Sentences with phrase «than lying awake»

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Often I simply could not stay awake while feeding her, and when I got the whole side - lying and feeding down pat, and Bob's your uncle, she'd fall asleep next to me, I'd fall asleep next to her, and she STAYED ASLEEP for more than 30 minutes.
In addition to bringing on the telltale tears, a child's preschool fears can cause him to lie awake at night (or sleep more than normal), backtrack on toilet training, or suddenly exhibit aggressive behavior.
Waiting has been hard on me, harder than I anticipated, and I've had a lot of restless nights lying awake thinking about it, praying for rest, peace and patience.
If you wake up an hour before your alarm goes off, try moving your bedtime a bit later; similarly, if you go to bed and find yourself lying awake, desperately trying to fall asleep for more than 20 minutes, you may be trying to go to sleep too early.
But rather than just lie awake at night, the young French artist collaborates with scientists and specialists on rigorous, research - based projects — not to solve these enigmas, but to revel in them.
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