Sentences with phrase «than living together»

I definitely see marriage as something more than living together.
You get a divorce and both move on with your lives, rather than living together in misery forever, constantly arguing.»
«Although well intentioned, the last Government received very little for their money in terms of social mobility and a reduction in the gap between the rich and the poor, and they have further fuelled a culture of benefit dependency in which children grow up seeing parents and grandparents who have never worked as their role models, in which people are better off living apart than living together, and in which there is no incentive to work because of the fear of becoming worse off.

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Plans, trends and challenges change all the time, so a team that can adapt together and follow the customer (rather than clinging desperately to the original idea) will be suited to startup life.
I boarded a plane to Germany, and less than 12 hours later, my fiancee and I were planning our new life together — in New York.
Bringing people together, doing interesting content and doing fun programs that can live on through social is something that we think is really different than how a lot brands approach it.
In putting together a sidebar for that story about the most important FPS games in the history of the medium, I noticed a fascinating trend that seems to say something poignant about the times we're living in: brand has become a stronger selling feature than the artist, at least in games.
Most industries are much smaller than you'd think, so treating everyone — even your opponents — with respect is a good rule to live by, especially since you might end up working together one day.
Thanks, Linda — working together is a much better and fruitful choice than living by the mentality of scarcity.
It can be FUN to explore truth if we are all humbly aware of our limitations and if we all just live in the questions together rather than beating each other over the heads with the so - called - knowledge we supposedly have!
That's because we recognize only one Christian nation, the church, the holy nation that is bound together by a living faith in Jesus rather than by man - made, blood - soaked borders.
I believe in government; that men can not live together without rules but that they should be kept at the bare minimum of safety; that there is no form of government ordained from God as being better than any other; that the anarchic elements in society are so strong that it is a whole - time task to keep the peace.
There's little more important than «welcoming» our children — enjoying life together, imparting a sense of wonder and joy, appreciating every moment.
I think I'm too simple in my thinking that; if you don't like it, DO N'T WATCH... if you don't agree with it, DO N'T CHOOSE TO LIVE YOUR LIFE THAT WAY... Seems like a very simplistic way of thinking, but I have personal opinions on EVERYTHING, but I don't force others to live their lives according to my moral fiber... i don't judge people for living their lives the way that makes them happy... And i believe that IGNORANCE is the basis for INTOLERANCE... people are famous for HATING things that they don't understand... again, if it MORALLY offends you, don't read stories on things that you don't agree with, don't watch shows that portray choices that you don't agree with... The Brown family seems close knit, almost like extended family living under one roof... the kids work together and get along much better than a lot of «mainstream» households i seLIVE YOUR LIFE THAT WAY... Seems like a very simplistic way of thinking, but I have personal opinions on EVERYTHING, but I don't force others to live their lives according to my moral fiber... i don't judge people for living their lives the way that makes them happy... And i believe that IGNORANCE is the basis for INTOLERANCE... people are famous for HATING things that they don't understand... again, if it MORALLY offends you, don't read stories on things that you don't agree with, don't watch shows that portray choices that you don't agree with... The Brown family seems close knit, almost like extended family living under one roof... the kids work together and get along much better than a lot of «mainstream» households i selive their lives according to my moral fiber... i don't judge people for living their lives the way that makes them happy... And i believe that IGNORANCE is the basis for INTOLERANCE... people are famous for HATING things that they don't understand... again, if it MORALLY offends you, don't read stories on things that you don't agree with, don't watch shows that portray choices that you don't agree with... The Brown family seems close knit, almost like extended family living under one roof... the kids work together and get along much better than a lot of «mainstream» households i see...
The science side of me looks at the systematic ways that systems, elements, molecules and atoms come together to form life and I realize it is very easy for me to believe that an intelligence greater than mine is definitely a possibility too.
You have made them for a little while lower than the angels; you have crowned them with glory and honor... (Hebrews 2:6,7) An incredible respect for life wove together the disparate humanity that worked the edges of...
A theologian of Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles sets forth in brief compass an overview of conflicts within American Catholicism, advocating a «common ground» approach to living together in a Church that is, he believes, stronger and healthier than such conflicts may suggest.
Certainly death is now seen as something which lls us with dread (together with the expectation of «bodily pains») rather than, as it was meant to be, the gateway to eternal life.
It often happens with such a double - minded person, that the older he gets the more impoverished his life becomes: when his youth, in which there was something better than fear, is spent, and when fearfulness and cleverness conspire together in order to make him into a slave, if one wishes to put it so — to the Good.
I see more vividly than before that our redemption requires that this power come to us, and through us, in healing and liberation, advocacy and friendship, love and sisterliness, in the most badly broken and frightening places of our life together and as individuals.
This is moving further away from the teaching of Jesus than widening marriage to include gay people and then returning to traditional Christian teaching against living together.
The issue with plural marriage, whether it is the somewhat traditional understanding of one man, multiple women, or the more modernized take that can be any mix of men and women together, is in the complexity of financial and legal entangling of more than two lives.
I mean the burning passion of lived awareness that we occupy a precarious existence on this planet together with the soil and its flowers, the water and its fishes, the air and its birds, the fire and energy sources; that our fellow human beings are truly brothers and sisters with whom it is better always to make love - justice than war; and that gentleness lasts longer and touches more deeply than other kinds of power.
No sooner is it constituted by the grouping together of elementary particles, than the living element, whatever its degree of internal complexity, begins to reproduce itself.
Hasidic teaching is like psychoanalysis, writes Buber, in that it refers one from the problematic of external life to that of the inner life, and it shows the need of beginning with oneself rather than demanding that both parties to a relationship change together.
