Sentences with phrase «than marijuana»

These delicious cookies are made from a different variety of cannabis than marijuana.
And businesses that sold alcohol led to much more violent crime than marijuana outlets.
Belize remained an important transshipment site for drugs other than marijuana in the early 1990s.
«Many youth tend to think that alcohol use has more consequences than marijuana use and therefore view marijuana use as safer than drinking,» D'Amico said.
«I wanted to get into whether [Marinol is worse than marijuana], because that was the lore: «We need to legalize marijuana because Marinol is no good,»» she says.
Because alcohol consumption is more harmful to people than marijuana use, but the two are substitutes, legalizing pot will lead customers to shift to the better of the two choices.
Moreover, some experts believe that alcohol, which is legal in virtually all parts of the United States, is more harmful than marijuana, which is illegal in almost all of the country.
«I firmly believe that New York can develop an approach to marijuana regulation that addresses public health concerns while reducing the exposure of so many people, and particularly young people of color, to interactions with the criminal justice system that have much more damaging life consequences than marijuana use,» said state Sen. Liz Krueger (D - Manhattan), who's sponsored a bill that would legalize, regulate and tax pot.
«It's more intense [than marijuana] but it doesn't last as long.»
Alcohol and the War on Drugs have killed more people in the last 60 seconds than marijuana ever has in the last 5000 + years (0).
Alcohol causes exponentially more auto accidents than marijuana.
«We removed glaucoma, interestingly, at the request of the Opthalmologists» Association,» Savino told Arbetter, explaining that recent advances in opthalmological science have yielded drugs better than marijuana to treat the condition.
The U.S. research crop, grown at a single facility, is regarded as less potent — and therefore less medicinally interesting — than the marijuana often easily available on the street.
It was also found that non-smoking boys were on average 4 kg heavier and 4.6 inches taller by the age of 20 than the marijuana smokers.
Experiencing regret after sex is more commonly associated with alcohol than marijuana or ecstasy, according...
Hemp may be a different strain than marijuana, but given hemp's superfood status and derivation from the same plant, it makes sense that cannabis is a great source of many nutrients.
Among the public comments his office collected were several from the DEA, which, according to information Johnson has now forwarded to state Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem, were, unsurprisingly, predictable — including a complaint that the state's definition of industrial hemp is «inconsistent» with federal law and that the state is furthering the «erroneous» impression that hemp is «a different species of plant than marijuana
Doda, a form of opiate made by drying the poppy plant, can lead to even stiffer penalties than marijuana production, with charges being as severe as those for heroin - related offences.
They are lenient if medical cannabis is prescribed for treating medical conditions like insomnia, glaucoma and headaches but if the marijuana is being used to help with more serious medical conditions like cancer then the company will be concentrating more on cancer rather than the marijuana.
Why You Don't Need to Worry About the New Marijuana Dispensary Next Door «Marijuana legalization opponents like Jeff Sessions may argue that «good people don't smoke marijuana,» but as it turns out, homeowners could have far worse neighbors than marijuana retailers.
Substance use escalates significantly through high school where 68 % of 12th graders have tried alcohol, 46 % marijuana, and 25 % any illicit drug other than marijuana [2], with overall rates of substance use peaking between the ages of 16 and 25 [3 • •].
On average, except in Bolivia, El Salvador and Peru, most people believe tobacco and alcohol are more harmful than marijuana.
The private guards are allowed to detain a person carrying narcotics other than marijuana, and a guard is posted at all common council meetings, including committee meetings and regular business meetings.
Overall, illicit drug use other than marijuana and inhalants, remains the lowest in the history of the survey in all three grades, with 13.3 percent of 12th graders reporting past year use, compared to 9.4 percent of 10th graders and 5.8 percent of eighth graders.
Marijuana abusers were excluded if they had a history of substance abuse or dependence (other than marijuana and nicotine), history of other psychiatric or neurological diseases, medical conditions that might alter cerebral function (i.e., cardiovascular, endocrinological, oncological, autoimmune diseases), current use of prescribed or over-the-counter medications, and / or head trauma with loss of consciousness for more than 30 min.
Use of illicit drugs other than marijuana is at its lowest level in the history of the survey for all three grades.
Lastly, a small University of California, Los Angeles study found that students who attended high - performing charter high schools had higher test scores, were more likely to stay in school and less likely to engage in high - risk behavior including binge drinking, drug use (other than marijuana) and unprotected sex.
She managed a hotel in Pie de la Cuesta, a fishing town six miles west of Acapulco, and she said the kids there wanted this underwear more than marijuana.
Drugs commonly found in Penalty Group 2 are PCP, mescaline, MDMA and tetrahydrocannabinols other than marijuana.
Unfortunately, this prevents employers from testing for drugs other than marijuana (eg.
Cancer is more important to them than marijuana users.
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