured out that life offers more disappointment than anything else, but they both knew it was an act.
As much as any fan that gets upset with Wenger I share the same compliment as in I'm not afraid of change and at this pace I rather it sooner than later... I respect Wenger to the max for what he has done for our club but I have to be honest, at this point I'm starting to imagine life after... Think about it we still haven't figured out top teams and we're lucky to leave the Etihad that day with all 3 points if City hadn't just got off the plane.
The past year has been a hairpin turn for Armstrong: divorcing Kristin, buying another house in Austin a 60 - second walk from the one his three children still live in, falling in love again «way sooner» than he figured he would and now having to leave the kids (the oldest a four - year - old) to train in Europe for two months.
But in a world where money is the biggest motivation, the player has suddenly become a «larger than life» figure, in footballing terms.
I also know what it's like to live with anxiety and if my child is experiencing this, I want to figure out what's going on sooner than later.
Fathers and father figures are more likely to be overlooked in studies than mothers, because childhood sweeps have not interviewed birth parents not living in the cohort member's «main household».
We wanted to get some insights into how it works and what people need to know in order to succeed, and we figured who better to ask than the people living it every day.
I can't figure out what magic was lost, because I absolutely adore her and so far she shows no sign of truancy, vagrancy or any other bad «c» other than the one that saved her little newborn life twelve years ago.
I love and care about her, I'm a mother figure to her, I've been around for more than three quarters of her life, and I plan on continuing to be around for the rest of that life.
The debate rages on and on whether or not disposable diapers are more environmentally sound than cloth diapers, but for the life of me I can't figure out why.
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