If the Supreme Court somehow obtained jurisdiction over this independent sovereign power, according to Coons it would not be acting «either as or for the state, but as the arbiter of legal sovereigns who need a way to live together by some rule more humane than naked power.»
The Christian faith is a way of thinking and speaking together, but it is equally a way of living together, and living is much more than thinking and speaking.
I'm for g.ay marriage, because I don't see any harm coming from it, and I think some people are better off divorcing than living miserable lives together, but I'm not for anything else on your list (adultery, lying, cheating, stealing).
There are few gifts in life more precious than flesh - and - blood people who help put us back together when we fall apart.
Campaign Life 2017 is designed to gather together and mobilise people in the cause of life, so that, by the time the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act comes along on 27 October 2017, the pro-life movement in Scotland will have a more powerful voice than eLife 2017 is designed to gather together and mobilise people in the cause of life, so that, by the time the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act comes along on 27 October 2017, the pro-life movement in Scotland will have a more powerful voice than elife, so that, by the time the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act comes along on 27 October 2017, the pro-life movement in Scotland will have a more powerful voice than elife movement in Scotland will have a more powerful voice than ever.
They put on painted smiles and fake lives to make themselves seem like they have it together more than they actually do.
Sister Andrea: Campaign Life 2017 is designed to gather together and mobilise people in the cause of life, so that, by the time the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act comes along on 27 October 2017, the pro-life movement in Scotland will have a more powerful voice than eLife 2017 is designed to gather together and mobilise people in the cause of life, so that, by the time the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act comes along on 27 October 2017, the pro-life movement in Scotland will have a more powerful voice than elife, so that, by the time the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act comes along on 27 October 2017, the pro-life movement in Scotland will have a more powerful voice than elife movement in Scotland will have a more powerful voice than ever.
However, the structure that holds together what might otherwise seem a series of eclectic reflections — that is, the mysteries of the rosary — is of course nothing other than the life and work of Jesus Christ set out in linear fashion from Incarnation through redemption to the glory of heaven.
Our weapons of mass destruction could kill all the billions of humans, together with all life higher than insects and grass, not once but a dozen times over.
To a large degree, freedom is granted to the members, but they are still bound together by glad acceptance of the common life, and they use the rule as a guideline rather than as an arbitrarily imposed dictate.
In my opinion it takes more faith to live with the mystery, struggle to hold together all the opposites and seek to listen to the Holy Spirit for your own unique life's circumstances than it does to simply quote chapter and text as if the Christian walk is a predictable black & white / cause & effect existence.
RD.. How path - et - ic to see your hate and fear driving you to death...!?! Man pull your self together and have the courage to face the returns of your deeds... Wars were always there in life whether were religious or not so stop doing it on your self... Beside learn to wish people well whether you agree or disagree with might you succeed in life rather than being a loser... by being a cowered... My posts were meant for the friendly people I had known for some time, whom I found they were full of compassion and not for black hearted one's like you who hate all God creations...
Following Bonhoeffer's exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, he gives an exposition of Matthew 9:35 - 10:42.39 Short vignettes are drawn of the harvest (the people are without a shepherd, without relief, deliverance, and forgiveness) for which one must pray for laborers; the call of the apostles (who are given power stronger than Satan's and are bound together only by their choice and call); the work (fulfilling their commission to preach, traveling as messengers of the King, living in «royal poverty,» warning men of the urgency of the times); the suffering of the messengers (as Jesus was persecuted so the messengers will be, but they are forewarned; because Christ will return the disciples are not to fear man, or to be gullible in thinking that «there is good in every man «40); the decision (man's eternal destiny is determined by his decision on earth for the devil or for Christ); and the fruit (the disciples are fellow workers having as their goal the «salvation of the Church»).41
Mormon volunteers in Ghana, for example, arranged for 1.5 million text messages to be sent to fellow citizens in support of the country's launch of vaccines against pneumonia and rotavirus, two diseases that together claim the lives of more than 2 million children around the world every year.
Yet we are all human beings living together, religion is just one more to separate us rather than to unite us.
from the fact that antibiotics has saved more lives than all the lives lost in both World Wars put together.
Although the study found that close to a third of the sample lived together longer than ten years, they also found that «The majority of couples... and all the couples together longer then five years, were not continuously s exclusive with each other.»
I only know personally of two successful christian communities where believers live either together or buy up houses on a particular street and run businesses (other than some cult communities which are differently run — they are not, I think what we are talking about here) and share resources.
You've had a busier first year of life than I would have expected myself to allow or embrace for you: two busy working parents, we moved to a new house, lots of travel together, and loads of new people.
The participants in this conversational endeavor — this societas — are «persons whose paths through life have fallen together, united by civility rather than by a common goal, much less a common ground.»
Sadly the consequences of our sin remain we are forgiven but everything does nt snap back how it was.What God does do for us in rom 8:28 all things work together for good to those who love the Lord.So instead of remaining in our guilt and condemnation Jesus sets us free to walk in righteousness and holiness so that the consequences of our sin actually work for our good rather than our destruction.So what was intended to destroy us is used to give us life hope and a future.brentnz
I think that what I felt each minute was worth more than all the outward comfort and pleasure which I had enjoyed in my whole life put together.
Just as Christians, there are huge varieties of Hindus and they all hold different mixes of inconsistencies, applications and embracings of parts of their faith as they weave together an inner life which is far more similar to Christians, for instance, than they'd like to imagine.
Lots of plans, goals, and a vision, a picture of what we want our life together to be like at different stages of our lives, and concrete thoughts and efforts on how to get there that impact us everyday.Some formal, some informal, some more rigid and fixed than others.
In Life Together, Bonhoeffer said that those who love their dream of Christian community more than the Christian Community itself become destroyers of Christian community.
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